楼主 |
发表于 2010-11-30 18:29:39
My question to you: did you read the original articles? What I found funny is that people start jump up and down just by reading a few headlines.
As much as everybody should 反对种族歧视, it is dangerous to take any criticism as 种族歧视.
I generally pose Star's opinions, but I am defending Star on this topic.
You accused me 汉奸 just because I wanted an honest discussion, I can tell you one story. 在我工作的公司里,我经常跟几个"爱国愤青"辩论。但是当几个白人攻击中国(注意不是攻击共产党),猜猜是谁站出来反驳?
我不会指责爱国愤青是汗奸 |