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发表于 2014-4-9 08:18:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


ak25 于 2014-4-7 16:18:11 发布在 凯迪社区> 猫眼看人

[size=1.35em]    作为一个中国人,一个熟练掌握了汉字的人,我对于汉字有一种天然的亲切感,但是作为一个对于逻辑学和语言学有所了解的人,我的理性使我对于这种文字的危害深感担忧。如果不普及语言学的基本知识,这种文字类型的伤害将很难被人发现,本文就是来对其做一个解析:







    有一个英文单词叫  chiral  在词典中翻译为“手性、手征、手征性” ,其英文含义是:遍布于整个人类和整个宇宙的一种性质和特征,我们每天甚至每时每刻都在接触的一种性质。但汉语的词典里的解释是:“手征性即为手性。指一种化学物质同时具有两种不同的分子结构,两种分子结构互为镜像对映体,彼此间的关系就像人的左、右手。手征性是分子产生旋光性的必要条件,是生物系统基本特征之一。” 为什么中国人的理解会离英文原文的意思很远呢?因为“手”、“征”、“性”在汉字体系中是完整的含义单位,“手”身体部位,“性”性质,“征”特征,这在汉语里应该是不会有争议的,所以“手性”很难成为一个新的基础概念,而只能是“手”和“性”等旧字根含义的延伸,自然会造成歧义。

    但英文的chiral这个单词,它如果拆解成chi  ral 两个部分则在英文中都没有完整的意思,所以chiral是一个新词,可以重新定义,也可以成为一个新概念谱系的基础,而不会陷入到character,rally两个完整含义的谱系之中。这就是我说的“汉字的不可分析性断绝了建构新概念谱系的可能性”,汉字只能在诸如 armchair 这种"组词"的层面进行概念建构(即arm和chair保持了完整的含义,新词只是在这两个概念的基础上进行延展),而不可能进行chiral这种层面(破碎了原有字根的完整含义,创建了全新含义的字根)的新概念体系的建构。以汉字为基本单位的组词,永远是在古老含义上延展的概念体系,这是中国人不断回归<易经><商鞅书>等原始观念的原因。

    汉字的不可分的特点,导致了中国人的文化进程永远呈现出"回归古文时代"的倾向,这正是汉字这种"堡垒"文字的必然结果。汉字这种无比坚固的文字,看起来"帮助"了 中国人轻松的理解一切的新事物,其实是将所有的新事物转化为了旧事物来理解的。汉字的拥趸自豪的说道,"汉字的信息传递效率非常高,只要学会三千汉字就可以阅读绝大部分现代科学文章"这个结论解释了为什么汉字会导致中国人停滞不前。这意味着中国人在阅读 当代最先进的科学文献时,他依靠的依然是五千年前那个巫术时代的含义;不管多么新的概念谱系,都会被汉字还原成最原始的古老信息。


发表于 2014-4-12 21:18:08 | 只看该作者
parents' brother,这有问题吗?
酒中仙 发表于 2014-4-10 23:27


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-12 20:21:21 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-12 15:45:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 骑马海 于 2014-4-12 16:49 编辑
其实我也并没有想清楚。只是觉得有道理,而且观点鲜明,振聋发聩,引起思考探讨就好。酒中仙 发表于 2014-4-9 13:47





使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-12 15:06:45 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-12 12:33:56 | 只看该作者
    说起来可能有点乱,不过 思考 这种事,就是自然反应那样的。
11033324 发表于 2014-4-11 23:00

