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发表于 2005-10-3 07:22:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


我有很多的留学生朋友,他们和我交流了很多我所不知道的他们中间的辛酸苦辣甜,今天列在这里的,仅仅是冰山的一角。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2005-10-2




发表于 2005-10-3 09:02:51 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-10-3 09:05:22 | 只看该作者
顶!!!!!!!!!这篇文章写的太好了!!!!!!!!!! :smile:
发表于 2005-10-3 12:17:28 | 只看该作者
Good Article!
I support you!

Some of our new immigrations always complain, always looking for some way to get free money.
They are cheating to get E.I., then go to school using our tax payer' money;
They are cheating to move their money to other's account then they can get discount for tuition fee, OSAP, daycare, government house...;
They are cheating to live in Quebec but working in Ottawa to get Quebec government's money;
They are cheating to pass the English test in China and use fault documentation to qualify their immigrations.
They are cheating to be a single father or mother to get benefit from government;
They complain no company hires them, government delayed their parent(s) to come;
They look down those people come from Fu Jian and Guang Dong as refugee;
They look down students as garbage...
Any way, they are the best in the world.

What I what to tell them: SHAME ON YOU!!!

Have you ever thought what kind of contribution you made for Canada?
How much tax you paid to Canada and how much you get from?
ESL, LINK, Job shop, free health care, free highway, free park, free education for your child(ren)....
All of these, you can't get any thing free from China!

If you don't like here, no one hold you in here, no one invited you to stay in here. Go back!
You are not qualified as an immigration! We Canadians don't like you!
Only loser complains, Only loser looks down others and other's job, because you can't be involved, and reach that level!

Anyone in here, no matter you are native, immigration, refugee, student.. if you work hard, smart to earn your money, we will respect on you. There is no big difference on what kind of job your are doing...
Labor job what?! 70% of Canadians are doing different kind of labor job.
Ask yourself, how many skill set do you have to do these "LABOR JOB!!!?"

Anyway, in here Canada, no one like to listen your complain, no one owe your money.
发表于 2005-10-3 12:49:49 | 只看该作者
第四天,老板请他走人,表面上的理由是他家太有钱,不用在餐馆打杂, 实际上所有员工都认为该留学生是骗子。

... 过一段时间,我看见他在一超市卖肉
发表于 2005-10-3 13:44:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-10-3 13:45:49 | 只看该作者
第四天,老板请他走人,表面上的理由是他家太有钱,不用在餐馆打杂, 实际上所有员工都认为该留学生是骗子。

... 过一段时间,我看见他在一超市卖肉

发表于 2005-10-3 15:02:17 | 只看该作者

Good Article!
I support you!

Some of our new immigrations always complain, always looking for some way to get free money.
They are cheating to get E.I., then go to school using our tax payer' money;
They are cheating to move their money to other's account then they can get discount for tuition fee, OSAP, daycare, government house...;
They are cheating to live in Quebec but working in Ottawa to get Quebec government's money;
They are cheating to pass the English test in China and use fault documentation to qualify their immigrations.
They are cheating to be a single father or mother to get benefit from government;
They complain no company hires them, government delayed their parent(s) to come;
They look down those people come from Fu Jian and Guang Dong as refugee;
They look down students as garbage...
Any way, they are the best in the world.

What I what to tell them: SHAME ON YOU!!!

Have you ever thought what kind of contribution you made for Canada?
How much tax you paid to Canada and how much you get from?
ESL, LINK, Job shop, free health care, free highway, free park, free education for your child(ren)....
All of these, you can't get any thing free from China!

If you don't like here, no one hold you in here, no one invited you to stay in here. Go back!
You are not qualified as an immigration! We Canadians don't like you!
Only loser complains, Only loser looks down others and other's job, because you can't be involved, and reach that level!

Anyone in here, no matter you are native, immigration, refugee, student.. if you work hard, smart to earn your money, we will respect on you. There is no big difference on what kind of job your are doing...
Labor job what?! 70% of Canadians are doing different kind of labor job.
Ask yourself, how many skill set do you have to do these "LABOR JOB!!!?"

