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发表于 2005-2-9 03:28:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
We are a group of Chinese Canadian and wish to build our own dream house by ourselves.

We are new immigrants. We come to Canada is to build it and enjoy it. In the north of Canada there are great tourism resourses waiting for us to develop. Countless scenic sites are good for camping, fishing and swimming in Summer, observing maple leaves in Fall, skiing in Winter and even hunting year around. There is plenty of farm and vacant land available. It's the ideal location to build our dream house there.

Let's go to North. We will be successful!

 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-25 18:17:42 | 只看该作者


We are going to hold regular meeting.

Here is the information:
Location: Coffee Time at Sheppard/Victoria Park.
Time: every Saturday night at 7:30 PM
Contact: 647-886-3961 (WuYing)

Hope to see you there this Saturday (26Feb05).
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-15 09:40:13 | 只看该作者
Thank you for your message.

Most of our members including me are in the similar situation as that of your family. We already settled down in GTA. We are ordinary families, We have kids. Parents have normal jobs and average income. We have a little extra money and want to invest it on something worthy.

You will be very welcome to join our group, our trip to look for ideal land and other activities.


发表于 2005-2-15 08:21:58 | 只看该作者



我在多伦多,有一份NORMAL的工作,一切安定下来了,于是渴望变化。很高兴发现这里有同道中人。下次去北部“考察”叫上我好不好。 大家努力一下,也许今生还有机会梦想成真呢。

[email protected]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-14 20:23:46 | 只看该作者


背景资料: "阿瓦三" is a famous writer in Rolia. She is also very active in our parents group. She held several "Open Home" parties for our group members.


As I'm not good at typing Chinese chracters, she helps me from time to time to rewrite my articles. I copy her Chinese version of my response to Beiji's comments here.

The following words were written by "阿瓦三"JM except those words quoted from Beiji's comments.

鉴于Canadian Chinese Parent Group 日益壮大, 大家尤其热衷open home 的活动。 但是各成员自己的住家场地有限, 往往很多家庭想参加, 但是报不上名。 要是有个公共的, 不必担心打扰邻居, 也不必担心场地费用, 大家共同的“家”, 该有多好啊。。。

有人建议到安省北部的 心脏地带买个农场, 将其改建成居民区, 或者改作其它商业用途, 以吸引中国旅游者 。

对这个提议, 大家各有各的看法, 其中Beiji先生的意见如下:

"最初由 beiji 发表 at Chinasmile





我说Beiji老兄, 你可真够幽默啊! 你说的 "设想有人花2000多美元到加拿大北部
被蚊子痛咬一顿还能说是享受", 差点把我乐S喽。

你说得很对, "加拿大北部很落后"。 两天前, 我参加孩子的同学生日party, 那孩子母亲来自香港, 父亲则是本地出生的白人。那父亲告诉我, 他们去北安省玩的时候, 人家一直盯着他们家瞧。他说, 当地全是白人, 北边的人见到亚裔或其他人种都会很惊讶。 他的经历令我记起2,3 十年前的中国。 那时咱中国人也会对着老外瞧了又瞧。
[ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
北边尚未开发, 我们为什么要去那里? 回答是, 这正是个稍纵即逝的难得机会。20年前, 如果有人想投资10万块人民币到中国, 地方上的人, 甚至当地政府, 都会非常欢迎你。 现在呢, 少于100万, 根本没人理你。北边也是同样的道理。 我们不应该放过这潜在的好机会。

