高贵出身,最年轻首相,英俊潇洒,戴维卡梅伦给英国带来一股清新之风。 学生年代 卡梅伦1966年10月9日出生于伦敦,祖上是英国国王威廉四世的后代,算起来跟英国女王伊丽莎白二世还有亲戚关系,可以说是出身名门。父 ... [ 查看全文 ]
§ 发表于 2010-5-13
This is the democracy of western country. Most of those who were elected were relatives of the royal family. Others, especially the lower class, never got the opportunities to be elected. This is because the upper class own the properties or wealth, they can be "seen". In a word, this kind of societies only regonize money. Freedom, democracy, equity, all are lies to fool the world. |