对于大多数来到北美的技术新移民来说,Job is a job。是我们得以生存的手段。但对另一些人来说,工作是我们丰富多彩生活的一部分,是迈向成功理想的career。 Career 似乎是对传统意义的专业人员banker, charter accountant, lawyer 和 doctor的专业描述。但当我们也开始用career path的角度来分析我们的工作时, 我们就会考虑 growth, direction, opportunities 和 paths。而绝大多数人会把走向企业管理层作为一个growth的目标。 一个可以帮助我们通往Career这个目标的阶梯就是-----PMP认证。
随着各大公司的不断发展,具有某项目管理能力的人才,成为了各大公司追逐的目标,这也说明了项目管理专家认证已经渐渐成为了继MBA、MPA等国际认证后又一个“王牌”认证,而且在应用方面,项目管理专家认证远远要超过MBA、MPA等,项目管理已在国际航天、电子、通讯、计算机、软件开发、建筑、制药、金融等行业甚至政府机关内广泛应用。许多世界上著名的大公司如IBM, HP, Big 5, 摩托罗拉、朗讯、摩根.斯坦利、乃至白宫、美国能源部和世界银行都采用项目管理的模式运作,并要求无论是为了公司业务的壮大还是为了个人职业的发展,有关项目管理人员应当拥有PMP证书。PMP认证目前已被全球许多国家及项目管理界人士所认可。通过认证的专业人员也由20世纪80年代的几十名发展到目前的4万多名,遍布欧洲、北美、大洋州以及亚洲的韩国、日本、新加坡和中国。尤其是在欧美,PMP更是具有超越MBA的趋势。
----- Original Message -----
From: Feng
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:10 PM
Subject: [PMPfornewconcept] Test done before happy summer break!
Hi folks,
Just passed the test a few hours ago. It was much easier than I had anticipated, here are some of my thoughts,
1. The three books we had (PMBOK, Rita's prep book, and Kim's study guide) were more than enough to help us passing the test. The PMBOK is the bible and I can't enjoy reading it more, the book by Rita is very helpful and provided necessary additional knowledge, Kim's study guide is organized in another very logical way and is very worthwhile to review it.
2. The Bay 3000 and PMIQ materials are quite instructive and worth trying, however, some of them are way off the real test topic, I would recommend spending more time on the above three books rather than digging the depths of these two learning materials.
3. I would like to thank Jeff, Thomas and Maria for your collective works, I thank you for the the opportunities your guys provided for this community and for those who will come forward in the near coming future.
I know that there are at least another three folks who have scheduled the test in this month, Good luck to all!
Best Regards,
Royal College of Technology Canada(新概念电脑培训中心)
政府EI 申请首选学校,安省注册编号:0292。