正所谓——巾帼不让须眉,妇女能顶半边天! 作者: 唐炜臻 时间: 2016-10-4 07:59
Thank you for this. That is why racial profiling should have been part of your defence. I feel really sad that like Abacus, only you were persecuted.
I told you that your book would make a great story. Then the courts refused to admit fresh evidence which was not opposed by the government. They knew that if they accepted the fresh evidence, you would win your case. Such an injustice. Only way is to write a book. I will see this movie when it comes out in video or if you have it, you can send me a link.作者: 稀泥派 老刘 时间: 2016-10-6 13:35
唐老师要往演艺界发展了, 作者: 人生苦短 时间: 2016-10-6 15:20
记得老唐当年曾讲过,有人要把他1%的传奇搬上银幕的。作者: 稀泥派 老刘 时间: 2016-10-6 18:32