年龄小过来有优越性啊!我从大学就开始学英语,到加拿大也有30年了,可是自己觉得还是得中文思维,多了两次转译,这样速度就慢 了半拍,看很多电影都有困难,特别是西部片。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 22:22:19 | 只看该作者
I did not see , so can not find the way out ." Lame , said: . " I can lay in the forest for a long time , because stand , unable to go out ." when they sat talking, lame suddenly cried aloud , and said : . " you put me back in the shoulder , I tell you where to go way , together we will be able to get out of the forest ."
In fact, most people are still not able to get out of the forest , because their instinct though sound , but because the virus affected thinking , just like the lame bad eyesight has been affected, so in the end did not find the way .
So who first produced in the evolutionary process of thinking what genes do ? They and human survival instinct , what does it matter ?
Thinking people first gene produced three categories: The first category is the difference between thinking the universe is full of all genes . Regardless of what we talk about things , you must first use the concept , the concept is artificially produced by thinking genes.
For example , "Earth" is a difference between thinking genes. Because we use the " Earth " concept is to take it to other things in the universe, the phase difference. Therefore, we use the concept of genes are differences in thinking , which is a prerequisite for any thinking activity . Genetic differences influence thinking on human thinking activity is great .
This is why a variety of goods must be associated with the image of the scene , the concept , which is "Coca-Cola"
Signs everywhere reason.
The second category is a way of thinking it is human genes lessons learned in the process of behavior . When it comes to certain scenes, what actions need to be taken in order to achieve the desired result , namely a causal relationship to judge things . In the early environment of human existence , the kind of thinking is useful genes , determine under what circumstances it should make every effort to overcome the prey , and under what circumstances should escape. Such thinking instinct always affect people 's behavior.
The world changes rapidly, countermeasures genes are not immutable thinking . When thinking of people affected by the virus, such countermeasures way of thinking will be affected , it will make people stubbornly believe that certain behavior is bound to produce a certain result . For example , some people still believe that a steady stream of chain letters will bring their own wealth .
The third type of thinking is linked gene that can two or more genes linked to thinking . When certain things that people think of when thinking to another thing . This kind of thinking activity is instinctive , unconscious. Some of these genes are naturally occurring , such as red will make people think of the danger , green life and make people think of the ocean, which is naturally produced in the human evolutionary process . Advertisers influence of this thinking is the use of contact -type gene on the human mind , to some unrelated things linked affect human behavior so as to achieve the purpose . They sell the product itself may not be attractive, but the things associated with the abnormal perception of human attraction . If you see will think of Marlboro cowboy , see the " 555"
Will think of the speeding car, and so on .
People can not absorb all the energy and sense organs of information , can only absorb part of what information can be absorbed , what information will be filtered out by the subconscious ( ie instinctive thinking ) decisions, and these instincts will be thinking thinking viral effects .

Three Thinking virus - human instinct and thinking virus

Can resist the invasion of armies , but was unable to resist the invasion of ideas
                               - Victor Hugo
In human evolution, in order to better survive and bottom-up and reproduction , the human brain also will evolve, and thus a human instinct . Due to the evolution of the human brain is basically largely completed in a few million years ago , so the behavior of people also left many traces of instinct . In contrast, the evolution of the human mind is much faster , so the result is not the instinct of human behavior most , but the result of thinking. But because the virus affected people's thinking , so eventually the behavior and human survival needs , life goals are likely to far .
Culture is the most popular and the most popular part of the most easily spread and concepts are inseparable, the most likely to spread this idea is not the best , but it contains the gene is thought most likely to be accepted . Therefore, some not very good idea to spread.
Why do some thinking genes can spread rapidly , while others are not?
Let us return to the starting point of human thinking activity , namely how to survive and thrive in prehistoric conditions , how different from fighting with the harsh environment , avoiding disaster and danger, find food and find mates .
In the human mind evolved to conscious thought before , in order to meet the above four instinctive need , the brain has evolved produced by a certain mechanism. Mechanism and some mechanisms of these animals is similar to human . In the course of human evolution , DNA replication was a continuation of survival mechanism , which is instinct.
In the course of evolution , humans in order to survive in the harsh environment to survive , it will produce correspondingly less primitive instinct of thinking , they survive and thrive in prehistoric times is crucial :
A crisis of thinking : the rapid spread fear increased vigilance against dangerous people , thus increasing the chances of survival of people , this kind of thinking combined with differences in gene and the gene for the human mind has a greater survival value . This is Bill ? Gates famously said , " Microsoft is only 12 months away from bankruptcy ," explained Microsoft not only does not go bankrupt , but more powerful.
2 , mission thinking : In early human living conditions extremely difficult , those against a common enemy , the establishment of a common shelter , find food from survival ideology gradually become a fundamental need to develop a sense of mission . It is also important to the human race proved continuity.
3 , the problem of thinking : the ability to find problems - such as lack of food, identify potential competitors - is an important condition for the survival of the human race .
4, the danger of thinking : the survival of mankind , the value of knowledge about the potentially dangerous than non- knowledge about the real danger greater. As is often where the beast appeared , which bears the risk of natural phenomena and so on.
5 Opportunities thinking : an interest - such as food, prey or potential mates - appeared, must act , must not lose time.
Because these ways of thinking is instinctive human brain evolution produced , but in millions of years, the human brain does not change , so until today, these instinctive way of thinking still exists. Any cultures and subcultures are concerned they face a crisis , mission , issues, risks and opportunities , however , the nature of these problems , they have their different views.
As long as we are open every day the TV, read the newspaper , we will find the most popular programs , the report is all about the disaster , violence, sex , lots of books and movies are all about various diseases , various media are talking about a variety of political crisis. It's all instinct and human thinking are closely related .

