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发表于 2003-2-22 22:39:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


仅从市场占有率来看, 当前(2002) Sony 领先, 紧跟着Olympus, Kodak, Hewlett Packard, Fuji, Nikon, Canon and Polaroid. 其中Sony and HP 并不是传统相机生产厂家, 但正是这些电器和计算机厂家冲击传统相机市场, 消费者才有机会以低廉的价格提早享用新技术. Polaroid 不久前申请破产保护.

对大多数消费者而言, 数码相机主要针对Point & Shoot 和SLR.





这里的价格很难在加拿大找到, 比如, 我曾查询Minotla的新款Film Scanner DUAL SCAN III, eCOST(www.ecost.com) 曾是pricegrabber推荐的价格, 并且邮递加拿大,但加$100加元, 原价US$270多, 折加币$420多, 加税和邮费过了$520, 令人很不爽. 98-99年在美国网上购物只有加州和Michigan加税, 后来许多州都加税, 这次上网比价又发现大部分州都免税, 所以建议若有机会去美国购买会节省许多, 但是要考虑回加时报关和免税额.

传统SLR与镜头, 建议去B&H(www.bhphotovideo.com), 我和朋友的NIKON, CANON像机和镜头均来自B&H, HENRYS(www.henrys.com)在多伦多很有名, 虽然SALES会降价, 但与B&H差价太大, PST+GST又狠狠打击了仅存的购买力.


兴冲冲拿着社区小报(一般来说也只有社区小报有), 直奔这家以惊奇的低价出售自己梦寐以求的相机或镜头, 却被告知缺货或售尽. 我在纽约Blooklyn和曼哈顿均遭遇过两次, 现在只去B&H. 原文解释是 “if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't real.”

确定价格底线, 不要付太多服务费.(SET up your price benchmark, hope you do not pay too much.)

缺货(out of stock)对你在网上购物并不一定是很大的损失, 卖方的信誉, 退货, 保险, 邮费和税都要搞清楚. (Return and refund policy and total of all charges including shipping, handling, insurance and taxes, please check the “Buying Tips” on PriceSCAN first, or check online shopping tips or guides.

建议查询PriceSCAN 的购物指南, 原文如下:

1. Confirm all merchandise and price information with the vendor, including the model (whether it is a US or non-US model), the condition of the product (whether it is new, refurbished or remanufactured), what accessories are included and what the warranty covers.

2. Ask for a total of all charges including shipping, handling, insurance and taxes.

3. Pay by credit card. Avoid checks or money orders when ordering merchandise. You should notify your credit card company if you experience any problems.

4. If rebates or special offers are involved, make sure the terms are clear and follow instructions precisely.

5. Find out about the seller's return and refund policy. Be sure to learn about the allowable return period, about any restocking fees that the seller charges and about your liaiblity for the shipping charges for returned merchandise.

6. Keep copies of all transactions including receipts, credit card charges, correspondence, etc. For phone orders, make a note of the merchandise ordered, the price, promised delivery date, and any follow-up conversations. Get the name of the any persons you deal with on the phone.

7. If you have a problem with your order or with the merchandise, write a letter to the seller immediately giving all pertinent information. Make sure you keep a copy of this correspondence. Also notify your credit card company.

8. If the merchandise is not shipped within 30 days, you generally have the right to a cancel your order and receive a complete refund.

9. If you are unable to obtain satisfaction after notifying the seller of your problem, contact the consumer protection agency in the seller's state. And please let us know about it at PriceSCAN.com.


#1: 数码相机能否替代胶片相机? 在十多年的海湾战争中, CNN记者带着重达标一公斤号称3万美金的KODAK的SLR数码相机,第一时间传回前线图片, 令CNN大显风光, 它的图片质量可能还不及你现在口袋里的数码相机, 而且可能不到300加币. 最新的CANON EOS-1Ds 在”大众摄影” (Popular Photography Magazine, http://www.popphoto.com/ 的测试报告中, 细节放大已超出胶片, 而且是full-frame. 当时列出一万美金的高价, 两周后的今天, B&H $7,999.95 有售. 以原文结尾所说, 这个价格很难接受, 但令我们看到了不远的将来.

#2: 跟踪数码相机最低价格




现在可能只是发烧友的考虑, 不久的将来价格将不再是首要因素.

#4: 光学变焦与数码变焦

光学变焦来自物理镜头, 数码变焦来自数码相机的数字处理, 无论数码变焦有多大, 都很难成为选购的因素, 这样的功能很容易在电脑上实现, 比如Microsoft WORD.

#5: 你需要多大像素.

若只用在E-MAIL或电脑显示, 1M便可以了. 电脑显示1024X768=786432 (0.78M), 这样的显示并不一定很合适, 连Windows的Toolbar都找不到. 若竖拍768也超过满屏, 所以我常用640X480拍, 只用到0.3M(640X480=307200). 若需要印出照片, 先确定你的最大要求. 特别强调, 相机厂家, 零售商店和摄影杂志对印出照片的要求是不一样的, 因为目的不同. 比如曾有相机厂家列出150pixels可以印出照片, 1024X768便可印出5"x7"(5X150=750, 7X150=1050, 即1050X750). 摄影杂志要求300pixels, 若要印出常见的4"x6",便需2megapixels. 请参约B&H的Digital Camera Resolution Guide.

#6:大部分数码相机用StartMedia 或 CompactFlash 卡, 建议1-2个16-64MB. 并不是越大越好, 也不是越多越好. 大, 下载时间长, 多, 丢失的机会多. 个人建议若能晚上下载, 比如带手提电脑旅行, 以自己的每日用量选购,并不是最大, 这样的机率有多大. 若长途旅行又不能及时下载, 那不仅是几张卡的问题, 别人已回到家, 卡还在北京的中旅大巴上.

#7: 电池, 这就是数码相机的问题, 因为你节省了胶片支出. 选购充电电池, 充电器, AC Adapter若家用机率多, Panasonic Digital battery. 考虑所有可能的手段, 这是最大的支出.

#8: USB. 两年前也许需要解释.

#9: 软件, 并不是一定要用原厂软件, 根据自己的喜好, 若用原厂软件,务必考虑兼容性及用户界面.

#10: 一个好的数码相机应该有三脚手架接口

Some Links:


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机场接送 旅游观光 小型搬家 摄影服务 416-818-0725
©2003 Richard in Toronto, Canada. All rights reserved, term of use.
发表于 2003-2-23 08:41:41 | 只看该作者
阅. :hi:
发表于 2003-2-28 02:31:06 | 只看该作者


种子姐,好久不见,居然长发飘飘,真是越来越迷人了耶! :p
发表于 2003-2-28 07:41:23 | 只看该作者



种子姐,好久不见,居然长发飘飘,真是越来越迷人了耶! :p

:hello: MM去哪里了?
JJ迷人的不敢,骗人的说. 装:cool2:
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