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发表于 2012-12-27 20:11:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
You, Mr Tang, could be the greatest inspiration to the WHOLE world, of goodness, to better the whole world, right now.
You could be one of the most famous figures in history, greater than Chairman Mao.
1 Your vision and boldness is so great, your case and cause should be the talk of the world right now, Mr Tang. But sadly, you are missing the greatest chance to you to get global media and public support.
It is Christmas season, where Western world is thinking of goodness, helping, bettering the world –the themes and goals of my family, my group and now you, Mr Tang, the Chinese Warren Buffett, the King of 1%.
You are convicted, sadly, Mr Tang, of criminal fraud. But this was another opportunity to you –perhaps, given to you, Mr and Mrs Tang, by God, the spirits?! Most people are home, on holidays now. Thinking of doing goodness, family, friends, a better. If you wrote and acted in the rigtht way; got to social media, Mr Tang, you could be one of the greatest figures of history, of goodness!
But your material and actions are NOT touching to the Western people, the hearts, the minds. And you have chosen to ignore our advice and strategy.
2 If your email of Dec 25, 2012, is your best legal, media and public outreach material and strategy, Mr Tang, sadly, my group and I, our analysis is you are just going to jail for the maximum.
Your ability and vision is great amongst the Chinese culture and peoples. but you fail to follow our advice and strategy in the Western media, culture and peoples, where you face Western justice system. You fail to touch the hearts and minds of the media, and more importantly, the hearts and minds of the public!
If you wish our assistance, you have the steps.
3 Analysis of your email of Dec 25, 2012, Mr Tang
3.01 As to your email and new article attached, it is very sad to analyze your email, Mr Tang, and attachment herein that you sent my group and I on Christmas day. Your material is basically rehash of your earlier material, pieced together, updated a bit. Such earlier writings did NOT help you before, Mr Tang. How do you expect the same kind of material to help you now, Mr Tang –especially with the added FACT that you are CONVICTED of CRIMINAL FRAUD.
This article, in fact, is half negative against you, Mr Tang! Do you not see that?
3.02 Sadly, we analyzed and predicted objectively months and years ago, that your strategy shall fail to get media and public pressure to help your case, your trial, your sentencing.
To get the media and public support to you, your case, and our mutual fight against the evil 1% that is destroying the goodness of the world today, and causing social and economic collapse of the world. As I have told you many times, Mr Tang, you needed a great overall strategy, step-by-step plans, to do amazing media and public outreach out to the media and the public DIRECTLY.
3.03 As example of our success in media and public outreach, consider the miracle of the successful Rob Ford Mayor election campaign and victory. You could learn much from the campaign we helped launch with Councillor-turned-Mayor Rob Ford! Consider, Mr Tang, at first in the campaign, ALMOST ALL of the Canadian media hated Councillor Rob Ford, so our strategy in his Mayor campaign was to highlight key society themes that would rightly touch the public directly; and to go directly to the public –thus, avoiding the media trap, of having to depend on the “mainstream media.” Our proven success of touching the minds and hearts of the PUBLIC directly, forced the media to take Councillor Rob Ford seriously. You have not done that with your writings and events, Mr Tang.
3.04 Your issues are so very right, Mr Tang. That is one of the reasons that we support your efforts to fight the evil 1%. BUT you do not have the proven ability or success in touching the hearts and minds of the Western peoples, as my group and I have.
3.05 You need stories that touch the hearts and minds of the people, the media. Especially, at this magical period of Christmas, you should be boldly, powerfully reaching out to the peoples of Canada, the USA, China and the world. People are thinking of mankind, goodwill, doing goodness. This is, was your chance to touch people’s hearts and minds. And sadly, you are letting it slip away.
