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发表于 2008-5-14 21:54:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

我几乎含泪看完最后一段CNN有关中国地震报道的文章。我也很同意崔之元发来此信时,所作以下五点评论;另外补加非常重要一条:没有海内外爱国民众对CNN的强烈声讨和有力反击,无法想像 CNN 会发表这种比较客观公正的中国地震报道文字。因此我眼眶中的盐水成分,不仅包涵了对中共基层领导在关键时刻向世界展示中华民族优秀品质的深深感佩,而且也包涵中华民族打赢反击西方媒体妖魔化中国长期战争第一回合的胜利喜悦……。这种感佩、沉痛与喜悦并织的复杂心情,我想是“南方报系”那批只会仰视西方和斜眼怒骂“粪青”的思想精英们,所无法理解和体会得了的。

崔之元的英文附评:Comments on the following story by CNN:

(1) The patience of the earthquake victims shows their confidence in the Chinese government.

(2) This reporter does not understand the difference between a PLA soilder and what he has imagined the totalitarian regime soilder (gas station scene) and the relationship between the Chinese people and PLA (fish and water).

(3) It is very good for him to know how friendly our Chinese people are (share cookie), remember: one of his colleague has insulted the Chinese people as "a bunch of goon and thug".

(4) He had a first-hand experience of what a local Chinese Communist party secretary is: working hard for his community despite he lost his parents, wife and two children.

(5) It is a very good beginning that the western reportor starts to understand China.


CHE JIA VA, China (CNN) -- In Che Jia Va, survivors of the deadly earthquake that struck central China wait patiently for aid. They don't complain.

CNN's John Vause has been in China reporting on the aftermath of the earthquake.

[url=]more photos »[/url]

Among them is a woman with back injuries who cannot walk, and moans loudly. Soldiers eventually found the woman and took her away.
Sheets of plastic protected some of these victims from the rain that came down after the quake. But despite a lack of food, water, phone service and supplies, most of the victims were undemanding and uncomplaining -- some playing cards to pass the time -- confident they would be looked after.
The only complaint we heard was questioning why the government did not give a warning that the quake was coming, the way officials did in 1976, when an earthquake virtually destroyed the city of Tangshan, northeast of Beijing, killing at least 240,000 people.
Many of the people we ran into were still in shock. "It's horrible. There is devastation everywhere," one woman said.
There is a Chinese adage: "Eat bitterness." Or as Americans would say: "Grin and bear it." The Chinese we saw practice that well.
We've had some of the nicest people help us out. There was a guy who had a packet of cookies and wanted to share them, because we were reporting the quake story.
A woman at a gas station, which has a $13 limit per purchase, let us buy $100 worth for our two SUVs. She just came up and helped. There actually were soldiers at the gas stations to ration it out.
As my producer, Wen-Chun Fan, and I did our best to navigate around roads blocked by mudslides and chunks of debris, we saw the aftermath of Monday's 7.9-magnitude quake, the epicenter of which was about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the city of Chengdu in Sichuan province.
The quake was so powerful that homes in Che Jia Va didn't simply collapse. They were smashed apart, and under some of the rubble are the people who once lived there.
Local officials say the focus now is not on finding the dead, but rescuing the living. Survivors huddle together in makeshift tents with nowhere to go. I wonder how structurally sound the remaining buildings are, and realize the impact of the quake will be felt for years. Watch Vause describes how aid is getting to China after the massive earthquake. »
Perhaps the most poignant experience came while we were talking to the local party secretary in Che Jia Va, who gave us directions and pointed out various landmarks -- all the while keeping a stoic face. The town was once home to 13,000 people, and 3,000 are still missing, he says.

As he shows me the damage to his community, I ask how many have died. Tears flow down his cheeks, and he makes no effort to wipe them away. He says that as many as 500 are dead, including his parents, his wife and their two children.

In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. He's needed again, and he runs off -- with apologies -- to go back to work.





  中国科学院工程地质力学重点实验室   李世辉






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