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楼主: Justify
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[讨论]冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧?

发表于 2005-10-11 09:50:47 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:[讨论]冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧?

回复:回复:[讨论]冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧?

Hi, Mr/Ms Brampton2: You got the same case of the Mother Bare, the wrong case. In Canada, there are not such a law ---"the landlord can't kick any tenant out until April during the winter time, even the tenant DOES NOT pay the rent.", please don't MISSLEAD   the telents.

Do you know, if the telents are living (sharing) together with the landloards, and doing bad things to trouble others, the landloard have the rights to call the police to drive the bad telents out, no matter whenever! It is a very serous matter here!

Life is the life, not a war, right? So, be nice to all the parties; if you feel good, okay, just try +to keep that; otherwise, why not leave for a happyness? NO matter you are a telent or a landlord. Do you agree?

Here has no MISLEADING. In Canada, without court order, even the Landlord called police in, the plice only can be his witness, police can't help Landlord to kick tenant out either. Police only can be the WITNESS. Only the JUDGE has authority to make decision. If the Landlord wants to see a judge and get all of his evidence ready to ask Judge for a decision, you may need to wait for 3 to 4 months, even the tenant DOES NOT pay the rent.
There is no MISLEADING.

I do agree Landlord and Tenant should try to live together peaceful, but as we have read so many articles, many Landlords are taking advantages of new comers and really treat Tenants badly and abusive. Why should not we give Tenants some ideas to deal with bad Landlords?
发表于 2005-10-10 22:27:27 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-10 17:19:33 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:[讨论]冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧?

回复:[讨论]冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧?

I think you are a LANDLORD. I agree if the landlord and the tenant can't live together anymore, they should let others go. It is a fair business. But also in Canada, the landlord can't kick any tenant out until April during the winter time, even the tenant DOES NOT pay the rent. The landlord only can go through law suit to legally let the tenant out, but it usually takes 3~4 months to do so.
If a Landlord is a really cheap, terrible person, why should a tenant to be gentle then? Take the same dirty way back. Dirty Landlord only deserve the dirty way back. Isn't it?

Hi, Mr/Ms Brampton2: You got the same case of the Mother Bare, the wrong case. In Canada, there are not such a law ---"the landlord can't kick any tenant out until April during the winter time, even the tenant DOES NOT pay the rent.", please don't MISSLEAD   the telents.

Do you know, if the telents are living (sharing) together with the landloards, and doing bad things to trouble others, the landloard have the rights to call the police to drive the bad telents out, no matter whenever! It is a very serous matter here!

Life is the life, not a war, right? So, be nice to all the parties; if you feel good, okay, just try to keep that; otherwise, why not leave for a happyness? NO matter you are a telent or a landlord. Do you agree?
发表于 2005-10-10 12:13:57 | 只看该作者

回复:[讨论]冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧?

[讨论]冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧?

You are wrong here, Mother Bare:
Please don't MISSLEADING the telants, there is not such a law in Toronto, Ontario, and Canada --- "But she can't kick you out because it is the law. She can't kick you out until April."

For the telants, if you don't like to stay with the landlord, you have the rights to leave her for a satisfactory home;

For the landlord, if you don't like to stay with the telant, you have the rights not to rent your room out.

This is the fair business for both parties.

             冬天又来了, 大家一起来制定一个房东 房客"守则"吧

A. 房东出租自己的房间, 大多数都是因为想额外有些补贴的收入,才为此付出诸多不便, 并不想为此而额外损失金钱. 不是想做活雷锋,对吧?

B. 租客不去租住Apartment(那可以有更好的居住条件/随意性以及隐私权), 也是因为想节省些金钱才来租住人家House的room, 对吧?

跟每个月必须支付的各种费用比较起来(一个一般house, 一个月至少要支出1400加元), 多伦多目前的单间房间的房租已经不算过高了, 平均每天仅10加元左右, 还包括洗衣上网电视洗澡煮饭, 这个价钱仅仅是旅馆房间的1/5, 而且, 几乎没有旅馆或者Apartment会提供夏季空调, 免费洗衣的, 对吧? 更不要说有些还要房东开车帮买菜买粮食等等, 对吧?