我家很爱旅游, 几个月前的 Thanksgiving 长周末,我们和其它两个家庭一起 (BTW, 本瓦有幸一起出游。。。) 去北边看枫叶。 我们开着自己的车, 首先到了Bruce peninsula (那天好大的风, lake huron 狂猛得象隐藏无数猛兽, 湖滩空无一人, 应该有导演来拍摄“悲风怒号, 仰天长啸“的片子 --- 武G提着他的小DV, 小小武当然就是那长~~~号~~~~的小小侠士 :D) 然后乘船去了Manitolin island, (玻璃底的小艇呢, 居然用来展示的沉船呢, 小小花瓶岛呢, 武G太敷衍。。。) 途经 River Garden, Sudbury, North Bay and Algonquin park. 我们都为北部的美而倾倒。每家都说下次还要来。 (本瓦说的是, 下次跑更远些 :P)

我本人觉得, 我梦想的房子就应该建造在那里 (嘿, 该来点儿音乐喽。。。)。 刚开始可能会有困难, 不过如果我们一直努力, 情况就会越来越好。 当我家, 你家, 我们朋友家都喜欢那里, 当我们为自己的农场, 农居自豪, 希望到那里招待我们的好朋友, 那时就是将它商业化, 吸引游客的大好时机了。 < r o l i a. n e t >

让我们一起努力, 将美梦变为现实吧
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-14 05:24:19 | 只看该作者
Dear 黄老板,

Thank you for replying.

I love to read Chinese too. However, I'm sorry to not be good at typing Chinese characters. Sometimes I do write in Chinese, but it costs me too much time. I will appreciate it very much if you or anybody could please rewrite my articles in Chinese (I do have got such help when I published something in Rolia).

Most of peoples in our group are from average families in Toronto. We have normal jobs. We are not rich, but the life is not hard either.
As a normal family, I like travelling. When I was in Northern Ontario, I just love it. I hope to motivate some more peoples to develop north. In this way, we may be able to relocate some new immigrants there. It's good for our families, our new immigrants and the local peoples in Northern Ontario. That's why I got very warm response from the local government when I talk them about this idea.


发表于 2005-2-13 21:46:37 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-13 19:03:32 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-12 08:51:08 | 只看该作者




 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-11 10:13:18 | 只看该作者


We are going to hold regular meeting.

Here is the information:
Location: Coffee Time at Sheppard/Victoria Park.
Time: every Saturday night at 7:30 PM
Contact: 647-886-3961 (WuYing)

Hope to see you there this Saturday (26Feb05).
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-10 19:46:58 | 只看该作者

光想想,就美不可收: Beiji's comments make me laug

Dear Beiji,

You are so humorous! Your words, "设想有人花2000多美元到加拿大北部
被蚊子痛咬一顿还能说是享受" , make me really LOL.

"加拿大北部很落后", you are absolutely right. Two days ago, I bring
my little boy to attend his classmate's birthday party. That boy's
mother is from HongKong and his father is white born in Toronto. His
father told me that people stared them all the time when they
visited the north of ontario. He told me there are all whites. The
northern peoples are so surprised when they see asian or other
people. His experience reminds me of the situation in China twenty
or thirty years ago. At that time, our Chinese fellows may also look
again and again other foreigners.

The north is not developed. Why should we go there? My answer is the
unique chance is waiting for us now, but it will not last forever.
For example, if you wish to invest 100K RMB in China twenty years
ago, you would be very welcome by the local people and even
government officers. However, nobody will seriously treat you if
your investment is less than 1 million now. The same reason is in
North now. Let's do not miss out the potential opportunity.

My family is a travel lover. Just several months ago (Thanksgiving
long weekend). We went to north to look at maple leaves together
with another two families. By driving our own car, we first stop at
Bruce peninsula, then take the ferry to Manitolin island, passed by
River Garden, Subury, North Bay and Algonquin park. We all were very
amazed by the beauty of north. Every family said we will come next
year again. For me, I feel my dream house should be built there. At
the begining, it may be hard. After our efforts, we will make it
comfortable. When my family likes it, your family likes it, our
friends like it, When we are proud of our farm house and the ranch,
when wish to treat our best friends there, that will be the best
time to commercialize it because tourists will come too.

Let's work together and make our dream come true.



This article was first published in our group message board.
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