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发表于 2005-11-25 09:19:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


实际上加拿大的各个学校差异并不很大。教育水平和教师的素质都差不了哪去。没必要硬去炒作什么"好学区" "名校",不要把孩子和家长拉进国内教育的那种怪圈中去! 前几年,我也把孩子送到"名校",那时孩子作业确实很多 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2005-11-25


发表于 2005-11-25 10:39:19 | 只看该作者


你上的什莫“名校”啊?我的孩子在SENECA HILL 上过一年,感觉上教学上尤其是英文是比原来的学校要好很多,而且没什么上学说中文一说。 据说班上有一个新移民的孩子,因为不习惯没人说中文,很快就转走了。

不过,随着众多的新移民的蜂拥而至, 情况怎么变就很难说了。就像AY JACKSON, 原来的确不错,现在已经不怎么样。 其他的学校也是一样,曾经在MCDONALD边上等人,过来一个满嘴黄牙的中国女人:“你是中国人不?讲中文不?”,月来都是给孩子找学校的。现在MCDONALD附近的公寓都涨了租金,而且早都取消了头一个月FREE的优惠,里面住了众多的高中生,这个学校不久的将来也会像AY一样走下坡路。

其实新移民多也没什么,我记得原来的中国孩子至少理科成绩都不错,而且目标比较高,现在的可好,很多孩子居然就定位在COLLEGE, 这从另一个角度上说明现在的移民素质在下降。





发表于 2005-11-25 11:15:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-11-25 12:18:08 | 只看该作者

misleading again!

The author made the correct decision as his/her kids can't adapt to the high education requirement and then he/she had to change because his/her kids failed adjusting themslves to the new environment.

It was a correct decision for his/her kids, but not wise advice to new immigrants.

Most of chinese/Russian immigrants complain about the lower level of the math and sicence education in canada. But you are happy, your kids are happy and your kid's teachers are happy with the eduction level in the public schools. happy and satisfied, why complain?
See the contradication?

You should have heard some "evil programs" offered by famous universities such as Harvard MBA; even locan americans have to sacrifice sleeping time to finish the projects/research articles. It is a competition world. You failed the your kids right before the run-off line. Smart kids are working harder for the future competition. But most of chinese immigrants are now happy with the kids' performance in public schools; you think: they can handle, 2 hours or less per day, right? See the difference?

One thing is for sure, without english or french, most of chinese kids educated in canada public schools will lose to those educated from mainland chinese school. Are you still happy?

There are good schools. They are not the "Named Schools" which are verbally shown or recommended by real-estate agents/newspapers. They are "famous" and good schools.

There are about 20~30 good schools which can only produce about 500 quality students per year in Toronto.They are the elite for toronto city or even canada's future. You need to apply for it and your kids will have to pass entry tests to get into it.and you need to pay for it.

is 500 elite per year enough for canada? It is. You just don't know where and how to get the info. but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I had personally visited 2 good schools for my kid in the summer of 2004 with the inviation letter from them when the real estate market here is very hot. Surprisingly along the long streets, no plate "For sale" could be found. Nice, spacious and quiet streets full of sun shine. Imagine the difference?

The first month after i arrived in toronto, i often saw a few local kids at 10 taking the subway to go home at about 6pm. Are you richer and the local canadian just can't afford to buy house close to good schools as you do? wrong!yours is just "Named Schools".

a girls at 12 has to travel 2 ~3 hours(if winter or traffic jam, it is worse) every day to reach  good school at downtown toronto from Richmond hill hwy 7? for what? good school!

please change your mind. give your children a chance for future competition.

invest in your kids' future, if they deserve the investment.

发表于 2005-11-25 12:48:06 | 只看该作者

Good Point

This may be true.


发表于 2005-11-25 13:23:54 | 只看该作者

回复:misleading again!

misleading again!

The author made the correct decision as his/her kids can't adapt to the high education requirement and then he/she had to change because his/her kids failed adjusting themslves to the new environment.

It was a correct decision for his/her kids, but not wise advice to new immigrants.

Most of chinese/Russian immigrants complain about the lower level of the math and sicence education in canada. But you are happy, your kids are happy and your kid's teachers are happy with the eduction level in the public schools. happy and satisfied, why complain?
See the contradication?

You should have heard some "evil programs" offered by famous universities such as Harvard MBA; even locan americans have to sacrifice sleeping time to finish the projects/research articles. It is a competition world. You failed the your kids right before the run-off line. Smart kids are working harder for the future competition. But most of chinese immigrants are now happy with the kids' performance in public schools; you think: they can handle, 2 hours or less per day, right? See the difference?

One thing is for sure, without english or french, most of chinese kids educated in canada public schools will lose to those educated from mainland chinese school. Are you still happy?

