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发表于 2008-4-12 09:47:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


(本网特稿)渥太华4.13集会临近之际,活动组委会再次公布活动时间表及注意事项,希望所有参加集会的朋友出发前仔细阅读。 4.13集会注意事项 1. 请大家务必克制, 绝对不要发生激烈的肢体冲突。如遇紧急事件请找警察 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2008-4-12


发表于 2008-4-12 09:59:42 | 只看该作者

Be there on my own

Here is my banner

"Tibetian,thank you for being part of growth in China"

Any comments? Welcome

I will be around, not in the ralley
发表于 2008-4-12 10:05:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-12 10:11:51 | 只看该作者
too soft, slogans should has one:

dalai(one person), liar(together)!
pants on your fire!!!

because we want to tell them truth, this is the truth!
发表于 2008-4-12 10:14:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-12 10:51:15 | 只看该作者





发表于 2008-4-12 10:52:51 | 只看该作者

标语应为: Free T-back?

用 Free T-back回敬ZD, 羞辱他们.

Free T-back?

haha, ask Wal-Mart, do they give you Free T-back?

Nothing is free.

You have to pay for it, Stupid *******!
发表于 2008-4-12 11:02:55 | 只看该作者


About China & Canada

•        We Stand for a United Canada!
•        We Uphold a United China!

•        Go! China! Go!
•        A United China, Go!

•        Steven, Stop Sucking Up to Georgie’s Ass, please!

About Dalai

•        Dalai Lied! Civilians Died!

•        Dalai Lama: A Lie Repeated a Thousand Times Becomes the Truth.

•        Under the trendy religious cloak and a fulsome smile, Dalai is an ex-slave-owner-turned double-talking traitor politician!

•        Dalai is but a pawn eating out of CIA’s bloody hands and its cover-up NGOs.

•        Dalai Is World’s Top ex-Slave Owner.

•        Dalai’s personal tutor is a Nazi SS-Man.

•        World’s Top ex-Slave Owner Talks Peace & Compassion, but Walks Violence.

Dalai & CAI

•        Dalai was on CIA’s pay roll.

•        Tibet Separatism is the Creation of CIA operations.

•        CIA funneled money, weapons and intelligence to separatist terrorist groups in Tibet.

•        CIA trained Tibetan terrorist groups in Colorado.

•        CIA, Keep your dirty hands out of Tibet.

•        Stop the CIA-orchestrated Smear Campaign on China!

•        CIA, Stop inciting hatred, riots and civil wars in other countries around the world

About Tibet

•        Tibet WAS, IS and WILL ALWAYS BE a part of China!

•        Tibet today is freer than the past.

•        Tibet of the Past
95% lived in miserable slavery;
Ordinary Tibetans’ lives were worth a straw rope;
Eye-gouging and limb-cutting were common punishment;
Human sacrifices used in Dalais festivals;

•        Tibet of Today
Higher Literacy
Lower Infant Mortality
Better Living Standards
Freer than ever

About Western Media

•        Western Media, Stop Painting Murderous Thugs as Victims!

•        Wanted! Western Media – Accomplice in an immoral & illegal war on IRAQ!

•        Fired! Western Media – Reporting with Malicious Intent to Slander!

•        Western Media, you spread lies about WMD in Iraq. And you are spreading lies again about “brutal crackdowns”.

•        Western Media, Stop Listening to One Side of the Story and the Spin Doctors of the Neo-Con.

China & Human Rights

•        Human Rights in China today is the BEST ever in history, and is steadily improving.

•        In merely 25 years, China has achieved more than what any country or government could have achieved in hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

•        We are Proud of China’s Great Transformation into a Futuristic Modern Society.

•        We will be the Alternative Model for the World.

•        Come What May, a United China will March Through Any Barrier or Obstacle.

China vs the morally bankcrapt sole superpower

•        China does not drop bombs on Tibet.
•        China sends in food, goods and assistance.

•        China does not build Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib in Tibet.
•        China builds hospitals, schools and infrastructure.

•        China does not invent rendition flights or waterboarding.
•        China invented paper, moveable printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder, all of which were used by Western Powers to smear, invade and carve up China.

•        China lifted the living standards of ordinary citizens in Tibet.
•        China protects Tibetan culture by restoring monasteries, temples and cultural relics.
•        China Liberated Ordinary Tibetans from the Shackles of Dalai’s Cruel Feudal Slavery!
发表于 2008-4-12 11:42:03 | 只看该作者


标语应为: Free T-back?

用 Free T-back回敬ZD, 羞辱他们.

