(本网综述)第一季度GTA新豪华公寓的销售量创下了历史同期的最高纪录。专家警告,开发商应避免“非理性的繁荣”。CMHC也增加了按揭保险赔偿储备金,以便应对可能出现的“断供”率上升之趋势。 ... [ 查看全文 ]
§ 发表于 2010-5-4
"第一季度,本地新豪华公寓的平均成交价格也从上季的每平方呎418元,上升至今年首季的443元;而未成交的单位的平均售价则为509元。本市市中心在建的地标性豪华公寓One Bloor,其房价已经从之前的每平方呎700元,上升到现在的800元。"
I really don't know why people pay that much for one square foot. I can get a better price if I buy a house. Also, the monthly management fee is also going up. I look at the economy, the market, the supply, etc and have no idea why the condo market is so hot. One thing for sure, I am not a rich guy and have no money to get a condo. |