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环球邮报上的评论: 一个西藏人的心里话

发表于 2008-4-14 15:22:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/s ... ional/home#comments

Chris W from Canada writes: Just simply from this thread its easy for me to see why there is such controversy involving Tibet and why people can not come together to resolve this peacefully. On one side you have the Chinese people who believe that the Dalai Lama is some kind of terrorist plot leader (engraved in their mind by Government propaganda) and that the protests are fueled by the Western media to divide China, and attempting to stop her from her way to becoming one of the leading world powers, which it already is. On the other side, you have people from the west, most of whom are uneducated on the history of Tibet, and argues to "free Tibet" whom they believe that Tibet was taken by force in recent history by the "big evil" communist government oppressed all freedom taken away from them. And instead of creating peaceful dialog like those the Lama has advocated, these people protest violently, even call for the boycott of the very game that will promote peace and dialog in a country that very much need it to resolve the conflict. Been a Tibetan, I lived in Lhasa until 15 when my family moved to England and ultimately here to Houston and still make occasional trips to see my extended family all of whom still lives in rural villages spread across Tibet and China, it really pains me to see the conflict and divide this has caused. From what I have seen, read, and heard from both sides, its clear to me that neither side really knows the entire story and refuse to acknowledge the changes that are needed.

    * Posted 14/04/08 at 1:47 PM EDT | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Chris W from Canada writes: 1st of all those who argue that nothing is wrong with Tibet and that the Lama is a separatist who looks to divide China needs to put down their crack pipes and look at the issue clearly. The great Lama is a spiritual leader that is important to all native Tibetan people, and the fact that he is now seen as a political leader is caused by the very doing of the Chinese government. Who, ironically with fears of a religion that calls for the peace and harmony of all, tries to micromanage all aspects of our religion and make changes that they feel is "modern" such as dividing and handout lands that belong to our places of worship and places of peaceful worship. And they send "religious" officials from Beijing or some other East coast modern cities, who honestly have no idea of our religion and which in turn creates many misunderstandings and conflict from it.

    * Posted 14/04/08 at 1:48 PM EDT | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Chris W from Canada writes: The protests for these freedoms that started this, was suppose to be a peaceful affair, suppose to bring light to these situation with the closeness of the upcoming Olympics so the government can bring changes. Yet these peaceful protest turned into riots, and destruction of many people's homes and business. The violence was not a result of those of us who wished for more religious freedoms, but by those who are poor, who can not afford food and such things due to the price of inflation by the fast growing Chinese economy. So instead of what is suppose to be peaceful call for more religious freedom turned into the chaos that you saw on TV. All this came from great social divide of the rich and poor created by the Chinese government's economic program that simply have no respect and care for those who are not wealthy. 2ndly The media and so called "activists" in the west really needs to shut their mouth, instead of learning our history and find out what we need and call for. These mindless fools, who have never set foot on Tibetan soil blindly follow others in protests to "Free Tibet". Tibet IS a part of China, that is something that my people have come to live with and agree with a long time ago. We call for a special state within China where we are allowed to manage our own cultural and religious affairs, and return the Lama to his true rule, to guide my people in our worship.

    * Posted 14/04/08 at 1:48 PM EDT | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Chris W from Canada writes: We do not want separation from China, simply because Tibet will not survive without a massive aid, from food and power, to services provided by the Chinese government. Those who have not been to Tibet only sees the post card of our majestic temples and breathtakingly beautiful mountain views, do not see the other parts of Tibet outside of Lhasa. Which is vast rocky wasteland, where few things grow, where the thing that we can grow is small patches of crops that is only enough to feed a few not to make a living out of. The Chinese government, despite their arrogance and refusal to cooperate and dialog, has brought a economical system to Tibet. They built schools, hospitals, transportation, and most importantly created a steady stream of tourists from all over china to which we have made a living off. We now have power and running water, which my grandparents never had. In fact my father was one of the first group of Tibetans to be educated in the schools built by the Chinese government and he now makes a very comfortable for one of the largest oil companies in the world because of it, not bad for a son of a old fashioned blacksmith. We have no oil, little valuable minerals and raw materials to which we can trade, only small patches of semi futile land for subsistence farming, and small pastures that can support the little flocks of yaks and goats that will survive in such barren lands. And the only thing that is keeping us afloat is our connection with the rest of China.

    * Posted 14/04/08 at 1:49 PM EDT | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Chris W from Canada writes: The Chinese economy, despite the great social gap it has created, has made our living conditions better than those of our ancestors. Something that I do not believe could have happened without the intervention of the Chinese. So despite the bad things that came along with such intervention, a lot of good things did arise from it.

So please next time you guys try to argue "for Tibetan freedom" or "nothing is wrong with Tibet", please think of us Tibetans please first. Because is because of such misunderstandings and refusal of cooperation and dialog that we came to this point in our history.

Stuck in the middle between China's mindless quest for global dominance and the self righteous fools in western nations and mobs of "Tibetan separatists" who have never set foot on our land is those of us who was born and raised there, and have family there still having to live with such affairs.

Because in the end everyone have their own agenda, and nobody have a real about the real issue. And us Tibetans have to live with this tragic reminder everyday

    *  Posted 14/04/08 at 1:49 PM EDT | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment
发表于 2008-4-14 15:55:11 | 只看该作者
是在说实话, 这个也要顶。
发表于 2008-4-14 17:03:55 | 只看该作者
Voice from Chinese-Tibetan. Support.
发表于 2008-4-15 21:28:22 | 只看该作者


见证历史 记录西藏
http://space.tv.cctv.com/act/vid ... IDE1207538618132722

记录片:西藏往事 回顾西藏农奴血泪史

发表于 2008-4-16 19:54:34 | 只看该作者
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