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雅思 IELTS 实用 口语 考场应急表达 (二)

发表于 2018-12-25 17:23:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 SummerLin 于 2018-12-25 17:26 编辑


往期雅思备考集锦  链接在这里


   雅思口语 考场救急  实用表达 2

Question 1:  口语里用哪些句型来表达 同意某观点

1. I totally / entirely agree you on that...
2. Thats exactly what I think / believe...

3. I am in favor the idea that...
4. Thats exactly how I see it.

5. I couldnt agree more. (十分同意)
6. I completely agree that.

7. Definitely / Absolutely/ Certainly / Precisely...
8. You bet. (那当然了)

9. You are quite right about...
10. I am convinced by the opinion that...


Question 2:   口语里怎样 反对/ 驳斥 某观点呢?

1. I maintain a different view that...
2. I am afraid the reverse is true (我认为, 正好相反, ...)

3. Well, thats one way to look at it. But...
4. I am afraid I believe otherwise...

5. I see what you mean, but its not the whole story...
6. I tend to oppose the view that...(我倾向于反对这种说法)

7. Well, it really depends / varies (这得分情况...).
8. I am not so sure about it. There is another aspect to consider...


Question 3: 举例 时,

1. Let me give an example to illustrate this point...
2. Take ... for example...

3. One specific example can be seen from...
4. A good example of this is...

5. I can give a relevant example here...
6. Look at..., for instance...

7. To illustrate it, ...
8. To give an example,...


Question 4:   解释自己的观点
时, 需要哪些句型?

1. Lets put it another way...
2. More specifically, / To be precise, / To illustrate it, (确切来说,...)

3. What I actually meant is ...
4. To express it another way...

5. What I am trying to say is...
6. In other words, / that is to say(也就是说), / namely,  so to speak (譬如说)

7. Well, the thing is...
8. The reason for ... is that...


Question 5:   怎样引入其他(对立)观点

1. On the contrary,
2. On the other hand,

3. In comparison (对比来看) ,
4. By contrast ,

5. Comparatively...
6. From a different point of view...

7. To look at it another way...
8. Despite of ... I still support / maintain / insist on the view that...
(尽管..., 我仍然认为...)


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