Bonus interest will be earned in a month if, throughout the month: (I) each day's final balance is always at least $5,000, and (ii) each day's final balance is always the same as or greater than the opening balance on the first calendar day of the month. When the account meets both requirements for a month, interest is calculated on each day's final balance using the interest rate that applies to the tier into which the final daily balance falls. If both requirements are not met, no bonus is earned that month; instead, for any day when the final balance is $5,000.00 or more you will earn the rate that applies to the tier into which the final daily balance falls, minus the bonus interest rate shown on the last line above. The time-limited 3/4% bonus is in lieu of the standard bonus interest paid on the account when you meet the bonus criteria; the standard bonus applies after June 2006. |