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曾抗议俄反同性恋法 温华裔同志广州遇袭

发表于 2014-1-12 11:13:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


温哥华一名印尼华裔青年,声称月初在中国广州准备乘飞机返回温哥华途中,遭一名相信是东欧白人男子袭击。他认为事件是与早前在俄罗斯领事馆前抗议实施反同性恋法例有关。 奥玛(Yogi Omar)目前是加国永久居民,本 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2014-1-12

发表于 2014-1-12 19:53:08 | 只看该作者
http://www.thestar.com/news/immi ... ouple_together.html

Google 翻译的,原文后附:



“我们都松了一口气,加拿大边境服务署却突然改变了主意,说:”夫妻双方的律师,安东尼Navaneelan。 “葛女士和她的妻子本来就不应该通过这个心痛放。”

双方的性暴力幸存者,斯图尔特和葛出生天壤之别,但找到了避难所 - 和对方 - 在多伦多。

“我不希望我的妻子回到中国。我不想失去她,“一个流泪斯图尔特,??牙买加金斯顿的当地人,在心脏的边防官员”转变学习前接受采访时说。 “她是一个伟大的交易我的生活。她是我唯一的亲人。“


在一封电子邮件中向星,加拿大边境服务署发言人安娜·佩普解释该机构已经意识到了永久居留申请,但逗留不是“立即可用的她”,因为它尚未被批准在歌的最后的pre-removal采访,十二月#10。 “在加拿大边境服务署已经了解到,吉女士已批准(截至1月7日)......因此,她的去除已被推迟。”

曾戈被迫离开斯图尔特本来可以重新应用到带她回来 - 这一过程需要大约九个月的配偶 - 但葛必须首先从移民部长克里斯·亚历山大获得“授权,返回加拿大”。她的记录作为一个失败的难民将有工作反对票。




葛,38岁,声称她在中国强奸她的雇主。她刚到加拿大2010年8月 - 之后,她说,她开始变得匿名电话,表达厌恶她与英国英语老师的关系,并威胁要伤害她的人。有一天,她被殴打她建筑物的走廊。

“我没有去报警,因为我怕公开我的性倾向,”龙哥,其中斯图尔特绰号“骨干”她“消瘦”,并为是她情感上的支持说。 (戈,作为回报,笑称斯图尔特“丸子,”她“对肉类和被小胖爱。”





“我很害怕回到中国。我的家人和朋友会推我去约会的人了,“戈告诉星更早。 “我不能告诉任何人,我结婚了,并爱上了一个女孩。”

Ottawa’s change of heart keeps gay couple together
Two women came here for refuge and found each other. Immigration said their landing papers will come in weeks, but Ottawa wanted one of them out now.
By: Nicholas Keung Immigration reporter, Published on Fri Jan 10 2014
Canada Border Services Agency abruptly changed its mind Friday and deferred the deportation of a woman who is weeks away from getting permanent resident papers.

Border officials broke the news to Xiaoyi Ge’s lawyer late in the day, less than 24 hours after the Star inquired about her scheduled Jan. 17 removal.

Ge had been told by Citizenship and Immigration Canada that the failed refugee claimant and her wife, Trudi Stewart, should have their permanent residency granted within eight to 10 weeks.

“We are all relieved that CBSA has suddenly changed its mind,” said the couple’s lawyer, Anthony Navaneelan. “Ms Ge and her wife should never have been put through this heartache.”

Both sexual violence survivors, Stewart and Ge were born worlds apart, but found refuge — and each other — in Toronto.

“I don’t want my wife to go back to China. I don’t want to lose her,” a teary Stewart, a native of Kingston, Jamaica, said in an interview before learning of the border officials’ change of heart. “She is a great deal of my life. She is my only family.”

Ge’s pending permanent residence application with Stewart would have been voided if she left Canada.

In an email to the Star, CBSA spokesperson Anna Pape explained the agency had been aware of the permanent residence application but a stay wasn't “immediately available to her” because it had not yet been approved at Ge's last pre-removal interview, Dec. 10. “The CBSA has now learned that Ms Gee has been approved (as of Jan. 7) … therefore her removal has been deferred.”

Had Ge been forced to leave Stewart could have reapplied to bring her back — a process that takes roughly nine months for spouses — but Ge must first obtain an “authorization to return to Canada” from Immigration Minister Chris Alexander. Her record as a failed refugee would have worked against it.

“These are two people who came here from the opposite ends of the world, had horrible lives, suffered hardships and survived sexual violence. They travelled half around the world to get protection in Canada,” Navaneelan said.

Stewart, 26, fled to Canada from Jamaica in December 2010. She says she had been raped by thugs at gunpoint in Montego Bay, because of her sexual orientation.

“I tried to run away but I fell, and the two men began beating me. I begged for my life, as they slapped me in the face several times with a knife,” recalled Stewart, who was the subject of a National Film Board of Canada documentary, Last Chance.

Ge, 38, alleges she was raped by her employer in China. She arrived in Canada in August 2010 — after, she says, she began getting anonymous calls expressing disgust at her relationship with a British English teacher and threatening to do her harm. One day, she was assaulted in the hallway of her building.

“I didn’t go to police because I was afraid to disclose my sexual orientation,” said Ge, whom Stewart has nicknamed “Backbone” for her “skinniness” and for being her emotional support. (Ge, in return, jokingly calls Stewart “Meatball,” for her “love for meat and being chubby.”

Although the Immigration and Refugee Board didn’t dispute that Ge was a lesbian, the judge denied her asylum on the grounds that mistreatment of homosexuals in China amounts to serious discrimination only, not persecution.

Stewart, a retail clerk, and Ge, a bank teller, met through a support group for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) refugee claimants at the 519 Church Street Community Centre, at a Christmas party in 2010.

“It was love at first sight. Our eyes met. We started chatting and she asked me to teach her how to dance,” said Stewart. The couple immediately bonded because of their similar experiences of hardship and survival. They married a year ago.

The news of Ge’s scheduled deportation sent both back into the kind of depression they once experienced in their homelands. Psychometric tests done in support of Ge’s request for deferred removal showed she was suffering severe anxiety and depression.

“I am scared to go back to China. My family and friends would push me to date men again,” Ge told the Star earlier. “I can’t tell anyone I am married and in love with a girl.”

Navaneelan said Friday’s news marks “a very happy ending to what has a long and, at times, extremely painful journey for both of my clients.”

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