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涉殴中国领事 三美国警察被暂时停职

发表于 2010-4-30 15:14:00 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


在上周六(24日)粗暴逮捕并用手铐铐住中国驻休斯敦副总领事郁伯仁的美国警察,目前已被暂停执行巡逻任务。 休斯敦市长帕克于当地时间29日发表声明表示,美国国务院和休斯敦市警察局正在联手对事件进行调查,相关警 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2010-4-30
本帖最后由 法官 于 2010-4-30 16:16 编辑

中国驻休斯敦总领馆副总领事郁伯仁24日驾驶没有牌照的汽车在先, 先违法了, 即使是外交人员也无权这么做. 美国警察在美国领土上试图拦截无牌照汽车和逮捕司机是合法行为. 美国警察追入领事馆也是违法了. 双方都有责任.

美国方面己经开始调查和让美国警察暂时停职, 中国方面也应该让副总领事郁伯仁暂时停职并协助调查. 郁伯仁不是无辜的.

"中国外交部发言人姜瑜今天表示,美方应儘快查明事件经过,追究相关当事人责任", 只追究美国警察的责任, 不提追究副总领事郁伯仁的责任, 本身就是不讲道理的无赖行为.
发表于 2010-4-30 16:46:45 | 只看该作者
回复 1# 法官


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-30 16:54:11 | 只看该作者

涉殴中国领事 三美国警察被暂时停职

本帖最后由 冬青 于 2010-4-30 17:56 编辑

警察鸣笛,为什么他不停车?以为在中国,中国警察奈何不了他? 如果一个外国人(美国使馆人员)在中国,中国警察让停,他不停,中国警察会怎么认为?结论是:先揍再说。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-30 19:20:12 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-30 20:02:20 | 只看该作者
发短消息   金币 788
发表于 2010-5-1 00:03   
不论哪个国家,领事馆设在一个意识形态和自己对立的国家里,仅仅是为了替本国侨民服务,办办签证,处理两国“礼尚往来”的事务?你把地球人都当白痴了。领事馆的主要任务就是在“豁免权”的庇护下搞一些特殊工作。美国警察对他鸣笛示警,他充耳不闻,直奔领事馆,为啥?又为什么郁伯仁开的车不挂牌照?外交官的车牌都有“DIPLOMA"注明,不挂牌照有不挂的道理。再说 “外交官的车牌最容易被偷”,是这样吗?外交官的车子随便停在马路边的可能性很少,被偷车牌的事大概就发生在中国领事馆身上。这件事最终不了了之,原因自己锅底黑得很!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-30 20:50:06 | 只看该作者
Houston Police Send Chinese Diplomat to Hospital

CBS News has learned Boren Yu, a diplomat stationed at China's consulate in Houston, Texas was arrested and injured Saturday night by Houston police who were unaware he was a diplomat when they cuffed him on consulate property.

According to information obtained by CBS News, Deputy Consular General Yu, 53,  was driving in Houston with another passenger, when a marked Houston Police car attempted to pull him over for a missing license plate.

Yu did not slow down and kept driving to the Chinese Consulate, entering a garage via an automatic door with officers in pursuit.

Multiple Houston PD officers chased Yu into the building and placed him in handcuffs. The officers were unaware the building Yu entered was the Chinese Consulate, according a source.

The Chinese diplomat sustained injuries to his head and neck during the arrest and was taken to Memorial Hermann Hospital by ambulance. The other passenger, Ms. Ging Hua Deng, was not injured.

"We have demanded the U.S. side to abide by the Vienna Convention on consular relations and the China-U.S. treaty on consular relations," Wang Zhihong, Consul at the Chinese Consulate in Houston, told CBS News.

The Houston Police Department has not yet responded to requests for comment.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-30 21:01:48 | 只看该作者

涉殴中国领事 三美国警察被暂时停职

Officers investigated over Chinese diplomat's injury

Three Houston police officers have been assigned desk duties as city and federal authorities scrutinize the arrest of a local Chinese diplomat who says police hit him in the face during a traffic stop last weekend at the Chinese Consulate.

