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停车场内撞车,咋办? 网友对此有误解

发表于 2015-7-3 10:26:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


我们开车出车库转弯处,遇到回来的车辆。在转弯处我轻微的压到了一点点中线,对面的车强行转弯擦到了车身的右侧。然后对方那个老鬼下来就直接说我全责,因为我压到了中线!!!然后让我来负责全部的修车费用。我一开始和他说停车场的事情, ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2015-7-3
但要记住,如果G1的司机要把车开到公路(Highway)上去的话,这时候副驾上必须有个5年或以上驾龄的G牌司机。 无 忧 网 - 51
You must not drive alone; an accompanying driver must sit in the front passenger seat. This is the only person who can be in the front seat with you while you drive. The accompanying driver must have a valid Class G (or higher) licence, at least four years of driving experience and a blood-alcohol level of less than .05 per cent when accompanying you. Time spent at the Class G2 level, as long as the G2 licence was valid (not suspended), does count toward the accompanying driver’s four years of experience. The accompanying driver’s licence may have demerit points, but it cannot be suspended.
You must not drive on 400-series highways with a posted speed limit over 80km/h. Also, you must not drive on certain high-speed roads including the Queen Elizabeth Way, Don Valley Parkway and the Gardiner Expressway in the Greater Toronto Area, the E.C. Row Expressway in Windsor and the Conestoga Parkway in Kitchener-Waterloo. However, if your accompanying driver is a driving instructor, you may drive on any road.
发表于 2015-7-3 11:44:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 123zyx 于 2015-7-3 11:51 编辑

杨警官只是从Highway Act 角度判断事主不承担任何责任。但又说这是私人领地,不属Highway Act 管辖范围。逻辑有点荒唐。

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发表于 2015-7-4 10:02:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 jamesl专砍一$党 于 2015-7-4 10:06 编辑

再次请问杨警官:枪击Sam Yatim致死,所谓SIU调查结束了吗?开枪警察还在做警察局接待员么?



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