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安省并税案影响大 是否会掀起反对浪潮?

发表于 2009-9-21 09:31:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


(本网综述)TD银行公布的报告证明,安省在并税后,消费者的利益将受到很大伤害。有人指出,日后本省可能会和BC省一样,掀起反对并税的浪潮。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2009-9-21
发表于 2009-9-21 11:11:27 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-21 11:17:55 | 只看该作者


The Star: New tax is fair, McGuinty says

13% HST: Liberals plan ad campaign this fall to convince voters controversial reform is needed despite fears of higher prices

Robert Benzie
Queen's Park Bureau Chief

Buoyed by an easy by-election win last week and emboldened by a largely incoherent opposition, the Liberals are aggressively pushing ahead with their controversial harmonized sales tax.

Stepping up efforts to sell the levy, which blends the 8 per cent provincial sales tax with the 5 per cent federal GST as of July 1, Premier Dalton McGuinty's government is framing it as a matter of "tax fairness."

"Ontario cannot afford to fall behind," said Revenue Minister John Wilkinson, who has been criss-crossing Ontario selling the reforms and is planning an advertising blitz later this fall.

"We're still listening to music on an eight-track when the rest of the world has an iPod. We can't attract investment and jobs in the 21st century with a tax system from the 1960s," Wilkinson told the Toronto Board of Trade last week.

Dr. Eric Hoskins' by-election victory Thursday in St. Paul's – a vote opponents billed as an HST referendum – has boosted the Liberals' confidence about a tax that will increase the price of gasoline, home heating fuel, newspapers, fast-food value meals, funerals, legal services and hundreds of other things.

"We learned some lessons from St. Paul's," said a Liberal strategist. "We figured out that trying to sell the tax by itself won't work so we are making it just one piece of a $15 billion reform that is all about tax fairness."

The Liberals are also encouraged because neither Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak nor NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, who oppose the HST, has pledged to repeal it.

"We won't scrap it. I guess my question to you and Mr. Hudak is will you?" chortled Finance Minister Dwight Duncan last week to Tory revenue critic Lisa MacLeod in the House.

"It is the right policy for the times. It is the policy that (former PC premier) Mike Harris has even endorsed ... (federal Finance Minister) Jim Flaherty, a lot of really prominent Conservatives," said Duncan.

Even Horwath, who has found traction with the message that the tax change helps Bay Street on the backs of Main Street by transferring the burden from business to consumers, has been unwilling to pledge to eliminate the HST if she takes power in 2011.

Pouncing upon this weakness in the opposition's argument against the tax, Wilkinson has gone on the attack, accusing the Tories and New Democrats of "trying to spin a myth."

"They are trying to create the impression that our tax reform comes down to nothing more than increased sales tax for many items," the minister said. "That's a myth. The fact is we are proposing to permanently cut income taxes for people and all businesses, both large and small, in 2010," he said, adding the entire package of cuts and rebate cheques is worth $15 billion over three years.

The Liberals also welcomed a TD Economics report Friday that predicted prices could drop by 0.8 per cent to 0.9 per cent, though it found the tax change will cost Ontario households up to $3 billion more a year.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-21 11:26:42 | 只看该作者

GSP/PST并税的结果是安省政府每年会多收几十亿税金. 不管是企业承担多少, 老百姓承担多少, 从政府角度看, 就是变相加税, 增加安省政府税收.

这就是安省省长麦甘迪明知道大部分安省居民不支持GSP/PST并税, 直到现在还在多个场合大力推销GSP/PST并税的动力. 见钱眼开的政客.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-21 14:47:47 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-21 18:10:35 | 只看该作者
GSP/PST并税的结果是安省政府每年会多收几十亿税金. 不管是企业承担多少, 老百姓承担多少, 从政府角度看, 就是变相加税, 增加安省政府税收.

这就是安省省长麦甘迪明知道大部分安省居民不支持GSP/PST并税, 直到现在还在多个场合大力推销GSP/PST并税的动力. 见钱眼开的政客.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-22 08:13:48 | 只看该作者
加拿大就有专职吃自由党这碗饭的所谓侨领, 帮助自由党瞎忽悠什么自由党最好, 对华人亲近. 看看华人产妇在医院生孩子出事故死.了, 哪个自由党议员出来帮助争取这些华人的合法利益了(该选区的自由党议员都不出来帮忙)? 陈旺抓小偷遭到警察的不公平指控, 有哪个自由党议员或自由党团体(包括安省华人自由党团体)出来帮助吗? 没有! 这5000多签名支持陈旺的是普通老百姓, 没叶礼庭, 没麦甘迪! 可是选举拉票的时候这两个人都高喊关心华人社区, 这是什么关心法?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-28 21:54:11 | 只看该作者


加拿大就有专职吃自由党这碗饭的所谓侨领, 帮助自由党瞎忽悠什么自由党最好, 对华人亲近. 看看华人产妇在医院生孩子出事故死.了, 哪个自由党议员出来帮助争取这些华人的合法利益了(该选区的自由党议员都不出来帮忙)? 陈旺抓小偷遭到警察的不公平指控, 有哪个自由党议员或自由党团体(包括安省华人自由党团体)出来帮助吗? 没有! 这5000多签名支持陈旺的是普通老百姓, 没叶礼庭, 没麦甘迪! 可是选举拉票的时候这两个人都高喊关心华人社区, 这是什么关心法?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-29 23:01:49 | 只看该作者



骗子十足无耻, 商家受惠会把利益还给消费者? 有人那么傻吗? 再说商家受惠,加上国民也受惠(TTC也包括?), 岂不是政府要收入减少,要吃亏? 那他政府还猛推亏本的生意? 当老百姓都弱智! 政府根本不是为百姓,只是为既得利益阶层. 选哪个都是狗日的!

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