Tristin HopperSEPTEMBER 28, 20157:08 PM Mulcair: “It’s important to remember, this is not a NATO mission, it is not a United Nations mission.”
Daniel KaszorSEPTEMBER 28, 20157:09 PMMulcair points out that the mission is not a NATO or UN mission and that Canada would be more helpful dealing with refugees than dropping bombs.
Jen GersonSEPTEMBER 28, 20157:09 PM“When your only tool is a hammer, all problems resemble nails,” Mulcair says, using this opportunity to bring up the refugee crisis.
移民的生命对哈伯来说重要不? 这里谋杀了若干移民,哈伯都不管,他又什么资格奢谈生命安全。 一颗炸弹扔下去,炸死的大部分都是普通老百姓,看过这个报道了吧? 没有联合国批准,去轰炸别的国家,那叫侵略,懂不懂?