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匿名  发表于 2001-12-3 16:21:08 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
15. He carries a torch for her. 这多半是指一厢情愿的爱或是自我多情的男女间感情。 (one-way love) (不过在  torch 後面要有  
「 for someone 」 ) 如果他的女友遗弃他,但他仍然还爱她,就可以说:  

He still carries a torch for his ex-girlfriend. 她仍然在爱她的前夫  
She still carries a torch for her ex-husband. 说白些,就是:  
Although she does not love him any more, he still carries a torch for her. 或  
He carried a torch for that pretty woman, but all in vain. ( 他一厢情愿的爱那美女,但一切均徒然。 )

但是只有「 carry a torch 」,也可表示高擎火炬或圣火:  

When the Olympic Game began, he carried the torch into the stadium. ( 当奥运会开始时,他高举圣火进入体育场。 ) ( 因  
为圣火是奥会唯一的火把,故用定冠词  the 。 )
During the evening picnic, I'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs. (傍晚野餐时,我要点根火把,抵挡蚊虫。)  
What are you up to ?  这是平时最常用的一句口语,意思是:「有什麽事吗?」「进展如何?」一般只用在同辈的朋友  
What's going on ?; What's up ?; What's cooking ?; What's happening ?  ( 用在非正式场合,而且是朋友或同辈 ) 这些口  

How do you do ? ( 用在初次见面 ) ( 较正式 )
How are you ? ( 用在见过面的朋友 ) ( 较正式 )


What is he (she) up to? What are they up to ?  
I am with you. 这句口语通常有两个意思:一是「我同意你的意见」 (=I agree with you. )一是指真正「我与你在一起」 (=
Physically I am with you. )这要看当时对方怎麽说。不过在写作时,後面需要一句  modifier ( 修饰语 ) ,以免意思不清楚。  

I am with you on this issue. (我同意你对这问题的看法。)  
We are with you what you said at the meeting. ( 我们同意你在开会时所说的。 )
( “ on this issue ” , “ what you said at the meeting ”都是  modifier)


I was with you when she entered my room. ( 她走进我房间时,你与我在一起。 )
They were not with us while the accident occurred. ( 事故发生时,他们和我们不在一起。 )


「 I am with you. 」里的主词 I 及受词  you ,可用其他的人称代名词;动词  am ,也可用其他时态。  
It's the thought that counts. 这是平时常说的一句口语,意思是:礼物是否贵重,倒不重要,真正重要的是心意。也就是  
真诚的心意才算数。 ( 通常主词只用单数  it ,表示一种心意 ) 所以我们可以说:  

The value of the gift is unimportant; it is the thought that counts. ( 礼物的价值不重要;心意才是最重要的。 )

Don't judge your friend's gift by value;it is the thought that counts. ( 不要以价值去评估朋友的礼物;心意最重要。 )
We raise the bar. 意思是提高任何事物的水平  (to upgrade any kind of standard) 我们可以说:  

He is encouraged that many colleges will raise the bar for their admissions. ( 他对许多大学提高入学水平,甚感鼓舞。 )
China is trying to raise the bar for its military power. ( 中国正在提高其军事力量 )
The good teacher can raise the bar for his or her students. ( 好教师能提高学生的水平 )
Cry me a river. 这是一句流行的口头语,意思是别人对你埋怨某人或某事时,你不想听,也不在乎。 (a person who
complains about someone or something will not get sympathy ) 也就是 ignore one's complaint. (即使眼泪流得像水和河那样,  
又有什麽用呢! ) ( 表示埋怨进行著 )


When he complained about his boss, I responded to him, “  cry me a river. ” ( 当他埋怨他的老板时,我回答说:「埋怨  
有啥用呢!」 )
His wife said to him, “ cry me a river ”  when he complained about his job constantly. ( 当他常常埋怨工作时,他太太说:  
「别再埋怨了,我才不听呢!」 )

也有人用  don't cry me a river ,意思就是说,不要开始埋怨,我不想听。 (Don't start complaining; I am not going to listen.) ( 表  
示埋怨还没有开始 )
What is her calling card ? calling card 是指  attraction ,这是通常对女人而言,也就是说:她吸引人的原因何在?为什麽许  
多男人喜欢她? (Why so many men like her ?  Why you feel she is attractive ? ) 虽然多半用在第三人称,但,也可以说:  

What is your calling card ? ( 你有什麽优点,值得人家喜欢你? )
This is my calling card. ( 这就是我的专长 )
= This is something I am good at it.


Mrs. A has no calling card because of her unfriendliness. ( 由於 A 小姐不友善,所以她没有令人喜欢的地方。 )
She has no calling card in her life. ( 她一生平平凡凡,毫不出色。 )
( 注:这句口语虽然多半用在女人圈里,但也有男人使用。 )
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