“Lucy Hui Chen, the 41-year-old Montreal woman who hasn’t been seen since February 19, 2016 “
自称是陈慧“闺蜜”的人以“悬赏找她”的名义接受媒体访谈,郭梅(右,据悉为地产经纪包括墓地)对媒体说:“ 她是个热爱生活的人,她对我们来说就象家人一样,我希望她能回来…“:
"For the first two days I couldn’t do anything,” Mei Guo (郭梅:据悉:地产经纪,包括墓地) told CBC News. “I cried. I tried to search for her everywhere I could imagine. I tried to get more people to help.” Why didn’t she go to the police?
Nick Fontanelli, Samantha Higgins’s fiancé, charged with 1st-degree murder 其男友在媒体前痛苦流涕说"I just want her back(我只想她回来)“:
关于陈慧的失踪地点,新闻报道说法不一: 1 家里; 2 Street Paul Pau, 为什么?既然他是晚上11点失踪的,如果排除乘坐公交的可能的话,考虑到她的尸体被发现的地方,她一定是被车载去抛弃的,警方有彻查相关人等的车辆么?据报道,陈慧的身边人“have worked to gather information”, 这不也是串证的好机会么? 高调高额悬赏金、“希望她回来”,难不成已经知道她肯定回不来?!陈慧的“闺蜜”说最后与她联系是18号,她们电话商量第二天(失踪当天)聚会打牌,但又说后来给她发短信要求改时间。既然陈慧的手机被发现留在家里,这会不会是安排用来做某人“不在现场的证明”? 为什么陈慧的男友和其他“身边人”都是在几天之后才报案的?和澳大利亚冷梦梅案的手法高度一致?周边人协同作案,或自知难逃其咎,所以就形成共犯结构,澳大利亚的冷梦梅案如此,陈慧案呢?澳大利亚警方破案迅速,魁北克警方侦破魁北克当地人的同类案件也很迅速,魁北克的华人命案难在哪里?!-网友“要真相”
警方在找到尸体后排除了自杀可能(http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/lucy-hui-chen-body-st-lawrence-1.3577535),并且引用某“闺蜜”的原话:“had ‘already thought of the worst’ after her friend vanished”。说真的,看过采访录像的都看得出来,寄希望于生还的人会说出缅怀的话吗?另外,当初新闻里说陈慧“left her home on foot”,现在看来显然是不实之词,警方没有追问吗?http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/spvm-searching-for-montreal-woman-1.3457802
关于陈慧的失踪,“闺蜜”先是对媒体说“It’s not like her at all,” 完全不像她的做法。然后,“Guo said she last spoke to Chen on the evening of Feb. 18 and they had plans to play cards together the following day. On that Friday, something came up in Guo’s schedule and she sent her best friend two text messages asking if they could get together instead on Saturday.“She never answered me,” Guo said, adding that “everything seemed OK” 当她们在18号“传说中”最后一次电话中商量19号聚会,然后19号给陈慧发了两个短信都没有回“She never answered me,”“闺蜜”却说“everything seemed OK”, 一切都正常。这是什么逻辑?!http://montrealgazette.com/news/loc...and-post-in-search-for-missing-woman-hui-chen
- 律政混混,IForYou, http://yes-justice-seeking.tumblr.com/