I met lots of midle aged people taking courses in college and I feel sad that they say even they get a job in the early 40, they still have 25 years to work. But what you can do other than doing a labour if you don't go to school.作者: IT_MCSE_250 时间: 2006-1-17 11:45 标题: 深有同感,完全同意作者的观点 人才市场上已到处是身经百战的年轻杀手,一个七老八十的职场新兵如何抵挡?
所以说根本的原因还是经济环境。如果经济活跃了自然就创造出许多就业机会,那时也不会对新移民面试时横挑鼻子竖挑眼(有谁在国内面试时被翻来覆去地折腾过?),进入职场后也不必夹着尾巴做人(明知一些当地人不如自己还得奉着他)作者: 鹿角湖渡假村 时间: 2006-1-17 21:43
从小学读到博士后,一直读书的确不太好,只会做学问、搞理论研究,要到一般公司找个位置还真难! :rolleyes:作者: LuckywithUs 时间: 2006-2-3 23:24
I don't think 机遇只垂青部分有准备的人.
When I was 40, I entered university. When I was 42, I got my Canadian bacholer degree - computer science and three months later I got a IT job. It was 2004.
每一份付出就会有一份收获。但重要的是做你喜欢做的事。只有是你感兴趣的事,你才有可能坚持去做,才永远不会感到boring, 也就一定会有收获。
Good luck, everybody!