big move : 在我看来,就是一个大忽悠!看了下面的文章, 就知道他们的忽悠目的和结局。
1999年, 保守党卖了31亿, 把GTA 一根大动脉插上一刀,从此401 变成如此拥堵, 谁之过?
也许有人说,不愿掏钱, 非也!试问: 310亿可否买回来?我就愿掏钱, 加税我认头! 省下的油钱和减少的污染是造福子孙,我认头!
反之, 民主大爷加了税,拿了银子,雇一帮民主大叔修10年路,堵10年啊!油钱,污染,车祸,数以亿计小时,人工空耗掉,都摊到百姓头上,民何以安生?
Highway 407 sold
Last Updated: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 | 3:03 PM ET
CBC News
The Tory government has sold highway 407 for $3.1 billion dollars.
The sale of the electronic toll road that runs just north of Toronto is being called the biggest privatization deal ever made in North America.
A Quebec-based engineering firm and a Spanish partner are paying more than $3 billion for the continent's longest electronic toll road. That's twice the amount the government invested in the highway - meaning the Tories have made a $1.5 billion dollar profit by privatizing a project started by Bob Rae's NDP government.
Originally the 407 was to pay for itself and become a free public highway in approximately 30 years. The Tory government passed a law allowing the government to sell it off.
The conditions of the sale allow the new owners to set whatever toll rates it wants for the next 99 years.
jackman 发表于 2013-4-23 18:30
愿意加税,却不愿意付407使用费。呵呵... |