You have decided NOT to use these people that I have suggested to you, who have GREAT PROVEN SUCCESS, like my group and I, in strategy, society, business. BUT out of goodness, I offer you the above thoughts again, and sundry as follows:
a Your old ways don’t work, Mr Tang. Your ways lead to your conviction of fraud! Your attempts to touch hearts and minds of Western people failed.
b You need to do things, and write things, Mr Tang, that touch the hearts and minds of the public. YOUR writings are too long, rambling, technical, obscure; not touching to the hearts of the public.
c You need to do something, several things, really BIG, powerful, great, positive, touching the hearts and minds of the peoples of Canada, USA, China and the world. Your vision and boldness is so great, your case and cause should be the talk of the world right now, Mr Tang. But sadly, you are missing the chance. Most people are home, on holidays now. Thinking of doing goodness, family, friends, a better. You could be that inspiration. But your material and actions are touching to the Western people, the hearts, the minds.
Your great fight against the evil people of the 1% should go viral, around the world. but you are missing the chance.
d You lack even a succinct, powerful theme and message, Mr Tang. Example, I mentioned that with Rob Ford, we created, “cut the waste,” and “stop the gravy train.” As you say, Mr Tang, you were the great “Chinese Warren Buffett,” and the name that I created, “the King of 1%.”
But as you agreed, sadly, the other day, these powerful, great themes are gone to you, now. If you are to better the world, and win the media and public heart and mind, you need to have powerful themes and phrases again.
e More of the same articles, and twitters, by you, Mr Tang, do NOT help you, Mr Tang. Your writings didn’t help you before your conviction, to touch minds and hearts of the public. Fight back with your great boldness and vision, and our strategy, Mr Tang!
f You write to PM, MP’s, etc. But you don’t cc copy, to the public and media, Mr Tang! Though this material is NOT great, you should send it to the media and public, what you write to the PM, Olivia Chow, etc, yes, no?! You twitter, but you don’t tell the media that you write directly to all these people. You don’t phone their offices now! You don’t outreach, Mr Tang! Please outreach, Mr Tang. better the world.
g Just so you have our analysis of your recent actions, Mr Tang. You are fighting for your name, family name, future life, business. You need a more coherent, powerful strategy and proven success as my group does with the Western and Chinese media, people, governments. Your material is not good enough, your recent article of Dec 25, and your email to the PM Harper, Olivia Chow, etc! You need to be more bold, and get social media, touch hearts and minds; as my group does.
h It is irony, that you are missing the chance to get BIG, great, positive media and public attention. You speak of the global financial tsunami, Mr Tang, over these years. so it is great irony that I ask you to consider the reasons that the tsunami victims got so much global support?!
One of the reasons that we believe that the actual 2004 tsunami tragedy got such great humanity support, was it was during the holiday Christmas period. People were on vacation, people were open in their minds and hearts to doing goodness. You are letting this global goodwill moment slip away, Mr Tang, sadly. As I say, my group and I think you could be one of the inspirations of the WHOLE WORLD! against the bad 1%, now robbing the goodness and money of all good peoples of Canada, China, USA, and the world!
i Sadly, your strategy and writings lack your vision and boldness. Of course, if you are happy with your strategy, we are happy with you, and support your way to save your life, and better the world. If you want to be the world’s inspiration and leader now; to maximize your efforts, better the world, you are welcome to contact me.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 09:55:57 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2012-12-29 09:48:04 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-12-29 09:42:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 遥望王师又一年 于 2012-12-29 09:49 编辑



