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走红当今娱乐圈 漂亮混血美人知多少?

发表于 2007-10-28 22:12:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


中葡混血 钟丽缇(中越混血),嘴唇就不象亚洲人。 Maggie Q(美越混血) Rosemary Vandenbrouc 血统:父(法国、俄罗斯混血) 母(中国) 。 Danielle(中马混血) 韩君婷(中意混血) 郑雪儿(中印混血) AMANDA ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-10-28
To whom it may concern,

We are Chinese living in Toronto.

We are a few chinese living in Toronto, or We are some Chinese living in Toronto.   

We got raged after knowing that both Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor General Michaëlle Jean will meet the Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibet government in exile, on Oct 29,2007.

Here in this sentence,"after" is not needed. Just say knowing....   

The event, as it takes place next Monday, would interfere in China's internal affairs based on the fact that Canada accepts the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of the country.

"would interfere in China's internal affairs' Should be "is interefering Chinese internal affairs" At least two errors here   

For this reason, we, a group of Chinese from both Toronto and Ottawa, will protest the official meeting at Parliament Hill in Ottawa at 10am, Oct 29, 2007, and continue our protesting in front of the Residency of the Governor General in the afternoon.

"a group of Chinese" should be "a group of Chinese Canadians"
"rotest" should be "protest against"   

You will be greatly welcomed if you can pay attention to the event and send your correspondents to the scene.

"You will be greatly welcomed if you can pay attention to" should be "You are welcome to pay attention to"   这句话很狗屁不通。简单改改是没有办法的。 我怀疑那帮人受大使馆控制。   

原来如此。傻瓜都知道 马建立 是何许人也。

抗议的和支持抗议的, 我想有两种可能,第一, 你受大使馆,领馆控制,第二,你可能是三八或二百五。

那么马建立 是何许人也, 看到前面的留言后,大家很有数了。你自己 google 一下(选加拿大网页)就很明白了。 我为他悲哀。他来加拿大干吗?


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