1)房间温度冬天要达到我喜欢的温度, 18度, 22度, 都不够, 要达到24度才可以
2)房间温度夏季要达到我喜欢的凉爽, 要开足空调才可以;
  -- 房间里开几个照明灯具, 不必随手关灯;
  -- 2条内衣内裤也要开满一次洗衣机;
  -- 经常带男或者女人呆到半夜不走;
  --上下楼梯跳动行走, 半夜不想睡觉, 就开音响电视收音机做饭喝酒, 而全然不顾隔壁邻居正在休息;
  -- 随意在房东的地下室出出入入

如果大家真的想实现"我付了房租,我就应该有权随我心意"的境界的话, 那末真的不要租住人家的house而同房东share了, 还是不要在乎那点钱, 多花点钱租住公寓楼好了, 毕竟那样自由自在一些.

相反, 如果大家还是真的在乎那点钱的话, 就不要心里认定"随意", 毕竟是share居住, 只要不过分, 还是不要认为遇到了"坏房东"; 而一旦当你认定了"坏房东", 你可以"用脚投票"--选择离开.

二.对于大多数房东们, 出租房间应本着补贴买房开销的目的, 而非尽量赚钱, 对吧?基本的出租居住条件,是要满足的.

1) 比如冬天房间的温度, 你想省钱, 不怕冻, 11月份中旬了,还不开暖气, 可以. 但是, 你不能要求房客跟你一起受冻, 你应该提供电暖气给房客, 至少使人家的房间里面达到22度, 对吧? 夏天里, 你不想开空调, 不怕热, 可以, 但是你应该提供电风扇给房客. 只要房客不是"缺乏公德的房客", 你不要担心他(她)们会全天24小时(即使人离开房间)也开着你的电暖气和电风扇的.

2) 有些前期HK房东, 要求房客少"煮食"(最好不"煮食")!这叫什末话!!难道你们
是不吃饭的动物吗?! 对于这些"坏房东"们, 大家还是使用"用脚投票"的办法叫他们见鬼去吧!

1) 房客们: 尊重他人生活, 节约水电能源, 是每个人起码的的公共道德, 房客们要做一个"有道德的房客", 大家应该没有异议吧?
2) 房东们: 满足出租要求的居住条件, 关心房客生活中的不便之处,要做一个"有道德的房东", 大家同意吧?

对于房东房客们, 都做一个"有道德的"人, 不要做"缺德的"人! 不足之处, 请大家补充.

I think you are a LANDLORD. I agree if the landlord and the tenant can't live together anymore, they should let others go. It is a fair business. But also in Canada, the landlord can't kick any tenant out until April during the winter time, even the tenant DOES NOT pay the rent. The landlord only can go through law suit to legally let the tenant out, but it usually takes 3~4 months to do so.
If a Landlord is a really cheap, terrible person, why should a tenant to be gentle then? Take the same dirty way back. Dirty Landlord only deserve the dirty way back. Isn't it?
发表于 2005-10-6 22:07:35 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-5 19:23:25 | 只看该作者




呵呵,  :O   看来[哇咧]真是到处都喜欢来跳一跳,就是不往正题上走啊!!
发表于 2005-10-5 12:00:14 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-10-4 21:57:57 | 只看该作者
我是房东,房客浪费一点我都觉得没关系。毕竟每个人生活习惯不同,要求房客象房东一样节约也不现实。return 太低我就把房子买了。我最头疼的是房客中有人不太考滤别人,半夜两三点还带朋友来玩,影想别人休息。还有就是作完饭把炉子弄得很脏,也不管。房客之间相互有意见不能自己解决,我除了作房东还得作manager。这些事情让我头疼不已。
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