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发表于 2019-5-30 12:47:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


文/刀贱笑 1620年冬,“五月花”号漂洋过海抵达美国东海岸普利茅斯港,41名清教徒在船上签下公约,准备据此管理上岸后的新世界。这份写在羊皮纸的公约,涵盖契约、法制、民主、自由以及清教主义中的个人主义和自我 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2019-5-30
本帖最后由 onceninerfan 于 2019-5-30 18:12 编辑

the problem is -
u.s is still doing all that
did you hear what pompeo said about u.s "lied, cheated and stole"?
he said u.s even "have - (not had) - a entire training course to do that"
and apple, qualcomm, google, amazon so on and so forth also have i.p. disputes even very recently -
if you want to call those disputes "stealing" -
like in the list that trashy trish gave in the so called "debate" yesterday
so why the double standard?
did you hear trump called u.s media "fake news makers"?
did you remember what then u.s state secretary powell said about iraq wmd?
did you remember trump said he "can easily win the trade war" not only against china?
do you still believe he can win this trade war easily?
do you believe he can even win this trade war?
we chinese always say -
we know the trade war is lose - lose situation and we don't want to fight
but when we are forced to fight it, we will fight it all the way till the end
whether trump could even win?
let's see
发表于 2019-5-30 08:47:42 来自客户端 | 只看该作者



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