特别提醒:上周新概念“金牌---Oracle DBA证书/经验班”报名踊跃,这缘于授课老师Derek Zhu给他们的信心,缘于Oracle就业市场的风生水起。连续二场的公开课,让到场的朋友见证了金牌名师的实力,Derek Zhu以其深厚的Oracle DBA功底、丰富的工作经验、熟练的课程娴熟程度激发了到场朋友们考取证书的信心和兴趣,掌声雷动,报名者众!实际上,作为重拳出击的数据库系列课程之一,“金牌---Oracle DBA证书/经验班”2005年全新设计,课程内容更多,包括最新证书9i考试内容全攻略,无论您是准备通过8i到9i的升级考试;还是全力以赴直接通过9i资格认证,此课都是您的首选课程。经过实践证明,多市新概念“Oracle DBA证书班”的培训效果是最佳的,自从5年前新概念首家推出此课以来,一直反响强烈。特别是培训过程中,不断积累,现拥有多市最齐全的内部培训资料和全真题库,更拥有多台 UNIX 平台,确保学员考过证书,并且获得真才实学!作为北美著名大公司的Oracle Senior DBA,朱老师已有十几年的数据库工作经验,将全部无保留的浓缩给您,除了教授考证书的全部内容,而且还覆盖了大量实际工作中难点及重点,一班可以两得。请不要错过6月12日(周日)6:00pm新概念将推出“金牌Oracle DBA证书班”新班第一次课,精彩纷呈,不要错过!
为了帮助大家对Oracle DBA 能够尽快的了解并掌握一些考试信息,新概念电脑培训中心精心推荐以下好文章,真心奉献,含金量高!属Oracle DBA 考证必知内容,业内人士不可错过!
就业急需人才, 前景美好-Oracle认证!
首先,Oracle是一家软件公司。这家1977成立于加利福尼亚的软件公司是世界上第一个推出关系型数据管理系统(RDBMS)的公司。现在,他们的RDBMS被广泛应用于各种操作环境:Windows NT、基于UNIX系统的小型机、IBM大型机以及一些专用硬件操作系统平台。事实上,Oracle已经成为世界上最大的RDBMS供应商,并且是世界上最主要的信息处理软件供应商。现在,Oracle是仅次于微软公司的世界第二大软件公司,2000年的销售额为101亿美元。现在Oracle在世界范围内大约聘用了4万3千多名专业技术人员,在北美有2万1千名。有趣的是,即使在北美,Oracle的技术人员(主要是程序员)中有40%是印度人,中国人是第二多的,其次才是美国或加拿大人。
然后,Oracle是一个庞大的品牌系统。如前所述,Oracle不仅在全球最先推出了RDBMS,并且事实上掌握着这个市场的大部分份额,由于Oracle 公司的RDBMS都以Oracle为名,所以,在某种程度上Oracle己经成为了RDBMS的代名词。而近几年来,Oracle不断积极地扩展自己的业务,成功地开发了许多横向和纵向的产品,譬如Oracle自己设计生产的Oracle服务器,面对商业客户的商业交易系统(Oracle Exchange),Oracle数据中心等等。同时,Oracle还成功开发出了很多面对程序员的开发工具,譬如著名的Designer/2000计算机辅助系统工程(CASE)工具和Developer/2000开发包,这些工具作为“设计器”和“开发器”,有力地帮助了程序员的开发工作,也有力地提高了Oracle的声誉。此外,Oracle还开发了一系列面对不同对象的应用软件,它们被统称为Oracle应用软件。这些软件使得Oracle被广泛应用到各个领域,同时也为Oracle带来滚滚财源。比较常见的Oracle软件产品包括:Oracle财务软件(Oracle Financial)/Oracle制造业软件(Oracle Manufacturing)/Oracle人力资源软件(Oracle Human Resources)/Oracle自动控制软件(Oracle Automotive)/Oracle 商业交易系统(Oracle Exchange),以及其他的应用软件。这些软件连同OracleRDBMS使得Oracle成为一个庞大的品牌系统,深入到了人们生产和生活的各个领域。
由于Oracle拥有多年在各种行业下的多种解决方案,拥有基于不同客户环境的Oracle RDMBS服务器工具及规模巨大的应用软件系统,而且,这个庞大的系统正在不同程度、不同层次地为各行各业所广泛应用。因此,能够熟练掌握这个系统的某些方面及适应这个系统的不断更新的专业工程师必然是各界急需的人才,有着良好的就业前景。