Four thinking virus - the virus of human consciousness and thinking

In the evolutionary process, the exchange of information , the stronger the ability of animals , the more chances of survival and reproduction of its own. This exchange of information and the ability to replicate in the evolution of human culture and knowledge plays a crucial role. If we can not copy someone else 's idea of thinking , then we can only limited knowledge of our personal life experiences . Produce language makes evolutionary thinking has been explosive growth has also led to a revolutionary breakthrough in human communication , resulting in a large number of new concepts , people 's ability to understand the world from the perspective of differences stronger, and the different things link , which appears in the thinking of the common peer . Therefore, continuous improvement of people 's communication, it greatly improves the person's ability to survive.
With people thinking further evolution of primitive instincts , conscious thought arises. Consciousness is the difference between man and animals , compared with the instinct of thinking , it can also help to create opportunities for people to survive and multiply .
An awareness so that people can better carry out exchanges and cooperation, so as to make it easier to find food and to defend itself . It found that, compared with the individual have a chance of survival , the team has more chance of survival.
2 , consciousness can better plan for the future.
3 , consciousness has the ability to solve problems , and therefore better able to find food and mates.
4 , further expansion of consciousness , people began to be more comprehensive knowledge about the world.
Therefore, a further evolution of the human mind from the beginning instinctive thinking , resulting in a higher level of awareness of these ideas, these conscious thought itself not only conducive to human survival and reproduction , but also help instinctively thought to play a beneficial role :
1 , a sense of belonging : in order to survive and thrive , humanity must gregarious . Because it is more secure, more economical. Therefore, this gene can make people a sense of belonging thinking more likely to be accepted .
2 , highlighting the self : This is the power of human innovation and creativity , enabling people to gain an advantage in meeting their needs . For example , the outstanding elements of early humans in terms of access to food and mates can take advantage. So for humans, who can produce any special feeling or thinking prominent genes have great appeal.
3 , similar care : Because there are many similarities between the human individual , and therefore the fate of mankind will have concerns similar impulse .
4 , to get the nod : I hope someone else for their actions agreed. In the stage of human society , if a person reaches the role played by their own needs , you will get the respect of society . And those who do not follow the rules of society to act is limited by the opposite treatment. Successful use of genes willingness thinking people want to get the nod .
5 , obedience to authority : obedience to authority makes it easier to survive , and rebellion against authority may make people encounter adversity.
These are all conscious thought on the basis of instinctive thinking evolved , also called secondary instinctive thinking , they sometimes also with a characteristic instinct of thinking , people will have strong feelings. Therefore, the virus is often thought of these people by stimulating the thinking person's emotional instincts inspire and resonate , so people thought to be affected by the virus .
Discussed above human thinking and human survival instincts have a direct relationship , but further evolution of thinking also produced a number of additional genes thinking , thinking these genes although there is no direct relationship with the people 's survival, but they spread very meaningful , but also has a huge
impact on people's thinking

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 22:21:21 | 只看该作者
One thought virus - what a virus is ?

