本帖最后由 hack2 于 2010-12-8 19:01 编辑
那个什么少将就是白痴,说什么:“会不会倒退100年前这个问题,在60年前的抗美援朝战争中已经有了答案。 ”简直是胡B乱砍。60年前那是什么年代?是毛泽东的年代,现在是什么年代?是肛贼泯、糊鸡套和瘟影帝的年代,有可比性吗?他有在军队呆过吗?知道现在中国军队的状况吗?睁着眼睛说瞎话。
YouTube 发表于 2010-12-6 19:18 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
Your saying isn't that accurate. You should know at that time the main reason that US didn't destroy china was because Soviet Union's back up. It wasn't due to Mao's hardliner. And Mao made that decision to fight was totally depends on SU too, otherwise he won't be that stupid to fight US alone and to be destroyed 100% sure. (And you know US already had nuclear bomb and used it already to Japan not long time ago)
But today, Russia won't backup china any more although china is much stronger than before. US still can destroy china if it is a live or death fight. |