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Delay the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act 傳統中醫法延遲六個月實施 【签名】

发表于 2013-4-30 19:09:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 克 飞 于 2013-4-30 20:30 编辑

**** PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS NEW PETITION with updated information and demands: http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/vote-of-no-confidence-in-ontario-s-tcm-regulatory-body-compensation-for-loss-of-work ****

Petition 請願書背景 :
Ontario's Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Act will be in force as of April 1, 2013.  Without your help & support, hundreds of Ontario's Acupuncturists and TCM Practitioners may have to stop working after April 1.
We believe the way this regulation is currently unfolding is not in the best interests of TCM practitioners, Acupuncturists or their hundreds of thousands of patients across Ontario.
Practitioners face a possible $25,000 fine and/or imprisonment if they continue practicing without registration numbers. However, the registration process has been hampered by unclear information regarding deadlines, insufficient preliminary exam options, and language barriers faced by the majority of practitioners in this province (all paperwork and exams must be written in English or French, despite the fact Chinese has been the main operating language of TCM practice in Ontario and worldwide.) The process for securing a registration number has been mismanaged so significantly by the Council it appears that it will be impossible for most practitioners to be in compliance by April 1, 2013.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and their patients deserve fair treatment! They are not criminals, they are health care providers!
Please support and sign the petition below!
Share the hashtag #delaytheTCMactON
Hon. Deborah Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario
Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
Hon. Jean Augustine, Commissioner, Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Hon. Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Hon. Yasir Naqvi, Ministry of Labour
Emily Cheung, Registrar, Transitional Council of the College of Traditional Chinese
France Gélinas, Critic, Health and Long-Term Care (NDP)
Christine Elliott, Critic, Health; Deputy Leader, Official Opposition (PC)

Jean Augustine,安省平等機會專員

Ontario's Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists, and their hundreds of thousands of patients deserve fair treatment. I ask that you: 我們是一群安省省民,要求:

1) DELAY THE IMPLEMENTATION of the TCM Act and Regulations for at least 6 months beyond April 1, 2013.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-30 19:14:30 | 只看该作者


Edward Yee
This is most important to me because for several reasons:
1. I don't like western medicine because pills and drugs are always prescribed and I do not like taking chemicals
2. I can describe my problems in detail in Chinese to a TCM practitioner
3. TCM practitioners never prescribe chemicals...only natural products are prescribed
4. My experience is that Acupuncture cures most of my health problems
5. I have never had any side effects after using Acupuncture treatment
6. Why would a Chinese person who practices Traditional Chinese Medicine even try to describe or explain the treatment in English or French when there are no English or French translations possible.

if you want to regulate and control things that you have no business controlling then at least be fair to the honest practitioners out there, the dishonest ones aren't going to follow your rules regardless of regulations. As in all things, locks only keep out honest people

Though some practioners have language barrier, they do give patients good treatment.

There has been poor communication from the Transitional Council, the fees are too high, and the process has been rushed. Moreover, practitioners are asked to be like Western medical doctors without the proper recognition or financial support. The work of acupuncturists and TCM practitioners keeps people out of emergency rooms, hospitals and clinics. The profession truly promotes health and wellbeing, which benefits all of us whether we are a member of the public, a practitioner, a teacher, an athlete, a politician and so on.

Most other registered colleges in Ontario (e.g. doctors, nurses) have members appointed by the government, as well as members elected by the public, so that the voice of actual professional members can be heard. This is not the way it appears with the transitional council TC-CTCMPAO, which does not have any elected members, and tries to gain power over TCM practitioners by creating confusion and suppressing dissent, against the principles of a free and democratic country like Canada.
Both practitioners and public do not know what will happen after the Act comes into play, due to the attempts of the Council to ‘weed out’ the majority of practitioners who do not operate in English as the primary language. This discrimination will result in a perversion of TCM by western medicine-influenced beliefs, and limits the choice of the public to select medical practices that they believe are most effective for them.
Regulation is necessary, but only under fair and clear circumstances; the current TCMA does not satisfy either of those criteria.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-30 19:16:53 | 只看该作者
Ai Zhen Tatelman TORONTO, CANADA
True Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors are those who are highly qualified and rigorously trained in China. Why on earth are we denying Ontarians, nay, Canadians, access to their expertise? A government that truly cares will realise that this language barrier is a "manufactured" problem, arising out of political fervour. Need I reiterate that TCM doctors from China (easy enough to check the university from which they obtain their credentials) have helped many Canadians recover their health at affordable cost. Need I stress that NO Canadian has died in their care? Need I say more???

I don't understand why the Ministry and Transitional Council are taking such a hard line position. TCM has been practiced in Ontario for many years without regulation and it should be expected that (a) the imposition of new requirements will be very disruptive to those making a living in this profession and (b) unexpected challenges or inappropriate requirements were bound to be uncovered when the regulations went live. Neither the government not anyone else could be expected to have thought of everything beforehand. A penalty-free transition period is a reasonable request on the part of TCM practitioners and does not undermine the ultimate goal of fair and effective regulation.


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