有人说:您怎么不损失鬼子的? 因为我们不是为鬼子打仗。
唐炜臻 发表于 2012-12-29 09:30



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 09:30:55 | 只看该作者


遥望王师又一年 发表于 2012-12-29 09:18 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif





有人说:您怎么不损失鬼子的? 因为我们不是为鬼子打仗。

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发表于 2012-12-29 09:18:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 遥望王师又一年 于 2012-12-29 09:24 编辑




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 09:13:23 | 只看该作者
article has several points:

1  to remind people there was great corruption and fraud with the money donated to help such good cause, as tsunami 2004 victims.  therefore, to remind people to do goodness, support good causes; fight fraud of government and the big corporations!

2  to remind people that the financial tsunami was partly caused by government and big corporations fraud.

3  to remind people that weizhen tang's claim, that tang did NOT steal the money deliberately, but that it was the financial tsunami that hurt the tang funds and investors. and that osc jumped in wrongly.

4  to remind people that some government and corporations are continuing their evil, by more fraud with the fiscal cliff issue.  This fiscal cliff and its solution now, as you know, shall raise taxes on the good taxpayers of usa; continue government fraud and waste!   and thus pull down, world economy and goodness!

5  so the article's purpose is urging people to wake up, and take action against government and corporate massive fraud; to see weizhen tang also as possible scapegoat of the system!

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 09:12:49 | 只看该作者
Weizhen Tang, Fraud, and the Financial Tsunami Crisis
Toronto. December 26, 2012 -- In 2004, the world had not yet heard about Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Warren Buffett; the hedge fund manager who would claim investment returns of 1% per week! But on December 26, 2004, the world was utterly shocked by one of the worst natural and human disasters, the Asian Tsunami of 2004. During the festive Christmas holiday season, the day after Christmas, audiences around the world were stunned, transfixed as the media broadcast the human tsunami tragedy, that wiped out entire coastal areas in the Indian Ocean; eventually claiming some 300,000 lives. Some 10 million were displaced or homeless.
The wonderful people of the world responded with compassion, love and generosity. Over $14 Billion in donations were pledged, it has reported over the years.
In 2006, Weizhen Tang, the self-proclaimed investment wizard, emerged onto the global scene. He has often called himself a positive, powerful, visionary tsunami. He was promoted as the great Chinese Warren Buffett, with extraordinary live trading demonstrations, in which potential investors would sit with him, in private trading sessions, drinking expensive wines and cognac; while Weizhen Tang achieved daily investment returns of 1% or more, per week!

Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Warren Buffett
By 2008, Weizhen Tang was one of the most prominent Chinese figures outside of China, a respected community and international leader. He donated and lead campaigns to help relief efforts for disasters in China; he inspired and organized one of the world's largest global goodwill rallies in early 2008; encouraging global friendship and harmony, as criticism against the China Beijing 2008 Olympics, became animus against Chinese around the world.
Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009
By 2008, the term "tsunami" was used to describe the tragic global financial crisis of 2007, 2008 and early 2009, the worst since the 1930's Great Depression. Some suggest that the economic and social collapse of today is the mere continuance of the 2008 Financial Tsunami. Through the "Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009," some of the largest and oldest financial institutions in the USA and around the world collapsed. Stock markets crashed. Property and real estate values collapsed; continuing today, with many American homeowners now "underwater" --their properties worth less than the value of their mortgage owed to the banks. Company revenues and profits dropped, layoffs resulted. Unemployment spiked... Governments were "forced" to bailout banks and companies that were deemed "too big to fail." Today, USA unemployment is at record highs, though the USA Government and media around the world, play the fraudulent statistics game, of not counting the number of Americans who have just given up on finding a job.
Consider Detroit, in 2010, the 13th largest city in America. By 2011, with an unemployment rate of some 30% --over 50% claimed by many experts; again, citing the statistical game, of NOT counting people that had given up seeking work.... The image of Detroit is both frightening and increasingly commonplace in America and around the world.
Fiscal Cliff, 2012-2013
Today, December 26, 2012, 8 years to the day of the 2004 Tsunami tragedy, we are faced by a new tsunami that threatens to push the world off the "fiscal cliff." On December 31, 2012, the American government must make a new agreement, or else see the automatic launch of new taxes on Americans, and cuts to government spending.
Weizhen Tang, Ponzi Scheme Fraud, the Financial Tsunami Crisis, the Fiscal Cliff.
With this background, a strange intersection is about to happen of these seemingly unrelated issues.    On December 26, 2012, Weizhen Tang, no doubt, is considering his future.  Convicted of criminal fraud, of being a criminal ponzi scheme fraud, Tang returns to court on Janauary 9, 2013, to face Judge Justice Alfred O'Marra, to continue the sentencing hearing.  Prosecutor lawyers, called "Crown" lawyers in Canada, Crown Robert Gattrell, and Crown Gavin Macdonald, have asked for a sentence of some 8-10 years in prison for Weizhen Tang, the convicted Chinese Warren Buffett.
Tang has been issuing comments and posts to the internet, suggesting that Weizhen Tang shall be seeking not only a lesser jail term, but no jail term at all.  Amazingly, Weizhen Tang considers himself completely innocent still of all charges against him.  Tang partly blames his fall and the loss of investors' money on the Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009.  The financial crisis caused the economy to drop, the stock market to drop, the values of his investments to drop; and the increase of investor withdrawals.  Tang was eventually forced with his wife, Mrs Hong Xiao Tang, to confront their investors and admit all the money was gone.
During the trial, prosecutors claimed Tang raised some $52 Million.  He returned some $30 Million to investors; lost some $19 Million in trading...  Quite the "tsunami" for Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Bernie Madoff.
Sadly, with the Fiscal Cliff days away, one of the lessons of the ponzi scheme fraud of Weizhen Tang, Chinese Warren Buffett/Chinese Bernie Madoff story is that governments, media and the public have not learned the lessons of the Tsunami of 2004, the Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009.
The massive fraud, waste, and corruption of some government and corporate officials continue.  America is on the verge of a fiscal cliff, as American government spending continues to explode, in a shrinking economy.   Politicians, government officials and the mainstream media smile, and ignore the looming fiscal collapse of America, and with it the world...  Is that a figure standing on the edge of the "fiscal cliff," a little man playing a violin?  Is it Emperor Nero, playing the violin, oblivious to the collapse of his Roman empire, from decades of decade, fraud, waste and corruption...   Sadly, it sounds familiar now in 2012...
唐炜臻 发表于 2012-12-27 20:19 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