There are good schools. They are not the "Named Schools" which are verbally shown or recommended by real-estate agents/newspapers. They are "famous" and good schools.

There are about 20~30 good schools which can only produce about 500 quality students per year in Toronto.They are the elite for toronto city or even canada's future. You need to apply for it and your kids will have to pass entry tests to get into it.and you need to pay for it.

is 500 elite per year enough for canada? It is. You just don't know where and how to get the info. but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I had personally visited 2 good schools for my kid in the summer of 2004 with the inviation letter from them when the real estate market here is very hot. Surprisingly along the long streets, no plate "For sale" could be found. Nice, spacious and quiet streets full of sun shine. Imagine the difference?

The first month after i arrived in toronto, i often saw a few local kids at 10 taking the subway to go home at about 6pm. Are you richer and the local canadian just can't afford to buy house close to good schools as you do? wrong!yours is just "Named Schools".

a girls at 12 has to travel 2 ~3 hours(if winter or traffic jam, it is worse) every day to reach  good school at downtown toronto from Richmond hill hwy 7? for what? good school!

please change your mind. give your children a chance for future competition.

invest in your kids' future, if they deserve teh investment.


a list of "good schools" mentioned above ?
发表于 2005-11-25 13:43:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-11-25 13:55:33 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:misleading again!

回复:misleading again!

a list of "good schools" mentioned above ?
他是开私校的(或者是私校的拖),他的"good school"就是他推荐的(或者是他开的)私校.
发表于 2005-11-25 14:44:44 | 只看该作者


it depends your condition, in chinese, if the park is big enough, you can see all kinds of birds.

i hope all the children feel happy!!!
发表于 2005-11-25 14:47:22 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:misleading again!

i am not rich enough to open a private school or famous good school such as Earl Haig or University of Toronto School. Both of them are in my list. I am paying money to the school.

see the wise advisor among old immigrants again? mislead and criticize someones without puting your efforts in searching.


回复:回复:misleading again!

他是开私校的(或者是私校的拖),他的"good school"就是他推荐的(或者是他开的)私校.
发表于 2005-11-25 16:41:45 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:misleading again!

回复:回复:misleading again!

他是开私校的(或者是私校的拖),他的"good school"就是他推荐的(或者是他开的)私校.

You are right!

I tell you that who is "georgefred":
   First he worked for a school at the intersection between Young and Eglinton to cheat Chinese overseas students by fraud (not fred). Now he worked for a private school to cheat naive Chinese new immigrant parents again.
发表于 2005-11-25 16:47:28 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:回复:misleading again!

回复:回复:回复:misleading again!

i am not rich enough to open a private school or famous good school such as Earl Haig or University of Toronto School. Both of them are in my list. I am paying money to the school.

see the wise advisor among old immigrants again? mislead and criticize someones without puting your efforts in searching.


I support you! :smile:
发表于 2005-11-25 17:24:41 | 只看该作者

此言差亦! 相信楼主对加拿大的教育了解不多.

在加拿大,在意小学教学水平的人的确不多.但注意中学教学水平的,确大有人在. 其中的讲究在于,名牌大学的录取与学生的中学大有关系!一般而言,如成绩和其它条件相仿,好中学的毕业生一定优先录取.


例如, 楼上提到的A Y JACKSON,应该很少有名牌大学把它列为好中学的.MCDONALD 则还可以.

而名牌大学认为的好中学(Public High School)里, Richmond Hill 的 Richmond Hill HS, Scarborough 的 Woburn CI, North York的Don Mills CI...等等,则一定名列其中.

发表于 2005-11-25 18:17:00 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:回复:misleading again!

this is george again.

i am 42 years old now. i don't own a private school or public school in toronto. in my list, most of them are in fact public schools, about 20~30. i have shown you two of them. and i won't tell you the rest. you should go to the toronto reference library to find them yourself.

thank you for your wishes. i hope i can have a company in the future, not school.

if anyone is interested in who is georgyfred, get the news reporter to contact me though my email shown in last related topic debate.don't worry,i won't provide any list to him/her. just to show i don't have so-called schools and i am not a teacher here too. i am an accountant working in insurance industry. satisfied?

i want to keep quiet, but just can't imagine there are so many so-called wise advisors among the old immigrants providing misleading info. again and again.


最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布
回复:回复:回复:misleading again!

You are right!

I tell you that who is "georgefred":
   First he worked for a school at the intersection between Young and Eglinton to cheat Chinese overseas students by fraud (not fred). Now he worked for a private school to cheat naive Chinese new immigrant parents again.
发表于 2005-11-25 18:30:12 | 只看该作者
there are some good element schools near beach, w8, rosedale and around avenue road. The new immigrant rate is under 5% in the beach. good school, good location, and good neighbour.
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