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穿帮的新年致辞 (中英)

发表于 2017-1-1 15:27:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2017-1-1 15:43 编辑

With All Due Respect, Mr. Obama, Your Statement is Flawed

在我发表个人看法之前,先看看视频下的“喜欢”和“不喜欢”吧: 518::454
Mr. Obama, or I should have called him President Obama, gave his New Year Speech for 2017 which has been uploaded to YouTube by the White House. Before I gave my personal opinion on this speech, let’s take a look at the “like” vs “dislike”: 518 : 454.

毫无意外,他的新年致辞中心思想是他的政绩。他说他刚上任时,美国每个月就有80万人失业,又说,从2010初开始到现在,美国新增了1560万个工作职位。算一下,从2010到2016应该有6720万人失业,他的政绩是增加了不到四分之一新工作,姑且不说大家都心知肚明新增工作一般都是廉价劳。The keynote of the speech is his self-recognized great achievement: comparing to “Nearly 800,000 Americans were losing their jobs each month” as he started his administration 8 years ago, “our businesses have created 15.6 million new jobs since early 2010”. Okay, let’s do the math, based on the job losing rate, the America should have lost 67.2million jobs from 2010 to 2016 which is 4 times bigger than the newly created jobs he chose to indicate, not to mention the nature of most of the newly created jobs that we all know about.

You also proudly mentioned, I quote “a resurgent auto industry”. Can we face the fact that Detroit, the Motor City in the world, “was declared bankrupt by U.S. District Court on December 2, 2013” during your presidency? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detroit ) 他又说到了汽车工业复苏,大概忘记了最大的汽车城底特律创成为美国史上第一个申请破产的城市就发生在他的总统任期内。

As a lawyer, you know much better than me what the accuracy of data means to your argument, yet you gave us “in fact, last year, folks’ typical household income rose by $2, 800, that’s the single biggest increase on record”. I googled the expression “typical household income”, Google, your giant search engine Business, not Russia’s, not China’s, but yours, led me to the expression “median household income”. 作为律师,他应该比我更清楚引用数字的准确性对论证的重要性,他说美国“典型家庭收入”去年增加了2800美金,我不知道什么是“典型家庭收入”,Google告诉我其实就是中等家庭收入,好吧。然后我找到2014年的数字是$53,657; 2015年是$55,775,两者相减,得出的差是$2118, 不是$2800好吗?


I don’t know if it’s your staff’s bad or Google’s “typo”, but certainly, it would not be your wrongdoing. Okay, I continued with what I found and got the following:

The “median household income” in 2014 is $53,657:

The “median household income” in 2015 is $55,775:


As such the increased amount for last year shall be $2,118, not $2,800, ok?

至于他自夸美国比8年前赢得了世界上更多国家的尊敬,我不想提英国伦敦前市长是如何让他对Brexit闭嘴,也不想说菲律宾总统对他的鄙视,只是找出一张美国大选前网民评论的截图放在这里,大家自己看吧(别的国家以前是仰视美国的,我们现在是俯视美国,还配了一个倒置的心)。I would not go further more details of your statement but can’t help pointing out the following fact regarding your saying “Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did 8 years ago”:

BTW, as for Russian diplomats expelled by you during the holidays, to my knowledge, even in a civil procedure, serving a legal document “may only be made on days other than holidays”. (Art. 111 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Quebec)

-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese), 《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺! a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!
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