Anyway, in here Canada, no one like to listen your complain, no one owe your money.
发表于 2005-10-3 15:19:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-10-3 15:44:20 | 只看该作者
There is no big difference on what kind of job your are doing...

You're wrong my friend. There's big difference in these!
I get paid 30+ per hour to surf the WEB, to post on ca51
if I like,  what's my job ? network admin!
发表于 2005-10-3 16:36:54 | 只看该作者
Good Article!
I support you!

Some of our new immigrations always complain, always looking for some way to get free money.
They are cheating to get E.I., then go to school using our tax payer' money;
They are cheating to move their money to other's account then they can get discount for tuition fee, OSAP, daycare, government house...;
They are cheating to live in Quebec but working in Ottawa to get Quebec government's money;
They are cheating to pass the English test in China and use fault documentation to qualify their immigrations.
They are cheating to be a single father or mother to get benefit from government;
They complain no company hires them, government delayed their parent(s) to come;
They look down those people come from Fu Jian and Guang Dong as refugee;
They look down students as garbage...
Any way, they are the best in the world.

What I what to tell them: SHAME ON YOU!!!

Have you ever thought what kind of contribution you made for Canada?
How much tax you paid to Canada and how much you get from?
ESL, LINK, Job shop, free health care, free highway, free park, free education for your child(ren)....
All of these, you can't get any thing free from China!

If you don't like here, no one hold you in here, no one invited you to stay in here. Go back!
You are not qualified as an immigration! We Canadians don't like you!
Only loser complains, Only loser looks down others and other's job, because you can't be involved, and reach that level!

Anyone in here, no matter you are native, immigration, refugee, student.. if you work hard, smart to earn your money, we will respect on you. There is no big difference on what kind of job your are doing...
Labor job what?! 70% of Canadians are doing different kind of labor job.
Ask yourself, how many skill set do you have to do these "LABOR JOB!!!?"


Anyway, in here Canada, no one like to listen your complain, no one owe your money.
发表于 2005-10-3 16:38:15 | 只看该作者
Good Article!
I support you!

Some of our new immigrations always complain, always looking for some way to get free money.
They are cheating to get E.I., then go to school using our tax payer' money;
They are cheating to move their money to other's account then they can get discount for tuition fee, OSAP, daycare, government house...;
They are cheating to live in Quebec but working in Ottawa to get Quebec government's money;
They are cheating to pass the English test in China and use fault documentation to qualify their immigrations.
They are cheating to be a single father or mother to get benefit from government;
They complain no company hires them, government delayed their parent(s) to come;
They look down those people come from Fu Jian and Guang Dong as refugee;
They look down students as garbage...
Any way, they are the best in the world.

What I what to tell them: SHAME ON YOU!!!

Have you ever thought what kind of contribution you made for Canada?
How much tax you paid to Canada and how much you get from?
ESL, LINK, Job shop, free health care, free highway, free park, free education for your child(ren)....
All of these, you can't get any thing free from China!

If you don't like here, no one hold you in here, no one invited you to stay in here. Go back!
You are not qualified as an immigration! We Canadians don't like you!
Only loser complains, Only loser looks down others and other's job, because you can't be involved, and reach that level!

Anyone in here, no matter you are native, immigration, refugee, student.. if you work hard, smart to earn your money, we will respect on you. There is no big difference on what kind of job your are doing...
Labor job what?! 70% of Canadians are doing different kind of labor job.
Ask yourself, how many skill set do you have to do these "LABOR JOB!!!?"

Anyway, in here Canada, no one like to listen your complain, no one owe your money.

发表于 2005-10-3 16:46:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-10-3 16:48:24 | 只看该作者


但起的名字太大,有一杆横扫的问题。 一楼及后来几贴都在这点上忙活。 如果文章叫--比起某些留学生的苦,有些新移民真不该抱怨! 会好些。
发表于 2005-10-3 16:48:59 | 只看该作者

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