Section biological viruses , computer viruses and virus thinking
In billions of years ago , a new organism has evolved on Earth. This organism has unusual characteristics , which can invade every organism 's reproductive system, reproductive system, and to use this self- replication. Such organisms are called viruses.
Currently known viruses in nature , there are three .
The first is mentioned in the earliest emergence on Earth , called biological virus, which usually occur in humans , plants and animals . There are numerous kinds of biological viruses on earth , and every kind of biological virus will replicate the endless number of viruses.
These viruses are the root causes of many diseases and incurable human nowadays a lot of deadly diseases such as the common cold , deadly AIDS. These scary biological viruses in that they are continuing to evolve , so that the battle against the virus in humans process is always at a disadvantage . This situation in real life and fiction films have repeated, for example , in an American movie is very vivid description of the human victory over the Ebola virus that people today thrilling scene.
The second type is known in nature viruses exist in the computer, network , data and program these artificial systems. Such viruses are not naturally occurring , but are artificially manufactured. They cause people to these unpredictable destructive system has become the government , businesses, schools , military , financial, and even PC users number one enemy. Its fast rate of evolution of humanity equally overwhelmed . Like biological viruses and defeat , to overcome this virus is very difficult, so the anti-virus industry in the ascendant , but after reading the computer program than the interpretation of DNA is much easier. Due to computer speed , good communication performance and huge storage capacity so that the computer be targeted virus theory.
The third virus -like virus is thought to be a detailed discussion of the book , that thinking, cultural and ideological viruses. Thinking both naturally occurring virus , it was made ??in bad faith .
Section characteristics of the virus
Comes to any kind of virus replication must be talking about this concept , viral replication is the most fundamental features . The reason is to be taken seriously because of self-replicating virus is the most powerful force in the universe . There is one, will produce two , four , eight , thirty -two, sixty-four ...... because the virus is growing exponentially .
Biological virus , the replication mechanism is an important feature of this cell . Under normal circumstances, this mechanism is used to generate replication protein , nucleic acid replication and replication of the cells themselves . When the virus invades cells, replication mechanism of normal function is lost , instead being used to replicate the virus.
As long as there is replication mechanisms exist, it may have the virus.
Computer viruses also make use of the computer program instructions and data replication capabilities to spread and survival. So the computer is bound to become a target of the virus.
Replication mechanism itself does not have the ability to permit the screening are required letter copied
Interest rates , and the virus just use that. The organism , the copy instruction replication mechanism to produce the desired control of cell proteins , and these proteins and thus control a variety of chemical reactions that normal cell growth . The use of this command viral replication after the issue is to produce more viruses , and all manner of other organisms to infect . This instruction viral replication is very important, without which the virus will die.
Computer virus replication same. First, the virus writers to insert the virus code to other computer programs of others . Once the computer is running , they have been infected with the virus . By the same way ,
They would in turn transmit the virus to other computers.
We know that virus is scary , because it has the ability to infect , can be copied and issued a directive , in particular its ability to communicate is very powerful. Virus , once produced, will be independent of the continuation of their lives , and further spread to the outside world and is not the manufacturer of the control virus. Using cell biological virus replication capabilities for effective dissemination of computer hackers use the copy function of the computer virus spreading .
The replication of human thinking in terms of information and to obey commands even more than the biological cells and computers. Therefore, thinking it an ideal carrier of infection. Because humans are good at absorbing new ideas and new information, so the virus is more easily penetrated , while the exchange of information between people increasingly easy , thinking it easier to viral replication. Once we were thinking of a viral infection, it will issue instructions to our thinking and affect our behavior , when this new behavior affects others , the virus will be spread. Thinking virus become part of the cultural impact on people's thinking , change people's way of thinking and behavior, from fashion to extreme religious groups are thinking there are various forms of the virus , in order to distinguish between natural and man-made virus thinking thinking viruses, we call the former cultural virus, that the latter is a malicious virus . Natural virus apparently thinking person's unconscious mind activity under conditions arise spontaneously , but the virus is a malicious thinking carefully manufactured by the people , by the spread in the population , infection, thus changing the way people think in order to achieve their own purposes.
Malicious viruses and viral cultures also affect human pursuit of happiness target a devastating effect . Although both viruses originated from said there is a difference , but one thing is the same, that is, there would be distracting , not conducive to the happiness of mankind itself , instead of thinking virus services.
Compared thinking viruses and biological viruses and computer virus is invisible ( biological viruses can see under the microscope , a computer virus is a program secret is tangible ) . Thinking is not like a cold virus to spread through sneezing , nor as to spread AIDS through sex , it 's also invisible pathways of communication , so the impact on people 's thinking virus , everywhere. It is with biological viruses and computer viruses, virus obviously thinking people suffer the consequences like biological viruses and computer viruses that can cause infection does not occur in the future , so you want to overcome the impact of human thinking the virus more difficult. And any information exchange - television, radio , newspapers, popular music , advertising, education, religion, and even conversations between friends - are likely to become infected with the virus way.
Why Pepsi spend billions of dollars annually for television advertising to people explain their products can bring some good "feel ", and this feeling is really people living in the most need? Why those bizarre stories without will become a " Tales ", and the protagonist of these stories become a hero ? Why would seem various chain letters continue to spread throughout the world ? Thinking virus !