Free T-back?

haha, ask Wal-Mart, do they give you Free T-back?

Nothing is free.

You have to pay for it, Stupid *******!
发表于 2008-4-12 11:54:50 | 只看该作者


Be there on my own

Here is my banner

"Tibetian,thank you for being part of growth in China"

Any comments? Welcome

I will be around, not in the ralley
发表于 2008-4-12 11:57:31 | 只看该作者

support! good job


About China & Canada

•        We Stand for a United Canada!
•        We Uphold a United China!

•        Go! China! Go!
•        A United China, Go!

•        Steven, Stop Sucking Up to Georgie’s Ass, please!

About Dalai

•        Dalai Lied! Civilians Died!

•        Dalai Lama: A Lie Repeated a Thousand Times Becomes the Truth.

•        Under the trendy religious cloak and a fulsome smile, Dalai is an ex-slave-owner-turned double-talking traitor politician!

•        Dalai is but a pawn eating out of CIA’s bloody hands and its cover-up NGOs.

•        Dalai Is World’s Top ex-Slave Owner.

•        Dalai’s personal tutor is a Nazi SS-Man.

•        World’s Top ex-Slave Owner Talks Peace & Compassion, but Walks Violence.

Dalai & CAI

•        Dalai was on CIA’s pay roll.

•        Tibet Separatism is the Creation of CIA operations.

•        CIA funneled money, weapons and intelligence to separatist terrorist groups in Tibet.

•        CIA trained Tibetan terrorist groups in Colorado.

•        CIA, Keep your dirty hands out of Tibet.

•        Stop the CIA-orchestrated Smear Campaign on China!

•        CIA, Stop inciting hatred, riots and civil wars in other countries around the world

About Tibet

•        Tibet WAS, IS and WILL ALWAYS BE a part of China!

•        Tibet today is freer than the past.

•        Tibet of the Past
95% lived in miserable slavery;
Ordinary Tibetans’ lives were worth a straw rope;
Eye-gouging and limb-cutting were common punishment;
Human sacrifices used in Dalais festivals;

•        Tibet of Today
Higher Literacy
Lower Infant Mortality
Better Living Standards
Freer than ever

About Western Media

•        Western Media, Stop Painting Murderous Thugs as Victims!

•        Wanted! Western Media – Accomplice in an immoral & illegal war on IRAQ!

•        Fired! Western Media – Reporting with Malicious Intent to Slander!

•        Western Media, you spread lies about WMD in Iraq. And you are spreading lies again about “brutal crackdowns”.

•        Western Media, Stop Listening to One Side of the Story and the Spin Doctors of the Neo-Con.

China & Human Rights

•        Human Rights in China today is the BEST ever in history, and is steadily improving.

•        In merely 25 years, China has achieved more than what any country or government could have achieved in hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

•        We are Proud of China’s Great Transformation into a Futuristic Modern Society.

•        We will be the Alternative Model for the World.

•        Come What May, a United China will March Through Any Barrier or Obstacle.

China vs the morally bankcrapt sole superpower

•        China does not drop bombs on Tibet.
•        China sends in food, goods and assistance.

•        China does not build Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib in Tibet.
•        China builds hospitals, schools and infrastructure.

•        China does not invent rendition flights or waterboarding.
•        China invented paper, moveable printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder, all of which were used by Western Powers to smear, invade and carve up China.

•        China lifted the living standards of ordinary citizens in Tibet.
•        China protects Tibetan culture by restoring monasteries, temples and cultural relics.
•        China Liberated Ordinary Tibetans from the Shackles of Dalai’s Cruel Feudal Slavery!
发表于 2008-4-12 12:27:40 | 只看该作者



We Stand for a United Canada!

这一句最好别用, OTTAWA河对面就是魁北克, 那里很多独立人士, 到时候万一魁北克人来捣乱划不来, 那是加拿大的内政, 最好别提.
发表于 2008-4-12 13:00:35 | 只看该作者

Individuals for 4.13 ralley

I have a few nice photo exhibited before in Ontario Art Gallery, and I am planning to carry with a few individual, any bodies interested? Call me 416.523.8844 (Gerry).

By the way, I want to drive to there, and take bus to the parlimetary hill. I can take 3, but need to share the gas.
发表于 2008-4-12 13:08:43 | 只看该作者

Tibetian and US

I have been talking with friends who directly doing buiness or working with them, keep them in mind ... They are part of Tibetian who like to work with us and time to treat with respect and fairness
发表于 2008-4-12 13:16:48 | 只看该作者


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