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安省提最低时薪 劳工小生意团体不欢迎

发表于 2005-1-4 21:22:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


安省最低时薪工人的工资将会获得提高,但省府此举未获劳工及小生意团体欢迎。 据加通社报道,安省自由党政府周一宣布,由2月1日起,将最低时薪的每小时薪金增加30仙至7. 45元。 代表安省65万名劳工的安省劳工联盟(On ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2005-1-4
who can calculate how these people to sustain his/her life?

I assume s/he is a deligent Canadain worker, living in a most suitable human living & advanced/developed country.
s/he is an honest person try to maintain selfesteem (should not living in a basement for a whole life).

if s/he also want to create nextgeneration for Canada s/he need to marry and have kids.

if possible compare living in China

shelf for living cost: $1000x12=
eating cost: $10x30x12=
clothing cost: $25x12=
basic telephone cost: $32x12=
basic transportation cost $4x25x12=
basic education cost: $15x12=
basic entertainment cost: $10x12=
basic home equipment cost: $200=

basic gift for friend $100=
yes, tax to contribute to this great country: $300?
to gonation to African poor countries' poor people: $10?
do not take any vacation and holiday for your whole life, but earn your $7.45/hr
all the above plus together IS < his earn=$7.45x40x52
what else, oh, marriage cost, generate children?

anyway s/he will be happy because s/he is living in a most advanced country. good. interesting. this is for all Canadian.
I wonder how the government come up to this $7.45?

I hope someone be better than me to plan this Canadian life.
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