
标题: 教师联合会呼吁 将网上欺凌列为犯罪 [打印本页]

作者: 马 甲    时间: 2008-7-13 15:07
标题: [评论]教师联合会呼吁 将网上欺凌列为犯罪
作者: 半老马    时间: 2008-7-13 16:25
标题: 回复:[评论]教师联合会呼吁 将网上欺凌列为犯罪

教师的责任那里去了?为啥你们教出的孩子在网上说 I hate you. (见原文中的图片) 你们为啥没有教出有爱心,高情商的孩子,因为你们自己在传播恨,你们自己处处想到惩罚,你们自己要用法律惩罚孩子,他们只是说了一句 I hate you. 你们要把他们送到把他们变成真正的罪犯的地方去。

你们相信自由,相信人权吗? 不,你们相信的只有暴力,你们要用国家机器这样最强的暴力,警察,法庭,监狱来对待一个说错话的孩子。而把你们自己教育失败的责任推得一干二净。把沉重的负担推给社会。

作者: 半老马    时间: 2008-7-14 17:43
From CBC Blog

adam1100 wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 12:08 AM ET

I have an idea let just make everything that kids will always do because they are kids illegal, that way when they grow up they will all have criminal records from the time they are 8 years old so that the government can track everyone and enforce the laws that make almost everything illigal in some way. then we can make it illegal to put music on your ipod, or to smoke in your own house or car. or if the government doesn't agree with your view theyll just take your kids away so you cant pass them on. oh wait thats all happening anyways. I love where this country is going

MrFlagg wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 2:58 PM ET

So in order to stop cyber bullying (and really free speech) they are going to get the police involved in order to do actual bullying.

Makes sense

George Keith Young wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 4:00 PM ET

In my experience, teachers in a compulsory school system are the first bullies. Where do you think the kids learn it?

EmilyBarber wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 4:48 PM ET

Murder is a crime but people still do it. Enacting legislation does not make it go away.
I know a few teachers who bullied their students into deep depression.
What would we do with them?

Oreodont wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 7:44 PM ET

What does this have to do with teachers? If someone is threatening another citizen then it's time to call the police and get them involved.

Sure, 'bullying' can go too far but the devil is in the details. Churches bully folks by threatening them with Hell and damnation. Folks on Internet forums bully others. Lots of individuals and groups pressure other individuals and groups all the time.

So nope. Cyberbullying shouldn't be an offense. The laws already exist to deal with threats. Like many isssues with 'more control' of society, the parameters become fuzzy and individual freedoms take a beating. the nanny state starts to stick it's 'bullying' nose where it doesn't belong.

volterwd wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 8:34 PM ET
Bullying isn't even illegal... so are they going to lock people up for calling people names?

Police state.

Lion sniper wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 9:09 PM ET
Do we really intend to jail our cyber-kids for the annoyance they caused? I think the resources for our judicial system are just too precious for that.

Danzig1939 wrote:
Posted 2008/07/12
at 9:37 PM ET

Make everything a criminal offence...give the police more to do. Does anyone think that part of the problem is how and what we teach our children about basic human values..... what is right, what is wrong, life is valuable, treat people with respect...
作者: 抬头看    时间: 2012-10-19 18:08
马 甲 发表于 2008-7-13 16:07 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


作者: 抬头看    时间: 2012-10-19 18:10

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