The Chinese government responded to last Saturday's arrest of Houston deputy Consul General Boren Yu, who said a security camera recorded the incident, with a call for a speedy investigation. China also noted that “solemn exchanges” had passed between China and the U.S. as a result of the incident. Under the Vienna Convention, local law officers are prohibited from entering foreign diplomatic offices in all but the most extreme circumstances.

Mayor Annise Parker, in announcing the officers' re?assignment Friday, praised Police Chief Charles McClelland's handling of the case.

“This is important, as Houston has the third-largest number of consulates in the country,” Parker said. “We cherish our international residents and want to assure them they are welcome in our city.”

Reassigned to desk duties were Central Patrol Division officers Timothy Riley Jr., Quang Tran and Victor Olivares. Riley has been with the department since 2008; Tran and Olivares since last year.
Cuffed, but later released

In an interview Friday, Yu said he was traveling with his wife in a consulate vehicle when he saw a patrol car with flashing lights behind him. Yu said he stopped and waited several minutes, but drove off when the officer stayed in his car and took no apparent action.

Yu said he drove to the Chinese Consulate in the 3400 block of Montrose. When Yu drove through the consulate's automatic garage gate, the police car followed him.

Yu said he “made it clear” he was a Chinese diplomat, but the officer handcuffed him anyway. Yu said the officer struck him in the face, but he did not address the circumstances or specify when the alleged assault took place. Yu also suffered hand and neck injuries, according to a co-worker at the consulate.

Roberta MacInnis, a Houston Chronicle features editor, said she was shopping at a nearby business when she saw an HPD officer lying on top of a handcuffed man who was face-down in the garage.

Yu said the entire episode was captured on tape by a garage security camera. He and his wife later were released at the scene.

A source familiar with the officers' version of events said Yu's vehicle was spotted about 4:30 p.m. Saturday traveling a short distance from the consulate without a rear license plate. With the police car following with flashing lights, the vehicle wound through Montrose for about five minutes before entering the consulate garage.

As the officer exited his patrol car, the source said, Yu greeted him with loud curses.

A consulate spokesman said Yu's rear license plate had been stolen, but the diplomat thought having a front plate was enough. Texas law requires front and rear plates.

Aaron Suder, staff attorney with the Houston Police Officers Union, dismissed Yu's claim of a police assault as “categorically false.”

“When and if there's a video that's made public we are absolutely confident that the actions of the police officers involved will be justified,” he said.
Question of jurisdiction

Unresolved Friday was whether city police had jurisdiction on consulate property. Parker reported police said they were unaware they were on property owned by the Chinese government.

The consulate has a large sign and usually flies the Chinese flag. The garage has a smaller sign designating it as consulate property.

Under the Vienna Convention of Consular Relations, police can enter a consulate's property only by the invitation or to protect the consulate from a grave threat such as a fire or mass shooting, said South Texas College of Law professor Geoffrey Corn.

“If they thought the person they were pursuing was dangerous to consular staff,” he said, “there's a provision that says permission is presumed. But this is nothing like that.”

Parker said McClelland has issued a directive that all beat officers receive the address of every consulate in the city.

Houston City Councilman Al Hoang, who represents a heavily Chinese-American district, Friday praised the Parker administration's handling of the case. “The Chinese Consulate has a great relationship with our city and I know that relationship will continue,” he said. “

The State Department is looking into the incident, said agency spokeswoman Joanne Moore. “The department takes this incident very seriously and has been in touch with the Chinese Embassy about what occurred.”

Chronicle reporters Mike Glenn and Allan Turner contributed to this report.

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发表于 2010-5-1 08:33:35 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-5-1 10:35:51 | 只看该作者
jason12345678 发表于 2010-5-1 09:33 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


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发表于 2010-5-1 12:13:14 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-5-1 12:53:48 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-1 18:36:56 | 只看该作者

涉殴中国领事 三美国警察被暂时停职

本帖最后由 和者盖寡 于 2010-5-1 19:38 编辑


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发表于 2010-5-1 21:54:50 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2010-5-2 10:28:19 | 只看该作者

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