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安省8.2%住所氡气偏高 测量有助保值

发表于 2015-11-26 13:33:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


加拿大卫生部建议所有国民为房屋进行氡气检查﹐所涉的成本不多﹐既可以减轻患肺癌的机会﹐也能够保障物业的价值﹐以及方便房屋出售或出租。 据业主氡气指南﹐人们日益关注氡气的危害﹐也许买屋或租屋合约会加入有关 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2015-1-17

关于氡气是如何产生的,以及它的危害,可查阅系列文章http://proenbiotest.ca/xiangguanwenzhang.php。 大家也可以Google 搜索一下,网上有很多这方面的资讯。


联邦卫生部网站上说(http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/radiation/radon/testing-analyse-eng.php ),居民可以让专业人员上门检测氡气或自己做检测。



1, 到店里买。The Home Depot 有卖。 $13.99+TAX (这是在2015-11-25查到的价格),便宜。但请注意,您付这么点钱还无法知道家里的氡气数值。需要把探测器寄回实验室,同时再寄上检测费,才能得到报告。至于检测费用,2013年的检测费是 $30.00。 所以总的费用是,$13.99+13.99*0.13+30.00+邮寄费,50多刀吧。
2, 网购。大家可以上这个网站:http://www.radiationsafety.ca/community/home-radon-testing, 网上付$ 55.00+TAX, 即 $62.15 ( 这是在2015-11-25查到的价格),他们就把探测器寄给你。检测完后,再寄回去,然后他们再把报告EMAIL给你。所以总的费用是,$62.15+邮寄费,70 多刀吧。
3, 不用邮寄得结果
先说明一下,上面两条途径得到的设备是不一样的。 东西不一样,价钱也有差别。


ProEnBioTest Inc. 服务于多伦多及周边地区,工作人员是联邦卫生部认可的氡气检测专业人员。 打电话与我们见面(416-818-3930),然后得到和第二条途径一样的探测器,检测完后交到我们手上,48小时内EMAIL结果。所有费用是$50.00+TAX,即$56.50.

关于氡气检测的费用,联邦卫生部网站上也有说明,$50 to $100 (这是在2015-11-25 查到的信息)。政府呼吁居民检测家中氡气浓度,费用也不高,让大家都做得起。
发表于 2015-1-17 19:43:53 | 只看该作者

安省8.2%住所氡气偏高 测量有助保值

本帖最后由 joyjoyjoyjoy 于 2015-1-17 20:18 编辑


How to Test for Radon?


Radon testing is relatively simple and inexpensive. Radon test devices canbe purchased by phone or over the internet and are available at some homeimprovement retailers across Canada. For more information on do- it-yourselfradon test kits contact Health Canada's Radiation Protection Bureau at [email protected]or 613-946-6384.

You can also hire a certified radon measurement professional to come andtest your home. Health Canada recognizes the Canadian certification program, http://file:///C:\\DOCUME~1\\ADMINI~1\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\msohtmlclip1\\01\\clip_image001.gif http://www.c-nrpp.ca/CanadianNational Radon Proficiency Program[/url] (C-NRPP) 1-855-722-6777.Lists of certified Canadian measurement and mitigation professionals areavailable through the http://file:///C:\\DOCUME~1\\ADMINI~1\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\msohtmlclip1\\01\\clip_image001.gif http://www.c-nrpp.ca/CanadianNational Radon Proficiency Program[/url].


The most popular long term radon detectors are the electret ion chamberand the alpha track detector. These devices areexposed to the air in a home for a specified period of time, and then sent to alaboratory for analysis. Radon is measured in units called"becquerels per cubic meter" (Bq/m?). It is not uncommon to see radonlevels in a house change by a factor of two to three or more over a one-dayperiod. Seasonal variations can be even more dramatic with the highest levelsusually experienced during the fall and winter months when air circulation andventilation is decreased. Since the radon concentration inside a home varies overtime, measurements gathered over a longer period of time are generallyconsidered to give a more accurate picture of the radon exposure. Health Canadarecommends that homes be tested for a minimum of three months, ideally duringthe winter months as the radon concentrations are usually representative atthis time.

When conducting the radon test yourself observe the manufacturer'sinstructions and the guidelines below when placing a radon detector in yourhome:


  • Make the     measurement in the lowest lived-in area of your home. By lived-in     we mean; where you or a member of your family spends more than 4 hours per     day in that area.
  • Avoid taking     measurements in the kitchen. The exhaust fan as well as humidity and     airborne particles from cooking may affect the accuracy of some types of     radon detectors. Also, avoid bathrooms since relatively little time is     spent in this room.
  • Place the     detector where it will not be disturbed during the measurement period but     avoid small enclosed areas, such as a cupboard or closet.
  • Do not place     the detector close to an outside wall or near a sump or floor drain.
  • Avoid     locating the detector in drafts from heating or air conditioning vents,     near windows or doors, or sources of heat, such as stoves, fireplaces or     strong sunlight.
  • Place the     detector a minimum of 50cm from any floor, wall or ceiling and more than     20cm from other objects.

Health Canada has developed standard protocols for radon http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/radiation/radon_homes-maisons/index-eng.phptesting in homes[/url], http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/radiation/radon_building-edifices/index-eng.phpschools and other large buildings[/url]. Theseprotocols provide detailed instructions and guidance to radon testing companiesand homeowners on how to perform a radon test. Health Canada recommends thathomes be tested for a minimum of three months, ideally in the fall / wintertimeframe. The cost of radon testing is approximately$50 to $100.

As part of the National Radon Program, Health Canada has completed a http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/radiation/survey-sondage/index-eng.phpCross-Canada residential radon survey[/url] in aneffort to gain a better understanding of radon concentrations in homes acrossCanada.


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发表于 2015-1-17 11:03:31 | 只看该作者

安省8.2%住所氡气偏高 测量有助保值


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