Database Administrator(简称DBA)/Database Operator(简称DBO)/Database Developer(简称DEV)/Java Developer/Application Consultant等。
Oracle DBA是最吃香,但也是最难考的一个认证。在Oracle的官方网站上,对DBA有以下说明:
Oracle DBA专家可以跟上如今日趋复杂的系统环境要求。最好的DBA们都在幕后工作,他们小心地维护着系统,使得系统可以每天都平稳地运转,并且防止意外灾难的发生,譬如数据库崩溃或者成小时地宕机。这项艰巨的任务需要对Oracle数据库的结构和运行方式有着广泛泛深入的了解,并且有丰富的实战经验。最好的DBA可以在取得最佳运行状态及防止他们公司停止运行的突发事件中找到平衡。Oracle DBA认证考试就是提供一个证明该人可以胜任Oracle DBA这一职务的认证。
Oracle 8i升级到9i
Oracle 8i升级到9i OCP DBA只需一门Oracle 9i Database:New Features for Administrtors;如果直接考9i,需要4门:Introduction to Oracle9i:SQL/Oracle 9i Database:Fundamentals 1/Oracle 9i Database:Fundamentals 2/Oracle 9i Database:performance Tuning。
Oracle 9i中认证三个级别
OCA(Oracle9i Certified Associate)、OCP(Oracle9i Certified Professional)和OCM(Oracle9i Certified Master)。如果是直接考9i的OCP,前两门考过就是OCA的证书了,后两门再考过,就再发一个OCP的证书。但要取得9i OCP的证书,你必须参加至少一门的ORACLE官方培训(或授权培训中心的培训),而从8i上来就不需要了。有关信息可以参考:http://www.oracle.com/education/ ... a9i_ocmcourses.html
随着北美经济的好转,2005年IT就业形势的全面好转。实际上按照以往规律,如果公司大举招聘Developer ,那必然将大举招聘DBA、ADMIN的相关职位以保持职位平衡,所以根据前4个月招聘Developer的数量,可以预见到随即而来的几个月Data Warehouse,DBA,Admin的职位在近期会有绝佳的表现,请正在求职之路的朋友们敬请关注!特别像一些IT行业中的传统职位如Oracle DBA 的就业需求明显增加,并且由于现在对雇员技术的要求增高,甚至IT行业中的其他方向的技术人员具备Oracle DBA的背景亦是势在必行!如果您想用最短的时间考取Oracle DBA证书,并且获得实际经验;如果您在国内已有多年的Oracle DBA经验,想将以往的经历与北美快速接轨;如果您已具备Oracle 的基础知识,想切实了解北美Oracle管理的运作流程;如果您想增加IT背景;请不要错过新概念于6月12日(周日)6:00pm举行的“Oracle DBA 证书班”新班第一次课,向快速成功就业迈进关键的一步!定座电话:416-482-9558。
金牌Oracle DBA 证书班 新班第一次课:6月12日(周日)6:00pm
Oracle是世界上最主要的数据库供应商和第二大软件公司,Oracle的数据库技术已经被广泛应用于各个领域,因而市场上对Oracle人才的需求量是相当之大,获得Oracle认证不愁找不到工作。根据资料统计,有经验的DBA在美国的平均工资为7-8万美金。这也是为什么许多人都要拿Oracle证书的原因。公司招Oracle DBA除了看经验外,有Oracle证书也是非常重要的,它就想通行证一样让你在北美通行无阻,在哪里都可以找到工作。无论是新进入这个数据库领域的人,还是此行业中的老手,如果您想真正吸引到雇主的眼光,Oracle证书将是您致胜的法宝。
Who Should Take the Course:
Anyone who wants to go through a complete Oracle DBA course and project cycles, and gain comprehensive hands-on project experience. Also those who want to get Oracle9i DBA Certification.
