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发表于 2006-8-5 17:53:05 | 显示全部楼层 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


51编辑注:本网昨天晚上收到高航先生的一封来信,信中讲述了团聚移民来加拿大仅8个月、年近60的林太在多伦多一家清洁公司的遭遇。看完信中内容,真难以让人相信在标榜为自由平等国家的加拿大居然发生这样的事情。为 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2006-8-4

今天有这事, 明天有其他事, 华人在加拿大这片土地要生存下去, 要长远规划, 这其实是事关我们大家所有人的事.
首先要关心政治, 参与政治, 就是参与权利, 争政权里的权利.
其次是要有一个真正的组织, 叫什么党也罢, 叫什么会也罢, 这个组织能真正代表我们华人的利益.
我们华人要有自己在加拿大的领袖, 他/她能整合我们华人在加拿大拥有的资源, 资金, 法律, 人才, 领着大家为我们华人在加拿大争利益.
这里许多华人已经渡过了生存关, 手里都有些余钱, 在人才方面更不用说, 懂法的, 有钱的, 做宣传的, 什么人没有? 现在就是没有领袖与政党/组织, 来聚和, 运筹这些资源.
加拿大华人现在需要这个组织和领袖了, 就等什么人登高一呼, 我相信大家都会支持, 只要组织真能代表我们的利益.
陈胜, 吴广今何在, 王侯将相宁有种乎, 我们华人在加拿大需要领袖了, 你要是有政治才华, 还等什么?
顶!这件事情无论是厂方和警察都有严重违法行为。首先看警察在哪种情况下才能把一个人直接送到精神病院,以下LINK可以了解。http://www.ontario.cmha.ca/conte ... erials.asp?cID=3368

In certain circumstances a police officer without a Form 2 (see page 8) may take a person in custody for an examination by a physician. The examination will usually be done at a hospital emergency unit. The purpose of the examination is for the physician to decide whether or not to sign a Form 1 which authorizes the detention and assessment of the person, in hospital, for up to 72 hours (see page 10, By Order of a Physician).

An officer may only exercise this authority if:
the officer has reasonable cause to believe that it would be dangerous to wait for a justice of the peace to sign a Form 2; and
the officer has  reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a person is acting or has acted in a disorderly manner.

(The courts have interpreted this to mean behaviour that is to some extent irrational, although not necessarily unruly. There is no need for the officer to have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that criminal conduct is occurring or has occurred.)

The following two tests must also be met.

The Past/Present Test: The officer must have reasonable cause to believe that the person:
has threatened or is threatening to cause bodily harm to self; or
has attempted or is attempting to cause bodily harm to self; or
has behaved or is behaving violently towards another person; or
has caused or is causing another person to fear bodily harm from him or her; or
has shown or is showing a lack of competence to care for self.

The Future Test: The officer is of the opinion that the person is apparently suffering from a mental disorder that will likely result in:
serious bodily harm to the person; or
serious bodily harm to another person; or
serious physical impairment of the person.

The third ground of "serious physical impairment of the person" is designed to deal with unintentional harm.

Examples of unintentional harm might include wandering in the extreme cold or putting oneself at serious risk for harm at the hands of others or through gross neglect.

If an officer brings a person in custody for an examination, the person may be held long enough for a physician to make an initial examination. If the doctor signs a Form 1, the person can then be detained in a psychiatric facility for up to 72 hours for an assessment.

Depending on the circumstances, the person may also be admitted as a voluntary or informal patient, or may be:
admitted, with his or her consent, as a voluntary patient;
admitted as an informal patient. (Informal admission is only permitted in limited circumstances and requires the consent of the person entitled to make treatment decisions for the person);
released.; or
the subject of a community treatment order.
也就是说,只有一个人被怀疑为精神病并且正在对自己和他人的身体安全形成威胁,或无能力照顾自己的安全如把自己大冬天的暴露在野外,等,警察才可以直接把他送精神病院,否则必须事先从法官那里拿到逮捕令。 一个60来岁的老太怎么看着也不可能对别人形成人身安全威胁,也没有身处危险环境又不自知。警察和厂方凭什么认为她是精神病还对他人形成危险。严重犯法。她可以控告警察和厂方恶意逮捕居留。这事华人社区不依法处理,今后还会有厂方叫警察把华人工人随便就抓起来送精神病院去。咱们的人权就逐渐没有了。
发表于 2006-8-5 23:05:19 | 显示全部楼层
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