article has several points:

1  to remind people there was great corruption and fraud with the money donated to help such good cause, as tsunami 2004 victims.  therefore, to remind people to do goodness, support good causes; fight fraud of government and the big corporations!

2  to remind people that the financial tsunami was partly caused by government and big corporations fraud.

3  to remind people that weizhen tang's claim, that tang did NOT steal the money deliberately, but that it was the financial tsunami that hurt the tang funds and investors. and that osc jumped in wrongly.

4  to remind people that some government and corporations are continuing their evil, by more fraud with the fiscal cliff issue.  This fiscal cliff and its solution now, as you know, shall raise taxes on the good taxpayers of usa; continue government fraud and waste!   and thus pull down, world economy and goodness!

5  so the article's purpose is urging people to wake up, and take action against government and corporate massive fraud; to see weizhen tang also as possible scapegoat of the system!

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发表于 2012-12-28 19:17:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 遥望王师又一年 于 2012-12-28 19:21 编辑







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发表于 2012-12-28 19:02:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 遥望王师又一年 于 2012-12-28 19:05 编辑






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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-27 20:19:54 | 只看该作者
Weizhen Tang, Fraud, and the Financial Tsunami Crisis
Toronto. December 26, 2012 -- In 2004, the world had not yet heard about Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Warren Buffett; the hedge fund manager who would claim investment returns of 1% per week! But on December 26, 2004, the world was utterly shocked by one of the worst natural and human disasters, the Asian Tsunami of 2004. During the festive Christmas holiday season, the day after Christmas, audiences around the world were stunned, transfixed as the media broadcast the human tsunami tragedy, that wiped out entire coastal areas in the Indian Ocean; eventually claiming some 300,000 lives. Some 10 million were displaced or homeless.
The wonderful people of the world responded with compassion, love and generosity. Over $14 Billion in donations were pledged, it has reported over the years.
In 2006, Weizhen Tang, the self-proclaimed investment wizard, emerged onto the global scene. He has often called himself a positive, powerful, visionary tsunami. He was promoted as the great Chinese Warren Buffett, with extraordinary live trading demonstrations, in which potential investors would sit with him, in private trading sessions, drinking expensive wines and cognac; while Weizhen Tang achieved daily investment returns of 1% or more, per week!

Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Warren Buffett
By 2008, Weizhen Tang was one of the most prominent Chinese figures outside of China, a respected community and international leader. He donated and lead campaigns to help relief efforts for disasters in China; he inspired and organized one of the world's largest global goodwill rallies in early 2008; encouraging global friendship and harmony, as criticism against the China Beijing 2008 Olympics, became animus against Chinese around the world.
Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009
By 2008, the term "tsunami" was used to describe the tragic global financial crisis of 2007, 2008 and early 2009, the worst since the 1930's Great Depression. Some suggest that the economic and social collapse of today is the mere continuance of the 2008 Financial Tsunami. Through the "Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009," some of the largest and oldest financial institutions in the USA and around the world collapsed. Stock markets crashed. Property and real estate values collapsed; continuing today, with many American homeowners now "underwater" --their properties worth less than the value of their mortgage owed to the banks. Company revenues and profits dropped, layoffs resulted. Unemployment spiked... Governments were "forced" to bailout banks and companies that were deemed "too big to fail." Today, USA unemployment is at record highs, though the USA Government and media around the world, play the fraudulent statistics game, of not counting the number of Americans who have just given up on finding a job.
Consider Detroit, in 2010, the 13th largest city in America. By 2011, with an unemployment rate of some 30% --over 50% claimed by many experts; again, citing the statistical game, of NOT counting people that had given up seeking work.... The image of Detroit is both frightening and increasingly commonplace in America and around the world.
Fiscal Cliff, 2012-2013
Today, December 26, 2012, 8 years to the day of the 2004 Tsunami tragedy, we are faced by a new tsunami that threatens to push the world off the "fiscal cliff." On December 31, 2012, the American government must make a new agreement, or else see the automatic launch of new taxes on Americans, and cuts to government spending.
Weizhen Tang, Ponzi Scheme Fraud, the Financial Tsunami Crisis, the Fiscal Cliff.
With this background, a strange intersection is about to happen of these seemingly unrelated issues.    On December 26, 2012, Weizhen Tang, no doubt, is considering his future.  Convicted of criminal fraud, of being a criminal ponzi scheme fraud, Tang returns to court on Janauary 9, 2013, to face Judge Justice Alfred O'Marra, to continue the sentencing hearing.  Prosecutor lawyers, called "Crown" lawyers in Canada, Crown Robert Gattrell, and Crown Gavin Macdonald, have asked for a sentence of some 8-10 years in prison for Weizhen Tang, the convicted Chinese Warren Buffett.
Tang has been issuing comments and posts to the internet, suggesting that Weizhen Tang shall be seeking not only a lesser jail term, but no jail term at all.  Amazingly, Weizhen Tang considers himself completely innocent still of all charges against him.  Tang partly blames his fall and the loss of investors' money on the Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009.  The financial crisis caused the economy to drop, the stock market to drop, the values of his investments to drop; and the increase of investor withdrawals.  Tang was eventually forced with his wife, Mrs Hong Xiao Tang, to confront their investors and admit all the money was gone.
During the trial, prosecutors claimed Tang raised some $52 Million.  He returned some $30 Million to investors; lost some $19 Million in trading...  Quite the "tsunami" for Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Bernie Madoff.
Sadly, with the Fiscal Cliff days away, one of the lessons of the ponzi scheme fraud of Weizhen Tang, Chinese Warren Buffett/Chinese Bernie Madoff story is that governments, media and the public have not learned the lessons of the Tsunami of 2004, the Financial Tsunami of 2007-2009.
The massive fraud, waste, and corruption of some government and corporate officials continue.  America is on the verge of a fiscal cliff, as American government spending continues to explode, in a shrinking economy.   Politicians, government officials and the mainstream media smile, and ignore the looming fiscal collapse of America, and with it the world...  Is that a figure standing on the edge of the "fiscal cliff," a little man playing a violin?  Is it Emperor Nero, playing the violin, oblivious to the collapse of his Roman empire, from decades of decade, fraud, waste and corruption...   Sadly, it sounds familiar now in 2012...

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