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发表于 2010-3-23 09:16:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


中新社多伦多电 温哥华冬奥会组委会自信地认为,以后当加拿大人回忆起2010年冬奥会和残奥会时,他们记得的红色将只是观众席上挥舞的红色手套,而不是赤字。 虽然最后的数字要等几个月才能知道,但组委会的成员表示 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2010-3-23
Depending on how they cook the book, they can even show there is a profit.  They can redirect a lot of expenses to the federal, province, city or even local areas.  Security cost increased more than 5 times and the final cost may close to 1 billion.  They can redirect the cost to the city and provincial police, and federal army forces.  The Olympic village is 130 million over budget.  At first they said after the game the village would become low income housing but now they consider to sell it.  There are also othe problems.

Think about it, at first the budget was about 600 million and how much they are talking now?  They need to pay the extra cost but where they can find the extra revenue to cover it?
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