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IELTS~~ 雅思写作 国内2月6号 真题 +8分范文 15(国际旅游)

发表于 2021-2-9 18:50:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



202126日 雅思笔试写作真题

话题分类 全球化之国际旅游


Nowadays, it is easier and more affordable for people to visit other countries. Is it a positive or negative development?



Feasible 可实行的
Be concerned that 担心
Broaden one’s horizons 开拓视野

Rituals 宗教仪式
A broader view of life 更广阔的人生观
Draw on 借鉴

Nature reserve 自然保护区
Revenue of the destination country 目的地国家收入
Ethnic groups 种族

Hospitable 热情有好的
Alien 外国的
Vice versa 反之亦然

A long-term point of view 从长远的角度来看
Swarm 蜂拥而至
Be damaging to 有害的
Outweigh 超过


Traveling abroad has become more feasible in recent decades. While some people may be concerned that this trend could bring possible problems, I think it has more advantages to both individuals and nations in general.

For visitors, traveling to different countries can broaden their horizons. In foreign places, people get the chance to know different traditions, rituals, and lifestyles. Therefore, they tend to have more general knowledge and experience of the world, which can help them have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. Besides, journeys to places such as nature reserves are always relaxing and refreshing, which allows people to take a break from the busy life.

Apart from individual benefits, more positive influences can be noted easily. International travel undoubtedly promotes economic development, increasing the income of local residents and adding to the revenue of the destination country. This is the reason why it is encouraged. More importantly, international tourism helps to promote the understanding between different nations and ethnic groups. During their travels in an alien country, tourists may find its people unexpectedly hospitable and vice versa.

From a long-term point of view, some people may be worried that if too many foreign visitors swarmed into a country, it might be damaging to the local environment. This could be true to some extent, but the obvious merits brought by international tourism clearly outweigh its disadvantages. Plus, many countries have already drawn up rules and regulations to minimize the negative impacts on both local residents and their communities.

Overall, I believe that people and nations all benefit from the development of the international tourism industry in this age of globalization.

(277 words)

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