Thinking virus two - thinking and thinking gene

Thinking activity is to absorb the information , organize and make the process of judgment , and therefore occupies a central position in the information thinking activities. So what is the smallest unit of information is it ? We know that the smallest unit of genetic information is the gene . So we thought gene is defined as the smallest unit of information , which in the genetics of many genes in common . Biological evolution and genetic evolution is closely related to the evolution and evolution of the human mind thinking is closely related genes . The relationship between genes and biological viruses and biological viruses thinking and thinking genes have many similarities. Normal cells , is the basis of gene -based organisms , normal thinking , correct thinking is also thinking genes. The difference between normal and viral organisms with normal thinking and thinking of the relationship is the same virus . To understand the mechanism of the virus must be genetic (DNA) to study the virus , the virus to thoroughly understand the thinking , thinking it must be studied genes.
Whether an idea can infect people , is not whether this idea itself is easy to be accepted , but this idea of thinking genes contained in the ease spread. Because some people are not thinking of the whole receiver down, but this idea is received by the receiving center of this idea of thinking genes.
For example , thinking quickly spread Nazi Germany during Hitler , the Nazis because there is this kind of thinking viruses easy to spread the genes of thinking , can successfully infect humans , but only Nazi ideology in itself, no matter what angle you look at , is not a "good ideas " but a morbid thought virus , once people infected by the virus this way of thinking , it will be widely disseminated and make heinous atrocities.
Therefore , thinking is the use of viruses to infect the human gene thinking . These thoughts would turn genes influence human behavior , change people's way of thinking and behavior and to the continuation and spread of the virus thinking .
Therefore, in order to understand the depth of people 's thinking activities , thinking the virus , it must be further study of the thinking genes.
Way of thinking spread of genes may be direct , it can be indirect. In a crowded theater such as yelling " fire " and the spread of this form of the gene is thinking very direct . However, another aspect of the spread of genes thought may be indirect. If a child's mother could not crack even with the laissez-faire attitude to discipline her children because she could under the harsh discipline to grow his mother , and there have been a painful experience , and when her children grow up and have their own when child discipline methods may be used with her mother on the contrary, is very tough, because in her mother -faire parenting style of her own experience may also not happy. Therefore, this harsh discipline methods on the child's thinking genes to indirectly spread.
Thus , the gene may be thinking in a very clear , direct way communication, but also possibly through a complex causal relationship with almost random, chaotic way of communication, but these almost random , chaotic conditions there is a causal relationship between stable .
In fact people's thinking is the result of human evolution . This evolution includes two aspects : one is human , biological evolution of genomic DNA , the second is the evolution of human thinking. So people's behavior by these two aspects of the evolution of the outcome . Biological process of human DNA evolution is quite lengthy , but in millions of years , small changes in the human brain , which can be found strong evidence from archaeological discoveries . However , people's thinking has evolved much faster , especially with the development of information technology, the revolutionary people's thinking evolved faster.
Biological evolution of the human DNA to influence human behavior in the evolutionary process gives rise to a certain instinct, early humans , to survive and thrive is very important. Under such adverse conditions evade danger , find food ; overcome prey under favorable conditions , to find spouses . As the human biological DNA evolution is slow, these instincts in people who also behaved very clear that these contribute to human survival instinct prehistoric times , has been completely suited to the human environment are now. It can be said of modern survival instinct not as effective animal survival instincts .
In addition to human behavior affected by instinct , but also affected by consciousness , consciousness is the result of evolutionary thinking , but man's conscious thinking mind most vulnerable to viral infection. Relationship human instinct and consciousness can be an interesting story to illustrate: a blind man lost in the forest, was something tripped . His fumble on the forest floor , found himself in a lame side. The blind and the lame to start a conversation , each lamenting their fate. The blind man said : "I've been wandering in the forest for a long time , and behavior :

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 22:19:00 | 只看该作者
思维病毒之一 —— 病毒是什么?

第一节 生物病毒、计算机病毒以及思维病毒
第三类病毒   就是本书要详细讨论的思维病毒,即思维、文化和思想中的病毒。思维病毒既有自然产生的,也有人为恶意制造的。
第二节 病毒的特征
计算机病毒 也是利用了计算机对程序、指令和数据的复制功能来传播和生存的。因此计算机也必然成为病毒的攻击目标。

思维病毒之二 —— 思维与思维基因

这就是各种商品都必须与形象、场景、概念相联系的原因,这就是 “Coca—Cola”

思维病毒之三 —— 人的本能意识与思维病毒


思维病毒之四 —— 人的意识与思维病毒


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 22:15:34 | 只看该作者

但就拿原帖中的chiral来说吧,这个词源于希腊语χειρ (kheir) ,意思是手(来自wikipedia)。就像中文“手性”是由“手”和“性”组成一样,这个词由kheir(手),改一改以符合英文发音,再加个al(形容词)拼凑而成。英文中的新词也不是凭空冒出来的,要么直接拿英文单词,要么拿greek,latin 之类的源词再改一改来造新词,


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 22:00:50 | 只看该作者
酒中仙 发表于 2014-4-10 23:24 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    说起来可能有点乱,不过 思考 这种事,就是自然反应那样的。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 08:29:41 | 只看该作者

There are many geese.

