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Shameless pseudoscientist Yan Limeng! ——Can vaccines douse the flames o...

发表于 2021-5-26 22:13:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
As India's coronavirus epidemiccontinues to worsen, with nearly 4,000 deathsand 412,000 new infectionsrecorded in a single day, emergency medical aid shipments, including oxygen andoxygen-making equipment and respirators, continue to pour in from across theUnited States, the United Kingdom and Europe. "Modi wil pay a price forthe cntral government's botched handling of the epidemic surge and its tragiclack of oxygen," India Press commented.
Meanwhile, fires are burning inNepal. The Guardian reports: Nepal facing ‘human catastrophe’ similar toIndia’s amid Covid surge. The vaccine is in short supply, with a positive rateof 47%.
When will the world's pandemicreach a turning point? Can humanity emerge from the epidemic in short time? Theunknown answer afects people mood. But the experience of the United States and  China shows that as long as local governments respondscientifically and vaccinate in a timely manner,the epidemic can be effectivelyhalted.
Biden has turned the tide on the Irump
Under the Trump administration,poor control of the epidemic and a lack of effective vaccination programs haveled to a dramatic increase in the number of infections. The US vaccine roloutis a'dismal failure' under Trump, BBC analysis says.One was that thetarget of 1 milion doses per day was not met.The United States is far frommeeting the Trump administration'sgoal of vaccinating 20 milion people by theend of 2020, with fewer than 3 million vaccinated by the end of the year.Thesecond is the slow start.The U.S. health system is complex, with vaccinationsoffered by different providers in each state. Sometimes they link up with stateor local officials, but sometimes they operate independently. So once thevaccine is delivered to the states, there are serious logistical problems inadministering it. "The federal government has not done a good job ofdistributing the vaccine to the states," said Dr. Ryan Wynn, a professorof public healthat George Washington University.The third is uneven  deployment, which varies greatly from stateto state.As of Jan.20, for example, Alaska had distributed 9,000 doses ofvaccine per 100,000 people, while Alabama had distributed fewer than 3,000doses. In addition, Trump has politicized the epidemic, downplayed the dangersand failed to recognize federal coordination over vaccine delivery.
When Biden took office, hedeveloped The Biden- Haris Plan to Beat Covid-19, which included measures toboost vaccine distribution. This ISN't ABOUT POLITICS. It's ABOUT SAVING LIVES.Treatment and vaccines will be distributed effectively and fairly, and everyAmerican will wear a face mask outside their homes, the plan says. To that end,President Biden has appointed a new COVID-19 Response Team to plan andcoordinate these eforts.
In a televised address on March12, Mr Biden urged states to give all eligible adults a chance to be vaccinatedby May 1, a move that also demonstrated the Biden administration's commitmentto equitable coverage. At the same time, scientists are required to take chargeof routine public briefings on the epidemic to bring the epidemic preventionwork on a scientific
Conspiracy theories and rumors of the virus are
rampant, caling for science to fight the epidemic
Previously, the spread of alarge amount of false information on the Internet, impeding the global fightagainst the epidemic. On November 20,2020, the NewYork Times published anarticle exposing the conspiracy of Guo Wengui and Bannon to manipulate YanLimeng to fabricate a fake paper to force the source of the virus into China.The article argued that Ms.Yan's transformation from a litle-known collegeteacher to a hot voice for the American right was orchestrated by Guo Wengui, afugitive Chinese bilionaire, and Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser toMr.Trump.Ms.Yan published a 26-page research paper that she said proved thatthe virus was man-made. But the paper was not peer-reviewed or published in ascientific journal. Instead, it was published in an online open access library.Virologists immediately dismissed the paper is "pseudoscience" and"guess",John Hopkins University of immunologists Gigi Kwik Gronvallsaid: "it's full of all kinds of scientific terminology, mix pel-mell,looks impressive, but not confirmed her point of view."
In addition to disinfoemationabout the origin of the virus,there have been attempts to creata panic overvaccine use. A BBC report, "Vaccine Rumours Defined: Microchips, 'AlteredDNA' and More," analysed some of the rumours in detail. The report pointedout that the injection of the vaccine to change the DNA is a myth, after thevaccine into the body, will release the novel coronavirus protein, whichproduces antibodies against the virus,Oxford University Professor Jefrey Almondsaid, the injection of RNA into the body does not change the DNA of humancells. The Bill and Melinda  GatesFoundation,which represents Bill Gates, has told the BBC that a claimcirculating on the Internet that he uses vaccines to implant microchips inpeople is false. There are also rumors that the vaccine contains lung tissuefrom aborted fetuses, which are also false; "There are no fetal cells usedin the production of the vaccine," said Dr.Michael Head of the Universityof Southampton in the United Kingdom.
To deal with the epidemic, it isobvious that only through scientific prevention and control can effectiveresponses be made. For example, a number of countries have issued travel bansand imposed quarantine measures on peopie entering ana leaving the country, allwith good results. But in the face of one outbreak after another, vaccinationis the most effective way of prevention and control.
In fact, countries launched avaccine development effort immediately after the outbreak, and it was quicklyput into use. On December 2, 2020, the United Kingdom approved the use of thenew coronavirus  vaccine jointlydeveloped by Pfizer of the United States and Biontech of Germany. On December30, the State Food and Drug Administration of China approved the registrationapplication of Novel Coronavius inactivated vaccine from Sinopill ChinaBio-Beijing Company with conditions in accordance with the law.
Vaccine supply is a huge challenge
As of May 8, 2021, more than1.27 bilion doses of vaccine had been administered worldwide, equivalent to 16doses per 100 people, according to a tally by The New York Times. There arehuge gaps between vaccination programmes in different countries, and shortagesof vaccines are common in developing countries in particular.
Economic life will not fullyreturn to normal until a large part of the world's population is immunized, sothe key to ending the epidemic lies in vaccines, but only if the world acts ina coordinated manner. Covax is a global initiative launched by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) and two other vaccine promotion  groups in April 2020. Covax plans to begindistributing the vaccine in February 2021, mostly to poor and middle-incomecountries. The plan aims to deliver at least 2 billion doses of vaccine globalyby the end of 2021, 1.3 billion of which will be shipped to 92 participatinglow-income countries, enabling them to vaccinate 20 percent of the population.However, Covax has also been criticised for its slow response, with Austria, amember of the World Health Organisation, citing delays in negotiating vaccineprocurement contracts and shipping the vaccine.
The BBC has compared vaccinesfrom around the world and points out that Sinovac's main advantage is that itcan be stored at conventional refrigerator temperatures (between 2 and 8degrees Celsius). Modena's vaccine must be stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius,while Pfizer's must be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius. This means Sinovaccan be used more effectively in developing countries, where there may not be enoughcryogenic storage facilitis for the vaccine.
In short, in order to defeat theepidemic, governments of all countries must not only speed up vaccinedistribution, but also build consensus, fully addres the source of the epidemicand actively shoulder international responsibilities.Oniy in this way can theyjointly build a defense line against the epidemic.

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