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加国无忧每日新闻精要 - 2009年9月8日

发表于 2009-9-8 08:07:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


全球竞争力加国排名第9;7月份建筑许可下降11%;GO火车撞死行人湖滨西线封闭后重开;婴儿在西奈山医院车道出生;保守党支持率不降反升自由党下滑2%。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2009-9-8
Good Jobs for All
发表于 2009-9-8 08:51:46 | 只看该作者

北约克枪案 20岁青年身亡

北约克枪案 20岁青年身亡

昨晚9点左右,北约克Leslie St 夹Finch Ave East西北角发生枪击案,1名20多岁青年遭到枪击,胸部中两枪,警方和急救人员赶到之后,发现他已当场死亡,成为多市今年第40名凶杀案死者。

有目击者表示,枪手是孤身一人,开枪后向南面即Finch Ave方向逃走,警方出动警犬在现场一带搜索,但没有多大收获。目前尚不清楚枪手的动机,也没有其太多资料,警方仍在调查事件。但附近居民对枪案感到震惊,称该地区一直比较平静,很少发生这样的暴力命案。



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-8 10:23:06 | 只看该作者
None of the Tory sock-puppets hired to comment seem to be able to put together a simple paragraph of all the wonderful things Harper has accomplished in four years. Canadians are waiting to hear.

Once Liberals start setting out what Harper has actually done to the Canadian economy and how many brave young people have given their lives to back a corrupt regime in Afghanistan, Tory numbers will drop. I cannot think of one positive program implemented in the last four years that has improved life in Canada.

Harper has coasted on the surplus he inherited and the strong banking industry Paul Martin handed him. Well, the surplus was long gone before the recession hit and Canadians can only be grateful that Martin didn't allow the banks to merge in the '90s claiming they needed to grow to compete with the American banks. Our financial situation would be a disaster if Harper had been running the country the last decade. We can only be thankful that he didn't have a majority the last four years. God knows how much worse things would be.

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... dge/article1278722/

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-8 14:23:23 | 只看该作者

回复:北约克枪案 20岁青年身亡

北约克枪案 20岁青年身亡

昨晚9点左右,北约克Leslie St 夹Finch Ave East西北角发生枪击案,1名20多岁青年遭到枪击,胸部中两枪,警方和急救人员赶到之后,发现他已当场死亡,成为多市今年第40名凶杀案死者。

有目击者表示,枪手是孤身一人,开枪后向南面即Finch Ave方向逃走,警方出动警犬在现场一带搜索,但没有多大收获。目前尚不清楚枪手的动机,也没有其太多资料,警方仍在调查事件。但附近居民对枪案感到震惊,称该地区一直比较平静,很少发生这样的暴力命案。




使用道具 举报

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