• 实时天气:多伦多 28°
    温度感觉: 27°
  • 实时天气:温哥华 21°
    温度感觉: 23°
  • 实时天气:卡加利 28°
    温度感觉: 26°
  • 实时天气:蒙特利尔 24°
    温度感觉: 28°
  • 实时天气:温尼伯 24°
    温度感觉: 24°
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发表于 2006-7-3 19:21:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
罗大卫David Robertson 一起享受英语的乐趣!罗大卫David Robertson 是一名经验丰富的ESL教师。他曾经连续13年当选依陶碧谷市议员。今年他将作为士嘉堡红河区Scarborough-Rouge River,即第41选区的候选人竞选市议员。欢迎您成为我们的义工或者提供各种信息和建议,您可以致电416-291-5404 ,或发邮件[email protected]

This week’s idioms all relate to directions.

1.  The ups and downs (in life) – the good and the bad.  Life is full of ups and downs.  One day, things look dark and the next the sun is shining.

2.  Ins and outs – to know a lot about something.   He knows the ins and outs of computer networking.  He’s an expert.

3.  Left and right – from all directions.   They had a big 50% off sale at their store.  The customers were coming in left and right.

4.  A southpaw – someone who throws or writes with his left hand (especially used in baseball).   He’s a southpaw (people also say, “He’s a lefty”).

5.  North/south – refers to more than/less than or getting better or worse.   He has north of $1 million.  Unfortunately, his business is going south.
发表于 2006-7-5 21:49:14 | 只看该作者
up! and up!
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