
标题: 电费或再次上涨6.2% 麦坚迪无意阻止 [打印本页]

作者: 法官    时间: 2011-2-23 09:54
标题: 电费或再次上涨6.2% 麦坚迪无意阻止
本帖最后由 法官 于 2011-2-23 10:00 编辑
昨日,保守党领袖霍达克(Tim Hudak)再次就电费加价指责省府在“不肯正视事实”。他批评麦坚迪在处理电费的问题上,把安省家庭当作“自动提款机”。即使省府的电力政策弊病丛生、代价昂贵,也要省民负担后果。

省新民党(NDP)则指出,自由党省府对电费涨价“无所作为”会让他们在今年10月6日的省选中丢失大量议席,最终丧失执政权。新民主党评论员哥模斯(Peter Kormos)表示:这个加幅将会严重影响安省家庭。在今年的省选中,电费将成为重要议题。这一点上,麦坚迪以至整个自由党将会有口难辩。


电费上升 电力局捐钱给自由党遭抨击

2010-11-22 11

    安省选举事务处的文件显示,多间地方电力局,包括Essex Power同Oakville Hydro,过去数年都有捐钱给自由党。其中Oakville Hydro在去年一个补选中捐了8 千5 百元给自由党。Essex Power 亦捐1700元给执政自由党资助多伦多中区的补选。

电力局一边大涨电费, 一边把部分电费捐给安省自由党搞竞选, 真是绝妙的配合呀. 安省自由党麦奸敌政府吃人的嘴短, 于是只好无意阻止.
作者: 法官    时间: 2011-2-23 10:07
安省自由党麦奸敌政府不能直接把纳税人的送给自由党, 就假借电力局的手, 利用自由党控制安省政府的权利, 纵容电力局连续不断的疯狂涨电费, 电力局再找机会把部分电费捐给自由党.

2005年联邦自由党搞的魁北克赞助丑闻也是一个思路, 前联邦自由党政府打着反对魁北克独立的旗号, 把几亿纳税人的钱拨给亲自由党的团体, 该团体再把其中一部分捐给自由党.

作者: 远方思想随笔    时间: 2011-2-23 10:31
作者: 尊耶    时间: 2011-2-23 10:41

Here is what our Premier has done for Ontario in the past seven years.
Remember...he had a no tax increase election message/campaign.
He has increased all the licensing fees from your car to your boat including fishing and hunting.
He introduced the health care premium  (not called a tax) and some couples pay as much as $1,500.00 a year.
He has put an ECO tax on many containers such as paint cans and window washer fluid most and people still don’t realize it until they see the bill - he kept that one real quiet.
He put a disposal tax on all electronics.
He put the disposal tax back on tires.
And now he has passed the HST tax - the largest tax on the province ever and the only other tax in Ontario that ever came close to this in the past was the health care premium.  He passed this bill even though 76% of the people in Ontario were against it.
This HST will provide the Province with an additional THREE BILLION dollars a year.
Soon, July 15th, we will all have our S.M.A.R.T. Meters on which we will have to pay perpetual rent and will end up doing our laundry in the middle of the night.  We are also going to pay big time for air conditioning from now on because when we need it the most it will be in the prime time of usage.
Let us not forget the E-health scandal with 1.2 billion dollars wasted and paid out to friends and relatives.   What was Mr. McGuinty's answer to this? “ Well, if the people of Ontario don't like it, they can show it in the next election.”  Nice attitude.  This after he fired the CEO and then gave her a severance package of $300,000 - not bad for only being on the job for seven months.
And what about the SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS windmill power plant contract that he awarded to KOREA ?  One would think there was some place in Canada or North America that could have built these.
He also closed the emergency rooms in Port Colburne and Fort Erie because there is not enough money. There have been two deaths since then because by the time they got to St. Catharine's it was too late.
But he then awards a hospital in Toronto three million dollars - of course, that was in the riding where there just happens to be a by-election to replace George Smitherman!
He has taken the richest most prosperous province in Canada down to one of the 'Have-Nots' and, over the past six & one half years, has increased the budget deficit from $5.6 Billion dollars to TWENTY SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS and he still has a year and a half to go.
And don’t forget his nice little salary increase of  $40,000.00 a year - millions of people in the province don’t earn even half of that.
Have we forgotten all the MP'S who also got a 14% increase? And now that they've had their increases he comes out with a new budget to freeze all provincial employees wages for two years - a bit late don't you think.
He increased the hydro tax by 10% in April of 2010.
He has increased the tax on liquor and wine by 10% in May of 2010.
He continues to permantently 'blight' landscapes across the province with unsightly wind turbines.

