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亿万富翁是性爱狂 新娘受不了要离婚

发表于 2009-8-3 11:52:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


现年24岁的克里斯汀是位金发碧眼的单身母亲,2007年5月,她竟嫁给了现年85岁的美国亿万富翁乔伊哈迪。对于这对年龄相差60余岁的老少配 ,世人皆说克里斯汀无非是相中了对方的家产。然而新婚仅3个月,刚刚过上锦衣玉食生 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2009-8-3
The author of this article must suffer from the erectile dysfunction,known to Chinese as Yangwei.

The lady divorced her old husband not because her old husband likes to make love, but because he is a bit too old and can do well in the making love.

As you know the old man is very slow in makin love, it takes longer time to finish one circle of making-love.

As for the new husband, he is more active and can erect faster.

The author is this article, Do you often make love to your wife? I think you are suffering from the erectile dysfunction!
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