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发表于 2003-1-16 09:07:14 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


无论是苦读成为专业人士者,还是辛苦打工者,来自中国大陆的移民都可以通过努力而在加拿大取得成功。这是Manifold数据统计公司昨天公布的资料得出的结论。 当大陆移民成为加拿大最大宗的移民来源、社会各界日益注意 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2003-1-16
在加拿大,拥有房产是成功的重要标志。一个人住什么样的房子能反映其具有什么样的经济能力。"? ****!
I am able to buy a house the first day I came to Canada by applying for 60% mortgage and renting most of rooms in that house to pay the mortgage, like most Chinese house owners DO in Canada. But that kind of house is a really "Cage of Bird", 3-4 families crowded in a  30-100 years house. I don't want to be a "cage owner", so I invest my money in the stock market and get profit from the market last year more than buy/rent a house.
Canadian real estate is reaching its top today, like stock in year 2000.

Many "cage owner" are doing $7-10/hour labour job and apply for a loan to pay their first payment, and depend on collecting rent to pay their down payment. Do you say they are successful? LAUGH!

"Manifold 数据统计公司成立於 2001 年 3 月,是目前多伦多地区唯一的以数学方法对数据进行分析的统计公司。公司的业务包括为客户提供数据统计、相关软件及建立资料库方面的服务。公司的两位负责人每甄与姜青山均获有博士学位,其中每甄是德国的应用数学博士,姜青山是日本的数学博士以及加拿大的电脑科学博士。两人也是近几年来加拿大的大陆新移民。
" As "博士" here, you have only two options, (1). to be a professor in a University, (2). to be a general labour because your knowledge is too far away from the real business to be of any use.
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