Course Description:
This course provides comprehensive coverage of implementing Oracle9i database administration. The course will not only prepare students to get the Oracle9i DBA certificate and become OCP (Oracle Certified Professional), but also teach students extensive hands-on practical skills associated with Oracle DBA work. This course covers all aspects of PL/SQL, Database Administration, Performance Tuning, Backup/Recovery and Network Administration.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Product Database System
We will design and develop a product database system. This project will demonstrate how to physically and logically design the database, administrate, backup/recover the database, performance tuning and trouble shooting.
Benefits of the Course:
Becoming professionally certified can be a smart career move for a technical professional. Unlike a college degree or even continuing education credits, OCP Certification will be a living, breathing credential as much a product of your commitment to being your best as it is of your proven abilities. For your manager, it is proof that you have the depth of knowledge and hands-on skills required to support Oracle core products according to a rigorous standard established by Oracle.
There is high demand for professionals in the information technology (IT) industry, and Oracle certifications are the hottest credential in the database world. You have made the right decision to pursue certification, because being Oracle certified will give you a distinct advantage in this highly competitive market.
Many readers may already be familiar with Oracle and do not need an introduction to the Oracle database world. For those who aren’t familiar with the company, Oracle, founded in 1977, sold the first commercial relational database and is now the world’s leading database company and second- largest independent software company, with revenues of more than $10 billion, serving more than 145 countries.
Oracle databases are the de facto standard for large Internet sites, and Oracle advertisers are boastful but honest when they proclaim, “The Internet Runs on Oracle.” Almost all big Internet sites run Oracle databases. Oracle’s penetration of the database market runs deep and is not limited to dot-com implementations. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) application suites, data warehouses, and custom applications at many companies rely on Oracle. The demand for DBA resources remains higher than others during weak economic times.
The number one reason to become an OCP is to gain more visibility and greater access to the industry’s most challenging opportunities. Oracle certification is the best way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in Oracle database systems. The certification tests are scenario-based, which is the most effective way to assess your hands-on expertise and critical problem- solving skills.
Certification is proof of your knowledge and shows that you have the skills required to support Oracle core products. The Oracle certification program can help a company to identify proven performers who have demonstrated their skills and who can support the company’s investment in Oracle technology. It demonstrates that you have a solid understanding of your job role and the Oracle products used in that role.OCPs are among the best paid in the IT industry. Salary surveys consistently show the OCP certification to yield higher salaries than other certifications, including Microsoft, Novell, and Cisco.
Course Outline:
PART 1. Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL
This part offers students an extensive introduction to data server technology. The class covers the concepts of relational databases and the powerful SQL and PL/SQL programming languages. Students are taught to create and maintain database objects and to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. In addition, students learn to create PL/SQL blocks of application code that can be shared by multiple forms, reports, and data management applications. Demonstrations and hands-on practice reinforce the fundamental concepts. This class is preparation for both the Oracle Application Developer and Database Administrator certification exams.
PART 2. Oracle9i Database Administration
This part is designed to give the Oracle database administrator (DBA) a firm foundation in basic administrative tasks.
PART 3. Oracle9i Network Administration
This course introduces participants to the trends and problems associated with business networking and presents the various solutions required to tackle these problems. Participants will then implement a basic connection between a client and a server node using various naming methods.
PART 4. Oracle9i Backup and Recovery Workshop
This course introduces participants to the critical task of planning and implementing database backup and recovery strategies. Participants will utilize multiple strategies and Oracle tools such as Recovery Manager to perform backups, and restore and recovery operations.
PART 5. Oracle9i Performance Tuning Workshop
This part introduces participants to a series of tuning steps that can be used to improve the performance of the Oracle9i Server. Through a combination of demonstrations, lectures, and lab exercises, participants gain practical experience tuning an Oracle database. Participants also learn how to recognize, troubleshoot and resolve common performance related problems in administering an Oracle database.
