"Getting through all three levels of the CFA is a great achievement…. I don't hear from any of the business people I work with that it's lost any of its luster." “通过(CFA)全部三级的考试是重大的成就。我没有听到过任何与我共事过的商业友人对此有任何质疑。” --Barbara Smith, head of campus recruiting in North America for JPMorgan Chase. --Barbara Smith 世界著名投行摩根大通校园招聘负责人
"中国是一个巨大的市场,其潜力更是难以估量。随着中国对外资银行的进一步开放,要拓展在中国的业务,我们需要既具备相当的金融专业知识又了解本土市场的人才。拥有CFA特许资格认证的中国人才就是很好的选择,故我们在招聘的时候会优先考虑。" --王栋 世界著名金融机构汇丰晋信基金管理有限公司财务总监
If a young person comes to me with a CFA charter or partly through-especially if they're funding it themselves - it really shows a level of a passion and commitment to investing and in themselves," he says. "That is certainly something that you take on board. By doing something like the CFA Program, which is done after-hours and using your own initiative, it's another sign of differentiating yourself amongst the pack." 如果一个CFA持证的或仅仅考过一部分的年轻人来找我,尤其是那些自费学习CFA的人,这的确显示了他们对于投资行业和自身发展的激情与承诺。你当然会被打动。做一些事情,类似自发地参加CFA的长时间的学习,这是你与众不同的另一个标志。 --Andrew Cooke, CFA chief investment officer at Goldman Sachs 高盛首席投资总裁
CFA资格是国际通行的、最具权威的金融分析领域的行业标准。 --原北京大学光华管理学院院长厉以宁教授
a partner in the asset management and wealth management practice at CTPartners, the worldwide executive search firm formerly known as Christian $ Timbers. --资产及财富 |