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北美遭遇交通事故 保险赔偿注意六点

发表于 2005-6-27 20:34:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


1. 在事故发生前,充分了解汽车保单上的各条项目。一般说来,多数人都了解所投保险中的大概覆盖范围,对于其中的详细条目知之甚少。建议与保险代理商坐下来仔细探讨其中较大数额的保险条款。这最好在事故发生前了解 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2005-6-3
Who’s fault?

At 14/may/05, around 6:00 pm, it was a little raining, also a little jammed on the western of 401 just passed Young ST. I driven from east to west on the right first lane, the right second lane was jammed, (later, the police got information was about 15 KMPH), my speed was around 40-50 KMPH. Just passed Defferin ST. a car made a rush turn when I passed through it, I felt not good, and I took a hard break immediately, but I still hit this and I felt very hard pain on my face, I touch my nose and lip with my right hand, I saw blood stick on it, I found the air bag was push out, I thought I was hit by it. I was scared, I wait on my seat. The engine still was running. One young gay came and opened my car door, asked me:” are you ok? don’t move, release your safety belt, and back your seat, wait the police and emergency car come?” I thought he saw that my had blood on my face, and tried make sure I keep my mind, I followed his instruction, and wait inside of my car. I called my wife and told her I will be home late, I didn’t told her I got accident Because I didn’t wanted she worry about me.
I saw some cars behind me, also my still on the right lane and it was straight to the road. The police came, he opened the car door from another side, and found my drive license and my insurance paper. (that is mean, my car hit another not to much, and my car not made rotation, also it meant I didn’t hit the car’s rear). The police let me went on Emergency vehicle, let towed company towed my car. I saw the left front light was crashed, the left reflect mirror was damaged too. But I thought I was very luck, I was not got series injured. The Emergency vehicle took me to the River Hospital. I went here and stayed here about 2 hours, then a police officer came here showed me the investigation report, and asked me the accident process. I told him above fact, and he left me a copy of the report (short of my talk), he told me call the insurance company immediately, then he left me stayed in the hospital along. I found that one gay who don’t had diver license and the car he driven didn’t had insurance. I call the insurance company, told them the fact, and she told me next day will have person contact with me. The doctor check my wound, and suggested me injection a needle because my face had been hit and in case got the infect by the bacteria. I left the hospital and went to my home by bus and taxi, it took me 2 hours.

Later, I heard they told me I had 100% fault in the accident, I can’t understood what happened and how the got the conclusions, I had the road right when I driven right first lane, there was not vehicles in front of me, the car made a rush turn and he didn’t check the blind spot where I stayed, that cause me hit him. They thought I hit him at the rear, how can I passed it and crashed my left front very small part, also my car still inside the drive lane and the police could opened my car right side door easily? One gay who didn’t had drive license and drive uninsuranced vehicle, he should acted the full duty for this accident. (Everybody can read the above pictures)

I will asked the police send me the final accident report, also I will go to the court to get a clear result for me. Otherwise, this accident record will follow me long time even whole life which will affect my life later, includes insurance and safety.
发表于 2005-8-30 19:53:00 | 只看该作者
don't use:  I didn't had ......, it is wrong writing.
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