以下是聯邦衛生部長安普絲 (Rona Ambrose)及卑詩省長簡慧芝(Christy Clark)的電郵地址:
To Honorable Rona Ambrose ([email protected])
Cc Honorable Christy Clark ([email protected])
Bcc 本會 [email protected] 以統計發信的數目
Dear Hon Rona Ambrose,
Re: Concerns about Regulating Illegal Sales of Marijuana in Vancouver, B.C.
I am writing to express my grave concerns about the plan of City Council of Vancouver led by Mayor Gregor Robertson to regulate the illegal sales of marijuana. It has decided to hold public hearings to refine a plan to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries, pressing ahead with new rules that could be in place by the fall. (Please read http://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... gs/article24155908/)
As we all know, the supplies of illegal marijuana dispensaries come from illegal sources, that is, provided by criminal organizations. When these illegal activities thrive with the assistance of the Vancouver City Council by regulating the criminal activities, more money will be poured into these criminal organizations. The more money they obtain the more power they gain. Their power will eventually impose an influence on or even control all levels of governments. We do not want big cities such as Vancouver to become cities like Mexico or Colombia. Canada is founded by principles that recognize the rule of law.
Thank you for your April 23rd letter sent to Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson. However, more needs to be done before this phenomenon spreads to other cities like an epidemic. Law abiding citizens are looking to the Federal Government to firmly and effectively exercise its authority before things get out of control.
Respectfully yours,
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