But, Mr. McGuinty will retire with his nice comfortable pension and all his benefits paid.
I hope this gets passed around the province of Ontario and everybody remembers the way we got screwed by Mr. McGuinty and the Liberal party and - remember - not one Liberal MPP had enough guts to vote against any of the above.                      Wake up Ontario ....!!

·         And all pensioners got no raise at all over the past 18 months!!!!!!!!!
作者: canadafreeword    时间: 2011-2-23 12:40

作者: 狗欢欢    时间: 2011-2-23 13:25
作者: 法官    时间: 2011-2-23 13:53
标题: 电费或再次上涨6.2% 麦坚迪无意阻止

canadafreeword 发表于 2011-2-23 12:40 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

老第, 你又被自由党的麦奸敌给骗了. 2009年安省用电137TWH(比经济危机前的2008年少用电6%), 其中煤, 天然气和核电占72.1%, 水电占25.5%, 风电占1.6%, 太阳能发电占0.8%. 煤, 天然气发电, 核电是传统发电(5分/度), 是自由党要用风电(70分/度)和太阳能发电(也是传统发电费用的好几倍)代替的.
假设减少1%的传统发电, 用风电代替, 1.37TWH要多花8.9亿加元,你说怎么能省下来钱来?

至于自由党为了推广高价的风电, 说"关闭燃煤发电厂可以减少空气污染,省下超过亿元的医疗护理开支", 根本没提要关多少煤电才能省下超过亿元的医疗护理开支; 假设关1%的煤电改用风电, 电费要涨8.9亿加元, 可是怎么单独计算出煤电减少空气污染的程度和省下的医疗护理开支, 汽车, 取暖等也污染空气.

你相信自由党有模型计算出煤电对全省几年的空气污染数据和对疾病的影响吗? 靠什么算出关1%的煤电能减少多少病人? 这个"省下超过亿元的医疗护理开支"的数字 更象是麦奸敌胡说八道.
作者: rocky28    时间: 2011-2-23 15:02
标题: 电费或再次上涨6.2% 麦坚迪无意阻止
本帖最后由 rocky28 于 2011-2-23 15:09 编辑

作者: 法官    时间: 2011-2-23 15:16
标题: 电费或再次上涨6.2% 麦坚迪无意阻止
rocky28 发表于 2011-2-23 15:02 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

你是指自由党省府对根本不需要回收费的草籽都收eco fee, 再把敛来的eco fee发给自由党背景的私人企业? 还是指强行推行比常规发电贵12倍的风力发电, 为此与外国公司签70亿的合同却拒绝向省民透露付款方式和合同细节?
作者: 淘声依旧    时间: 2011-2-23 15:48
你是指自由党省府对根本不需要回收费的草籽都收eco fee, 再把敛来的eco fee发给自由党背景的私人企业? 还是指强行推行比常规发电贵12倍的风力发电, 为此与外国公司签70亿的合同却拒绝向省民透露付款方式和合同细节?
法官 发表于 2011-2-23 15:16 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

环保这个美好的理念快被自由党省府搞成"小姐"的下场了, 真是人间悲剧.
作者: 车神 EVO X    时间: 2011-2-23 15:58
起来吧,选民! 用你手中的选票!!


作者: 小小灵通    时间: 2011-2-23 19:10
回复 11# 车神 EVO X

作者: 车神 EVO X    时间: 2011-2-23 20:10
让我算算电费实际加价 1 X 1.08 (HST增加部分)X 1.062(加价部分) = 1.14696;

我靠~ 一下子加价 15%!!!!

然后公务员在(较差)年薪50K+的基础上按照通胀率加人工 3%+

作者: 法官    时间: 2011-9-7 10:16
让我算算电费实际加价 1 X 1.08 (HST增加部分)X 1.062(加价部分) = 1.14696;

我靠~ 一下子加价 15%!!!!

然后公务员在(较差)年薪50K+的基础上按照通胀率加人工 3%+

车神 EVO X 发表于 2011-2-23 21:10 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

自由党专挑老百姓必须用的东西多收费, 来给贵族工会和大资本家好处.

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