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查看: 699|回复: 11


发表于 2005-4-10 22:50:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I and my friends do not belong to any religions, nor llisten to any body. We went to the rally because just want to defend the freedom and democrate which is going to destroy by Paul Martin , he ordered his Liberal MP to Vote YES on bill c38 or to lose the position who's entitle. If the Bill c38 is right, why the MP need to be forced.

  ps. to the reporter of sing tao news: the title should not say against the gay marriage,  should change to -  defend tradition marriage, against Bill C -38.
发表于 2005-4-11 07:45:28 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-4-11 08:03:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-4-11 08:26:09 | 显示全部楼层


I and my friends do not belong to any religions, nor llisten to any body. We went to the rally because just want to defend the freedom and democrate which is going to destroy by Paul Martin , he ordered his Liberal MP to Vote YES on bill c38 or to lose the position who's entitle. If the Bill c38 is right, why the MP need to be forced.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-12 02:11:16 | 显示全部楼层


The news came out to most of the news papers Feb. 1 & 2, 2005. The news section of this website 51.ca had translated the news. please check the news section of defend marriage, -  "going to legislation - -"  NOt only Paul  Martin orderd his cabinet ministers to vote for Bill c- 38, NDP leader Jack Lyton also orderd his NDP MP to vote YES on Bill C -38.
That's why JOe Volpe and Mclellan Anne changed their direction from stongly supporting tradition  marriage to the other side. I was woken  up that time.  More infortion, please check websites:

ps. Right! the MP was elected during the election, but the cabinet ministers were selected by Paul Martin.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-12 18:02:45 | 显示全部楼层

always need to be fairly and ccurate

The Toronto Chinese alone were more than one thousand & two  hundreds, even did not count on some went there by driving, nor did not count on the Montreal & Ottawa's Chinese. Some Chinese  like me, have no god, spirit alone (无主 - -), stood or sat out side the groups.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-12 19:04:54 | 显示全部楼层

What is the meaning of 'FLG'?

Hi Knightohonor,
I am new here, can you help?
发表于 2005-4-12 21:31:09 | 显示全部楼层

回复:What is the meaning of 'FLG'?

[b]What is the meaning of 'FLG'?[/b]

Hi Knightohonor,
I am new here, can you help?

发表于 2005-4-12 21:46:35 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-12 23:15:34 | 显示全部楼层

Thank you, Knightohono learn a lot here.

I didn't see any of them, but the Ming Pao news mentioned that  a few were there. I asked a few friends, they said they  had  not seen any.
I don't understand why It didn't mention the same sex group at the opposite side of the st., and wrote this and some thing else that were not relate to the things that had happened on April 9,  it is out of line. It is the first time I read this kind of reporting news.
发表于 2005-5-29 23:37:45 | 显示全部楼层

Good comments quoted from a member

THis is a great comment. Those who are against gay marriage should get some basic knowledge about homosexuality before making any comments. Otherwise, they show nothing but your ignorance.

不知道你为什么对同性恋有这么大的仇恨? 是否你被他们伤害过吗?
现代科学早就证明了同性恋是一种自然现象. 1993年,世界卫生组织把同性恋从公认的精神病名单中去掉。1998年,美国心理学会和美国精神病学会公开声明反对同性恋转变治疗。就连我们"伟大的, 正确的"共产党在2001年,《中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准》第三版将同性恋从精神疾病名单中剔除。如果你是无知而出狂言还可以理解的, 如果刻意顽固仇视同性恋那就是愚昧了!

性倾向都是天生的, 这对异性恋同性恋都一样. 说同性恋收养小孩会使小孩将来也成为同性恋, 原因是受了后天影响. 如果这种逻辑成立, 那么世上所有的人是异性恋生的, 并在这个异性恋主导的社会中长大成人的, 那么同性恋是那里来的呢? 难道有异性恋的父母刻意去教育子女成同性恋?, 听说过吗?

社会总是朝着文明, 有序, 健康的方向发展. 同性婚姻合法化也不例外. 同性婚姻已经在少数国家和地区合法化, 而却未来的趋势会有更多的国家和地区加入到这个阵营中. 大部分人反对它的合法化首先是有顾虑有对传统道德的冲击, 其次是婚姻的神圣性. 那我们来看看同性婚姻合法化会给异性婚姻带来什么?

首先我们来看看在一个同性恋受歧视,而却只有异性婚姻的国家. 比如说中国(大家最熟悉的), 中国有13-14亿人口, 专家报道人类的同性恋比例在4% - 6%. 我们就用最低数4%算, 中国就有大约5000多万同性恋者. 在当前中国的社会环境下, 绝大多数同性恋人士是不会向社会和家庭公开自己的性倾向, 而却迫于社会和家庭的压力会和一个不爱异性走向婚姻的殿堂. 这样就有另外的5000万异性恋近一亿中国人陷入这种有名无实的无奈婚姻. 一亿啊! 想想加拿大有多少人口? 无爱的婚姻是什么滋味, 尤其对这种婚姻中异性恋者来说. 他们/她们却是牺牲品.
发表于 2005-6-1 14:46:11 | 显示全部楼层
[COLOR=darkgreen]  [SIZE=14px]  要了解, 请查看整个主题的 帖子
[url]http://www.51.ca/bbs/showthread.php?s=&postid=319334 #post319334 [/url]
[url]http://www.51.ca/bbs/showthread.php?s=&postid=318736#post318736[/url][COLOR=RED]  [SIZE=16px]****HERE IS THE TRUE STORY:   --------- **As a former homosexual, Stephen Bennett is honored to partner with the ADF on this very important event. proclaiming the truth in love about freedom from homosexuality through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.[/size]
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