I am disgusting some comments to evaluate government performance links to China policy or realationship. It is fundamently wrong. Since we moved to Canada., We are Canadian. Chinese government already deprive our Chinese citizenship. Our welfare in Canada is depending on Canada domestic policy not depending on the policy to China. We should look what the government is doing good for our Chinese Canadian or the whole Canadian. Chinese government is not good government, otherwise, why we moved to Canada
最初由[williamcc]发布 [评论]加执行对华模糊政策 两国关系频吹冷风
Chinese government is not good government, otherwise, why we moved to Canada
否则,你可以问移居美国的加拿大人:Canadian government is not good government, otherwise, why you moved to the states? 你还可以问移居加拿大的美国人:The U.S. government is not good government, otherwise, why you moved to Canada? 这样是不是有些滑稽?