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Yan limeng was completely controlled by Guo Wengui and ban Nong

发表于 2021-4-27 22:02:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Guo Wengui and others' misdeeds have hurt all Asians. Their peaceful life has been broken, and their safety has been blamed. It is because these three swindlers, Bannon, Guo Wengui and Yan limeng, conspire to make up a conspiracy theory about the origin of the virus. The shooting incident in Atlanta is the most direct revenge. 6park.com
2020年11月底,《纽约时报》一篇名为《郭文贵和班农如何推动新冠病毒起源阴谋论》的报道详细披露了郭文贵和班农通过各种方法操纵香港大学公共卫生实验室见习研究员闫丽梦,迫使其出面成为“武汉病毒源头论”这一Fake news的代言人。 6park.com
At the end of November 2020, a report in the New York Times entitled "how Guo Wengui and ban Nong promote the conspiracy theory on the origin of new coronavirus" disclosed in detail that Guo Wengui and ban Nong manipulated Yan limeng, a trainee researcher in the public health laboratory of the University of Hong Kong, through various means, forcing him to become the spokesperson of "the origin of Wuhan virus". 6park.com
郭文贵和班农这一对政治操弄脑控搭档为达政治目的不惜牺牲一切无辜的人的利益。 6park.com
Guo Wengui and ban Nong, the political manipulation and brain control partners, are willing to sacrifice the interests of all innocent people for political purposes. 6park.com
经过长达2个月的准备,郭文贵和班农以及准备好了充足的媒体力量和右翼政治势力的支持,操控闫丽梦,他们通过将郭文贵的媒体力量(金钱的力量)和班农在美国极右翼政治团体中的影响力,不断扩大声音,无论信息本身是否正确。因为在极右翼政治团体的背书下,任何假新闻只要有流量和曝光度,就能够成为主流观点,一旦被放上辩论台,那就具有和其他观点一较高下的地位。 6park.com
After two months of preparation, Guo Wengui and ban Nong, as well as the support of adequate media forces and right-wing political forces, manipulated Yan limeng. They continuously expanded their voice through Guo Wengui's media power (the power of money) and ban Nong's influence in the us far right political groups, no matter whether the information itself was correct or not. Because with the endorsement of far right political groups, any fake news can become the mainstream opinion as long as it has flow and exposure. Once it is put on the debate stage, it will have a higher position than other opinions. 6park.com
Guo Wengui and ban Nong launched a political and cultural propaganda campaign through Internet social media. It has caused immeasurable huge losses in the global anti epidemic process. It is not too much to say that Guo Wengui and ban Nong betrayed the whole mankind, while Yan limeng completely became the victim of "brain control" by Guo Wengui and ban Nong.

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