授课老师简介:Derek Zhu。通过多家公司认证的权威专业教师,包括Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), IBM Websphere Instructor and Oracle Certified Trainer。著名大学计算机硕士,曾任职于银行、保险公司和政府的Oracle DBA工作。Derek Zhu拥有15年以上相关application developer, system administrator, database administrator, and WebSphere administrator的丰富工作经验。曾经同时设计和开发过前端和后端数据库界面,他非凡的领导能力、交流技巧和解决问题的能力使他能够更有效的学习和应用最新的技术。是新概念“Oracle 9i 证书/经验班”权威授课老师,实践经验,无出其右。
Derek Zhu. He is Certified Technical Trainer for different vendors ( Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), IBM Websphere Instructor and Oracle Certified Trainer). He is a graduate in computer science and Civil & Environmental Engineering, with a focus in modeling client/server applications, e-business applications, problem solving, and human information processing. With over 15 years experience as a proven application developer, system administrator, database administrator, and WebSphere administrator, Derek has designed and developed both back-end databases and front-end client interfaces. His demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills make him a strong team player, with effective communication and problem solving skills, and the ability to learn and apply new skills quickly and effectively. His most notable achievements include as an Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) and an internet Java , WebSphere application developed for a major Canadian bank, Insurance company, Oracle Financial application and an integrated traffic management system for government. Derek is an active learner who enjoys working with new technologies and taking on new challenges. He is committed to delivering quality results, and is eager to contribute his strong technical and interpersonal skills to help customers solve their business problems.
Access & VBA 本期特价,$380 only
6月11日(周六) 9:30am,以后固定在每周六9:30am-12:30pm
权威职业培训学院新概念独家首推的“ACCESS 2003 & VBA”已经三年多,师资强,大特价380,为广大移民快捷就业立下了汗马功劳,此课虽没有大作宣传,却美名远扬,课程口碑极好,就业形势和效果不同凡响,已有20多名学员通过此课的学习成功找到相关白领工作,上一期学员Mr. Zhai 和Miss Shi在课程结束一周内即获得Access方面的工作,工作稳定、轻松、年薪可观,而Mr.Lu和Ms Hu更是成功找到第一份来加的工作,ACCESS & VBA,不啻为移民来加找第一份技术工作首选!
ACCESS & VBA开发快捷,使用简单,广泛应用于中小公司,就业职位出奇之多,实属移民找技术工作首选的切入点,更是寻找金融机构内工作必会的技术之一!老师背景深厚,多年实际经验倾囊相授,学员可在短期内迅速掌握!课程除了教授Access/VBA开发和使用环境的全面技术, 更着重于 Example 的演示和说明, 使学员了解如何用 Access 和 VBA 去处理不同类型的 Data Input and Output,确保就业!
授课老师简介:Anna Wang,五年多北美工作和学习经验,四年国内计算机授课经验。计算机硕士,现从事Microsoft MS Access & VBA and VB.Net 应用软件包的设计和开发, 项目涉及 Environment, Health & Safety (for GE & Ontario Science Center),Transportation; 以及IBM CANADA e-commerce development 经验。新概念电脑培训中心“Access & VBA”课程的授课老师,实践经验,无出其右,以动手能力强而著称。
Royal College of Technology Canada(新概念电脑培训中心)
政府EI 申请首选学校,安省注册编号:0292。
Web Site:www.nctol.com; www.newconcept.4java.net(中文);www.royalc.ca (English)
主校址: 45 Sheppard Ave East, Suite 510 (Sheppard/Yonge 东南) 近地铁站,免费停车
Co-op基地:111 Eglington Ave East, Suite 401 (Eglington/Yonge 东南) 近地铁站,免费停车
新概念-最权威、最完善的就业培训基地!移民、留学生获得北美工作经验首选!IT、金融财会人士提升必备!CO-OP大本营!新概念为您的就业解决一切后顾之忧!选择新概念,意味着快捷的就业和成功的职业发展!欢迎参加每周六精彩免费讲座和公开课! |