意思是說有許多雁, 还是有許多鵝?

你教洋人認識 "魚"字, 然後寫出 "三文魚', "吞拿魚", 那洋人起碼也知道是魚。

試找个只認識fish的華人, 給他看salmon, 和 tuna , 問他知不知道是什麼東西?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 08:21:48 | 只看该作者
当然有問題啦, 究竟是那一个parent's brother?是elder,还是younger?

这話要準確繙譯成中文, 是: 他是我的伯父/叔父/舅父/姑丈/ 姨丈。

用中文講, 關係一清二楚, 用英文講, 猶如雲山雾罩。

"汉字会导致思维的病毒化", 真不知从何說起。
费事傾 发表于 2014-4-11 09:18


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-11 08:18:39 | 只看该作者
parents' brother,这有问题吗?
酒中仙 发表于 2014-4-10 23:27

当然有問題啦, 究竟是那一个parent's brother?是elder,还是younger?

这話要準確繙譯成中文, 是: 他是我的伯父/叔父/舅父/姑丈/ 姨丈。

用中文講, 關係一清二楚, 用英文講, 猶如雲山雾罩。

"汉字会导致思维的病毒化", 真不知从何說起。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-4-10 23:34:45 | 只看该作者
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Pizza Cravings and Credit Cards

It's tempting to get a credit card when you're pressured almost daily to apply for one. However, credit card companies don't give you the entire picture when they're trying to get your business.

Do you know the real cost of items purchased on a credit card? Watch this short video to find out.

Credit Card Skills Builder
Credit Card Skills Builder*

Are you card smart?

Go on a virtual shopping spree with the interactive Credit Card Skills Builder to learn how credit cards work. The interactive resource also features a credit card glossary and demonstrates how long it will take to pay off a credit card bill by only making monthly minimum payments.

Reading a Credit Card Statement
Reading a Credit Card Statement*

Credit card statements are notoriously difficult to understand. They are filled with strange terms, numbers, and percentages that can add up to hefty fees, penalties and rising interest rates that even the most experienced credit card user might not understand.

AIE's interactive credit card statement explains the terms commonly included on a real statement.

Credit Card Debt - A Student's Story
Credit Card Debt - A Student's Story

It's easy to develop bad spending habits in college when you use a credit card for purchases. In this video, a college graduate explains how living like a professional and accumulating debt while in college forced her to live like a student when she got out.

Watch the video to hear her story

Interactive Credit Report
Interactive Credit Report

Your credit report is basically your financial report card. It provides a record of your borrowing and money-management history, and is used to calculate your credit score. Lenders refer to your credit report to determine if you are a good credit risk for approving a loan.

Use the Interactive Credit Report to learn about the information included in a credit report.

To learn more about avoiding credit card debt, visit the links below:
?Credit Card Repayment Table ?Use this chart to compare how long it will take to pay off a credit card by making monthly minimum payments vs. paying 10% a month.

?Credit Card Terminology ?It's important to be familiar with all of the terms used in credit card offers and statements to avoid getting deep into credit card debt. Here's a list of commonly used credit card terms with their definitions.

?Credit Card Suggestions ?For an increasing number of students, credit cards are a necessary accessory. It is important to follow certain guidelines to be responsible credit card users.

?Credit Reports  ?Just like a resume or report card, a credit report is used to gauge an individual's financial performance.

?Credit Scores ?A credit score is an individual's financial performance grade and is mostly based off of your credit report.

Did you know?
?Most college students get their first credit card by the fall of their freshman year.
?More than 80 percent of college students have at least one credit card.
?College freshmen who have credit cards tend to double their debt by their senior year.

Get Adobe Flash Player *Credit Card Skills Builder and Reading a Credit Card Statement require the Flash Player. If you do not have Flash Player on your computer, you can get it for free from Adobe.

Here are other documents located on AIE.org that you may be interested in: ?Read a Credit Report
?Understand Credit Reports

Credit Scores and Reports

?Managing Credit and Debt
?Understand Credit Reports
?Read a Credit Report
?Understand the Basics of Credit Scores

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